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Where are those 3D maps w/ landmarks?

I've used some great city maps for walking tours in Europe that had a 3D look. Major landmarks were large and drawn in, so it was easy to find your way, using the landmarks for a guide. There was a cartoonish look to them. I can't remember who made these maps and have had no luck finding them online. Does anyone know who published them and where I might find them? Thanks!

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12040 posts

This probably isn't what you had in mind, but the Eyewitness Travel series has similar maps included in the books. Personally, though, I have found their maps useless at best and downright disorienting at worst.

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9109 posts

This is what you're talking about: I also love these maps, and as you say because the landmarks are drawn into the map it's very easy to memorize the layout of a city. You can order them via the website, I've also spotted them at B&N.
Looks like they can also be downloaded into a mobile device!

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3696 posts

I love these maps also and had not really thought about getting one for my travel...but now I am going to get one for a trip coming up to Paris... I have a special fondness for these maps as we have one that is old and folded with some ripped corners that my dad carried when he was in WWII. It has Paris on one side and the surrounding area on the other along with all the wonderful drawings as well as the words "Luxemburg 1944" in his writing on the corner. It will be fun to compare a new one with this old one.

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1 posts

If you were traveling in the UK, you may be referring to Lapmaps. I haven't used them, but friends have extolled their virtues.

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348 posts

Many thanks for all the great suggestions. I did use Michael's website and got some ordered. Unfortunately, they are out of the Prague maps, but imagine I can get one at tourist information when I get there. Unlike the US I find getting around European cities easier by using landmarks, rather than road signs. Again, thanks for your time.