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Where is the Romania section?

Looks like Romania is missing as a stand alone forum? Did something bad happen in it, some horrible flame war that got out of control, what gives?

Posted by
32330 posts


I believe that's the question I asked the RS folks not too long ago, as I had also seen the new TV episode. The answer is on my other computer so I can't check it now, but my recollection is that they have no plans to add a Romania section in the near future.

Posted by
16096 posts

I believe that the forum "country" sections and the destinations in his TV episodes coincide with places his tours visit. (Remember, the main business of the RS company is selling tours. By getting people excited about those places, there is a better chance they will take his tours. Brilliant marketing. )

So, perhaps there might be a future tour that includes Romania.

Posted by
996 posts

Ken and Frank are basically right, including the devious marketing scheme. OK, it's not that devious. We do like to be complete in our coverage of any given destination.

The notion is that the forum sections are meant to reflect what we have in the Explore Europe section of this website. We aim to have a critical mass of information about a destination before representing that we know something about it. For Romania to have its own section in the forum, we want to have a supporting cast like guidebook information, a tour, articles, audio, a TV show, etc. The recent TV show is a step in that direction. Romania may very well get its own forum section someday, but there is much more work for us before we can say that is a place to come for information about traveling to Romania. There are currently no plans for a guidebook, tour, etc.

However, the General Europe section is meant to be a catch-all and if you use the Search function at the top, you can find all of the forum posts about Romania. So, instead of clicking on a proper Romania section, just type in Romania (plus any other terms to narrow your search) and use the Filter to view forum topics.

I hope that helps!

Posted by
9153 posts

Shhh, don't tell anyone, but Romania is hiding behind the Iceland forum.

Posted by
707 posts

And further behind are those two little Ls, Latvia and Lithuania!