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When to make hotel reservations?

I know I can count on your experiences. Now seems a little early but I am seeing more and more posts about travel to Europe next year. I had planned make hotel reservation after the first of the year, but now I'm second guessing my thinking and wondering if I should start making them now. Cancellable/refundable of course. I'm look at 5 days in London (Cherry Court Hotel), 4 days in Paris (Hotel Clement), Chartres RS hotel is booked for 1-night pre-tour, 1 night in Milan (Hotel Berna), 4 nights in Venice (undecided).
I don't think rates will change much, but rooms may not be available in the hotels I've chosen. What do you think?

Edited to add dates: fly PHX to LHR Aug 31, return home Sept 28 from VCE. Flights aren’t booked yet since both Delta and American haven’t opened up the end of Sept. With the rumored price increases for the holidays, I’m hoping rates will go back down after the first of the year.

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6113 posts

If they are refundable, why not book now?

I have booked my accommodation for next October in Spain already.

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7484 posts

We reserve hotels after purchasing the airline tickets. If you want a particular hotel, earlier is generally better. When we made our Sicily reservations in 2018, we couldn’t get our number one hotel choice for a couple towns four months in advance.

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609 posts

When is your trip? I pulled the trigger last week and booked all our accommodations for next April/May. Several places I was looking at were starting to book up and one was no longer available. I’m booking self catered places, obviously different from hotels but if you can book with no penalty I’d go for it.

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2580 posts

As long as they are fully cancelable/refundable, book now. I booked all of mine for next year and also chose the option to pay the hotel on arrival so no money will change hands until then.

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3961 posts

I would also book earlier than later. Since you are looking at cancellable/refundable, go for it!
I have booked hotels after purchasing flights as far as 10 mo. in advance. We like to travel the month of September & have had good luck finding reservations in our requested hotels. Enjoy your planning!

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4854 posts

Typically I wait until I've booked my flights-but that is more of a convenience thing so I don't have to go back and adjust the dates of my reservations, but I had the same thoughts as you and have booked all of my hotels for my Scotland June 2022 trip. I decided to listen to the crystal ball in my head that said as confidence grows that we really will be getting back to a closer to normal situation, that demand will grow and possibly prices will go up. I avoided any hotels that insisted on a deposit or with no cancellation policies.

*I'm excited for you and a few others on this forum that are doing the Loire to the South of France tour. Going to love reading your trip reports (hint, hint) to compare how I saw it through my eyes.

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10534 posts

If you know when you need the reservations for, have picked your specific hotels you want, and can get cancelable reservations, why not reserve?

(I would guess that it is too early to reserve for next September — but if it's not, why not go ahead and reserve?)

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8155 posts

In the past, I always booked initial hotels with free cancellation in November/December for the following August/September trip. After the end of December, I would check hotels again - some that look full already may not be taking reservations, yet. Usually i would make 1-2 changes. By the end of January I had my lodging reservations firm.

This will be the third time I’m booking some of these hotels for our “2020 Mother/Daughter trip to Italy”. Hoping 2022!!

Posted by
277 posts

We booked hotels in June 2020. Cancelled and rescheduled for September 2020. Ditto for June 2021. Ditto for August 2021. And finally made it to Europe for our "Plan E" which was Brittany in August. In each case we cancelled well in advance but I'm sure everywhere we booked understood the situation given Covid. Do it now.

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17606 posts

We are going to Italy (Dolomites) and then the UK at around the same time as you, next September. I am finding there are some discounts for booking now, still at refundable rates. Hotel Berna, for example, was 15% off, so 123 euros for a “quality” double with breakfast. Other places in Italy were also offering discounted prices.

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1117 posts

I like to travel spontaneously with as little pre-booking as possible, but one thing I always watch out for are national holidays. Learned that lesson trying to find a motel on the weekend of one of those President's birthdays in the US...

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23747 posts

We are out of sinc with most. Probably our age. Other than the first couple of nights and the last night, we are still wing it. Haven't had to sleep in the RR station yet. It is rare to book more than a couple of days, maybe three in advance.

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4854 posts

Still wing it?? I'm waaay to anal for that. Besides, my wife still likes to remind me of how we ended up in a motel in Minot, ND that cost $25/night and our headboard was up against a wall next to a biker bar. Motorcycle noise outside all night, and pounding music inside.

Posted by
2207 posts

Hotel booking patterns are changing - no doubt impacted by COVID. In the last few weeks, I have met with 100+ hoteliers at conferences in Seville (EMOYIONS 2021) and in Paris (DUCO FRANCE) and they all said the same thing. Since June 2021, they have all had record sales - WITHOUT the "normal" North American traveler numbers.

Like their North American counterparts, when the COVID restrictions were lifted, Europeans traveled - a lot! As a result, these hotels all said they've had their best June, July, August, and September - EVER! And because Europeans tend to stay longer - and often return to the same location year after year - they have already received heavy bookings for 2022. This has led to fewer rooms being available in the upcoming season. Also, at most hotels, the first rooms to sell out are generally the least expensive (entry-level) and the most expensive. Thus, as rooms close out, what's left are the "middle" rooms. So where you might want a Classic or Deluxe room, all that's left is a Jr. Suite. So category availability may drive your hotel costs up!

In previous years, we've always booked air first, because that gives you starting and ending DATES and LOCATIONS. Then, you tend to work the trip from the "outside-in." Now, due to COVID, most folks are booking their hotels first - because they are refundable, whereas AIR is often a challenge to get a refund. Then, they secure air that "fits" their hotel dates. It's a totally different pattern and a sign of the times.

What you lose in air savings, you could make up getting the room you want ... and at a lower price based on category availability. So we're seeing a different approach to hotel bookings and we have booked rooms as far out as August 2023. The hoteliers I met - after a tough 18 months - are excited about 2022 and beyond. And that will generally mean fewer rooms and higher costs.

Posted by
3211 posts

Thank you RnR for an insider’s report. Much appreciated.

I’ve been in contact with all 4 hotels/B&Bs. Two do not have their dates open yet. For the other two I will make reservations ASAP. I chose Corte Campana b&b in Venice. Thanks everyone for all the hotel recommendations!