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When Will We Be Able to Travel to Europe? A recent article on Europe travel rules and outlook

I thought this was a pretty good rundown on rules and outlook for U.S. travelers to Europe. It's dated June 16, so fairly recent.

Iceland will allow you to either self-quarantine for two weeks, take a COVID test or provide evidence of a recent COVID test. I'm wondering if getting a COVID test immediately before your trip will become a staple for travel this year? What about false positives and false negatives? Every test has them - especially newly developed tests.

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9180 posts

A pre-trip test wont prove that you wont get it while you're there, and become a burden on the local health care system. The virus is still active there. That has to be part of their considerations.

Posted by
9180 posts

luftmensch, I'm also addressing two interconnected issues. Countries that are opening up have to consider being able to manage numbers of tourists including providing medical care if they get sick. The coronavirus on top of the usual medical emergencies might be too much strain on the system. Those countries who's health care systems are recovering from the first wave might want to control the numbers of tourists from abroad, and factor that into their decisions. Then there is the perception people in the US have, that one negative test means you should be allowed everywhere.

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5607 posts

Currently you're much more likely to be infected in the USA than almost anywhere in Europe(except UK, Russia, Sweden).

Based on what? Death rates? Infection rates? The 'R' figure? It's impossible to make comparisons between countries because the recording, testing and tracing standards are all different. Is travelling to the UK riskier than travelling to Italy? Who's to say, the basic figures don't take into account the large disparity in how the deaths and infections are recorded/identified between the two countries so it is impossible to state that Italy is safer to visit than the UK.

Posted by
2810 posts

If Europe is waiting on the United States to get the virus under control we may never be allowed back. And who can blame them. Our citizens cannot be bothered to wear a mask because it’s an infringement upon their rights, we’re having political rallies to make sure that we are infect lots of people. Our level of failure to address this it is mine blowing

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10344 posts

Some high risk American travelers (+65, and diabetes + other pre-existing lung problems, etc.) are using this rule of thumb:

I can go to Europe about a month after I get an effective vaccine.
Obviously this assumes that European countries lift their travel ban on Americans.

Your decision, of course, it's your life, and your loves ones.

Posted by
847 posts

Kent - I'm not sure I get what you are trying to say.
"Some high risk American travelers (+65, and diabetes + other pre-existing lung problems, etc.) are using this rule of thumb:
I can go to Europe about a month after I get an effective vaccine.
Obviously this assumes that European countries lift their travel ban on Americans.
Your decision, of course, it's your life, and your loves ones."

Seems like you are implying that people over 65 or with a pre-existing condition should never travel again? Why is traveling once an effective vaccine take effect not a good idea?

Posted by
4744 posts

I totally agree with Carol. You'd think people would learn from the case of the two hairdressers in Missouri who went to work sick and exposed 157 people to the virus and none of them got the virus because THEY WERE ALL WEARING MASKS. Now that we know it works when everyone is wearing them, mask ordinances would sure beat closing down businesses. Does anyone have data or first-hand reports on the number of people wearing masks in Europe?

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5697 posts

At this point, I just want to get my passport back from the renewal office. Without that, it doesn't matter what the other rules say.

Posted by
3050 posts

Does anyone have data or first-hand reports on the number of people wearing masks in Europe?

In Germany, masks are required when riding public transit and in any indoor public space such as shops, museums, churches, and when using public restrooms. In some cases you're asked to wear them when ordering food at a Biergarten. Compliance that didn't involve direct confrontation (as on public transit) was a bit spotty at first, but now it's pretty good. You'll sometimes see people wearing masks when walking outside, but that's not as common, as the data shows that outdoor transmission in passing is not a huge risk.

Posted by
1662 posts

It appears doubtful Americans will be allowed to travel into Italy for a vacation. Restrictions are still set.

For the heck of it, I "booked" a trip from BOS to FCO for December. My go to airline is British Airways - always had great experiences each trip to Italy. Right now, their prices were high. My last trips, I got RT fares for about $550. The dates I chose for the mock booking, fares were starting at $504+ one way. (Usually by August, the fares are half of what they start out for December.)

I then peeked at Aer Lingus on their direct site. They are promoting great fare deals. Since they are part of the alliance with BA, I plugged in my dates. RT airfare $525 - pretty much the same time slots I like except the layover/transiting was a bit shorter but nothing to stress over if plane was a bit late.

Aer Lingus had plenty of great seats available. I went through the whole booking until "payment" then cancelled.

The low RT fare was tempting to secure but with things changing daily, I figured it was not worth the risk to tie up the funds. Sure, if the flight(s) get cancelled, I probably would receive a credit or voucher for next time. For me, it it not worth the hassle right now.

It appears, you can book your reservation with no alert; although there is no guarantee you will be flying from the USA into Italy unless you can quarantine for 14 days. Things may change over the next several months. Still, if there is another wave of the virus, travel will be locked again.

It's galling to see or hear people in their defiance of mask wearing where they should. "Their rights, blah blah." What about the rights of those who do not want to get sick? Use common sense. Then there are those I see driving with a mask on....

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1662 posts

James, I agree. That is true that people have the option to wear a mask or not. Some people for medical reasons cannot wear a mask. I would only hope that if they choose not to wear a mask that they are considerate and keep a good distance from other patrons in a store. I have seen people in the markets without a mask and they do cough but not into their elbow or sleeve. It could be an allergy cough or a nervous cough or a smoker's cough. Since we don't know, it would be nice if people would just practice safety.

A side note, I got some cute masks on Etsy that are handmade. They are material with the ties as opposed to the elastic. Might as well have fun when I wear a mask. What was nice about the sellers is - for every one sold, they would donate one or two. They were not expensive at all. Around $5 - so you factor in the material the labor of making it from the sewing machine and about a dollar to mail them; a good deal and a good deed. 😷

As I wrote in my post above, I was very tempted to book that round trip airfare with Aer lingus. I thought it was a very good deal. but I have a feeling that travel to Italy will still not take place even by the end of the year. I hope that I am wrong, 🤔

Posted by
3157 posts

Laws against drunk driving are to protect others. If someone wants to get drunk and get behind the wheel on an empty road with nobody else around, I say go for it.

Same with wearing a mask. It's to protect others. Why is it so hard to be considerate? Why is wearing a mask such a big freakin' deal?

Sarah, what does masks being "required" mean? Governor Northram of Virginia mandated the wearing of masks in stores, but half the people ignore it. Who enforces the mandate for masks in Germany?

Again, laws and rules without enforcement are suggestions.

Posted by
293 posts

Sarah, what does masks being "required" mean? Governor Northram of
Virginia mandated the wearing of masks in stores, but half the people
ignore it. Who enforces the mandate for masks in Germany?

There are fines behind the requirements to wear masks as well as the social distancing rules, although many regions have not been handing out fines up until this point, at least to private citizens. There was just a story in German media today, that Berlin will start to give fines for failing to adhere to the mask rules in public transit.

Perhaps there is in general a slightly higher adherence to government directives here than in America, though. Also, private businesses are straightforward about enforcing the mask rules; several times I have seen someone come into a store without yet having put on his or her mask, and being asked to step onto the sidewalk until the mask is in place. Of course, not everyone wears the masks correctly. But, I was on a train the other day, and the ticket controllers were also telling people to adjust their masks when they weren't wearing them properly. I have also seen teams from the Ordnungsamt (a German authority responsible for enforcing regulations) talking to people in businesses and on public transit about improper mask wearing.

I have not seen anyone without a mask in a store at all since our mask requirement began. I don't ride public transit often, but I imagine that there is at least some non-adherence there, but I have not seen any maskless people in my few train rides either. It may be different in places like Berlin and Munich, though.