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Where to go after Greece?

Everyone is always so helpful on here, I hope you don't mind another one of these always-present 'where should I go' questions!

In March I will going along as a semi-chaperone on a guided tour of Turkey and the Greek Islands, ending in Athens. Luckily, the tour company offers a 'stay-behind' and I have the ability to change my departure airport. I would love to spend another week to 10 days somewhere in Europe...however I am having a hard time choosing!

I have already been to France, Italy, and Greece, and think that I'd rather visit somewhere new. I've also already been to Britain and Ireland, and would love to go back...however I'm thinking it would be better to revisit those places in late-Spring, as I have already been in February and March.

Right now I'm thinking about Germany, but then also thinking about Poland. The options are endless and I'm a little overwhelmed...and I have to decide where I will be departing from on Nov 11!

I will be traveling alone, and don't plan on renting a car. I do love history and museums. I've stayed in hostels before, and plan on doing it again to keep costs down. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Posted by
2876 posts

You have lots of possibilities, but coming from Athens you might consider Budapest > Vienna > Prague, or Budapest > Krakow > Prague. Have you seen all of Italy? Italy has so many great destinations from Lake Como all the way down to Sicily, that you might consider returning there to see any places you haven't been.

Posted by
5678 posts

Do you ski? You might want to go Switzerland or Austria or the German Alps. You could do Innsbruck and/or Salzburg.

Do you like music? Then think about going to Vienna. There is lots of history there and wonderful music.

If you do decide to go to Germany be sure and go to Berlin. It's wonderful.


Posted by
1022 posts

Good suggestions so far. You should also consider The Netherlands. Amsterdam is special with great architecture and fine museums. There's a current thread going on Amsterdam in "To The West".

Posted by
119 posts

These are all great suggestions! I never even thought of Budapest and Prague and I have only heard great things about those cities! And Vienna too, I do love classical music...I think I need to do some research now. Thank you all for your suggestions, I really appreciate it.

Posted by
582 posts

I make my living as a classical musician and Vienna is great for that, and don't forget Salzburg where Mozart was born! Salzburg is one of my favorite places! Oh, by the way, I lived in Boston for 7 years. You live in a great city and I miss Boston!!