I'm looking at the 2017 calendar. I'd like to take two trips that I'd hoped to do this year, but . . . .
I have a 2.5 week independent trip in the drawer for Warsaw-Krakow-Budapest. I also want very much to visit Greece with an emphasis on the ancient, probably on an RS tour.
I do not do well in hot weather, so summer is out! I'd originally planned the Warsaw trip for late May to mid-June and thought Greece would be nice at the beginning of October. Then I read that [1] Greece is pretty in the spring, wildflowers and greenery and [2] by October the tourist industry is closing up, and workers are worn out. So I'm thinking of switching and taking a spring tour to Greece. Possible tour dates for me: March 20-April 2 or April 24-May 7, or one of the 2 October tours. I'm leery of i being too hot on a later tour. If I do that, when would be the best time, weather-wise, for the Warsaw trip? I could reverse the order and start in Budapest, but since I've been there, I like the idea of starting with places that are new and then having less stress later by returning to somewhere familiar. My calendar is open for September-October except for the 2nd half of Sept.
As always, I appreciate all your suggestions and advice.