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Which countries to go with a tour group


I have been to a limited number of European countries without a guide, and they all seem managable to me. My understanding is that there are certain countries (e.g., Egypt, China)(OK, so they are not European countries) where you may want to go with a guided tour, rather than to travel by yourself. Reasons include safety, tourism scam, etc.

I am wondering which European countries are considered in the "guided tour" category, and why?

Thanks in advance

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521 posts

I was in the Czech Republic, but I think that I would do it again as a guided tour just because I was not able to get as much out of it as others who were there as part of a tour group. Although I had guides to the country, I feel that I was missing the personal connection of having someone guide me through the historical/social importance of everything that I was seeing. Sadly, I could not afford a personal guide while I was there, so at least a tour group in the future would be valuable.

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9110 posts

From my own experience, Egypt is the only country is the only country in the world where I would recommend a tour. I've traveled to China twice independently and managed just fine, even though I don't speak a word of Mandarin. I can't think of any country in Europe that would require a tour. IMO if you're willing to do the research, study guidebooks, maps, and info on the web, and already have a couple of trips under your belt--you can travel most anywhere in the world on your own. If I've ever felt intimidated about traveling outside my comfort zone, I always remind myself: if those idiots on the Amazing Race can do it, so can I;) For example, since I was a kid and my grandmother gave me a copy of a National Geographic Magazine on the Terra Cotta statues in Xian China, I've always wanted to visit the site. Over the years I've always talked myself out of making the journey: I can't speak the language, China is too far away, it's nothing but a giant police state etc. Then one evening I watched the Amazing Race when they visited the Terra Cotta site, and all the contestants had to do was hail a taxi, and say "Terra Cotta". I said to myself "Hey I can do that" I did it and had a wonderful time.

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881 posts

I can't think of one where I'd think a group is required or advantageous - unless you've heard about a really good tour! :)

I hear it doesn't hurt in Moscow, but I haven't been myself.

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16625 posts

There is no hardfast's good to think about taking a tour in places you don't feel comfortable traveling on your own. And those "places" are different for everyone.

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156 posts

We have travelled extensively and the main reason we have sometimes taken tours is for ease of seeing places that would be difficult to accommodate independently. Egypt was a prime example but not for safety reasons. African safaris are another example. The only place I would consider a tour for safety would probably be Russia and thats because I dont speak the language otherwise I wouldnt consider a tour anywhere in Europe.

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2297 posts

I'd probably consider a tour in Russia. And Turkey, especially for the archeological sites.

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1568 posts

I went on a 2 week tour to Israel and that is one country where you should have a tour guide. At a given moment, they know where it is safe or not to travel. Plus they are so well versed in the history, etc.