If you decide on getting one, one of the advantages, incentives to getting rail pass is that you can order it on-line 11 months in advance of your projected departure, then you have another 2 months to use it up. I bought my pass last Nov, have had to postpone already my summer trip twice due to family considerations, I have until Oct to activate the Pass, but it looks as though I 'll be able to go by mid-July, right at peak-peak season, at which time I'll activate the Pass giving me 2 months (60 days) to use it up from the date of activation Activation means the date is stamped onto your pass in the space provided.
You get the pass in the mail, it's paper protected by an envelope stapled on the Pass, it's not plastic, not laminated along with an informational booklet, which I suggest you read carefully. The last few times I ordered it on-line, the Pass arrived with a week of placing the order, normal shipping. No way am I going to pay extra just to expedite its arrival...I wait instead.
You could "protect" the Pass by putting transparent scotch tape over the potentially weak spots, eg, over the staple front or back so it doesn't come lose through "wear and tear." The train controller doesn't care, they're looking at other things pertaining to the Pass.
I use the Pass for traveling in Germany, a lot of zig zag traveling, and between Germany and Austria on the night train connections, used to do it in France too but ended that practice.
I would rather receive the Pass at home, put the order in now, you'll receive it before June is out. it's exactly 7 days, I record the dates, the date of arrival too.