I'm studying in Rome, and have recently decided to travel to Germany. But I don't have Rick with me! Is there anywhere that I can find Rick's book on Germany in Rome?
Hi Kate,
OK, here is a crazy idea for you...
I couldn't find an Amazon.com for Italy, but there is an Amazon.com in France at www.amazon.fr
I found the Rick Steves Germany guide on it, which you should be able to order, in Euros, and have shipped from Amazon.fr to Italy fairly inexpensively since it is all part of the EU.
Here is the link to the book: http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_ss_w/402-1701027-2200161?__mk_fr_FR=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Rick+Steves+2007+germany
Just in case no one responds with a physical location to purchase the book, this might enable you to get it quickly, without paying for shipping from the US.
I found a few Rick Steve's books at the Anglo American Bookshop, but none for Germany. I also went to the Lion Bookshop, which is an English Bookstore, but not Rick! I suggested they get Rick in there (they have a lot of Lonely Planet), so we'll see what happens. There's another English Bookstore in Rome, but I didn't make it there. I'll write the addresses for the bookstores below in case anyone else is interested.
And Rick, send them your books! Lonely Planet is tooooo overwhelming for me (and the most recent copy for Germany was published in 2004, ugh!).
Anglo-American Bookshop
Via della Vite, 102
(near the Spanish Steps)
The Corner Bookshop
Via del Moro, 48
Lion Bookshop
Via Dei Greci, 33/36
(also in the Spanish Steps area)