From my own experience, Egypt is the only country is the only country in the world where I would recommend a tour. I've traveled to China twice independently and managed just fine, even though I don't speak a word of Mandarin. I can't think of any country in Europe that would require a tour. IMO if you're willing to do the research, study guidebooks, maps, and info on the web, and already have a couple of trips under your belt--you can travel most anywhere in the world on your own. If I've ever felt intimidated about traveling outside my comfort zone, I always remind myself: if those idiots on the Amazing Race can do it, so can I;) For example, since I was a kid and my grandmother gave me a copy of a National Geographic Magazine on the Terra Cotta statues in Xian China, I've always wanted to visit the site. Over the years I've always talked myself out of making the journey: I can't speak the language, China is too far away, it's nothing but a giant police state etc. Then one evening I watched the Amazing Race when they visited the Terra Cotta site, and all the contestants had to do was hail a taxi, and say "Terra Cotta". I said to myself "Hey I can do that" I did it and had a wonderful time.