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What would you do? Itinerary Q

Time/money aside. If you were in your 30's and traveling mid to late September would you do: 1. Prague, vienna, Budapest, 2. Prague, Vienna, hallstatt, 3. Prague, Brussels, Bruges, 4. Prague, cinque Terre?????
Too many choices and not enough decision makers.

Posted by
23727 posts

Flip a coin. Really there is no correct answer. I would pick the group with the least travel time. Plan on returning. That makes your decision easier.

Posted by
1633 posts

Sounds like you have two weeks, right? If so, then choice number one. Next trip, concentrate on Italy or on Brussels/Bruges.

Posted by
16884 posts

Any of them will do but if you decide on Prague, Brussels, Bruges, I might suggest substituting Antwerp for Brussels. We personally liked that one more than Brussels.

Posted by
21414 posts
  1. Prague, vienna, Budapest, gives you insight into a region. Prague and Budapest seem to have more impact on younger people than Vienna, unless you are into museums and ...... but everyone is different. Just a wild guess would be to break up the trip: 35% Prague, 20% Vienna and 45% Budapest.

  2. Prague, Vienna, hallstatt. Hallstatt is just no substitute for Budapest.

  3. Prague, Brussels, Bruges. Burges yes, Brussels no. Check the travel times. Still don't see a substitute for Budapest.

  4. Prague, cinque Terre????? has too much wasted travel time

Lets say its two weeks, then I think one of the great tours is:
1. Saturday leave the US
2. Sunday Arrive Prague (recommend you start with Prague and end with Budapest)
3. Monday Prague
4. Tuesday Prague
5. Wednesday Prague
6. Thursday Morning Shuttle Prague to Cesky Krumlov
7. Friday Late Afternoon Shuttle to Vienna
8. Saturday Vienna
9. Sunday Vienna
10. Monday Morning Train Vienna to Gyor – visit Pannonhalma Archabbey
11. Tuesday Afternoon Train Gyor to Budapest
12. Wednesday Budapest (Pest)
13. Thursday Budapest + Szentendre; half day train up, boat back.
14. Friday Budapest (Buda)
15. Saturday Budapest (remainder of Pest)
16. Sunday Budapest to the states


Posted by
12315 posts

My rule is about making sense with your time - in this case travel time. I rarely comment on itineraries because I don't want to rain on people's parades.

In this case I'd do Prague, Vienna, Budapest because they go together logically - without wasted time/money getting between the destinations.

I like Hallstatt with Salzburg and Munich.

I don't like adding either Belgium or Cinque Terra. IMO, it's like including Dallas Texas and New York in the same U.S. vacation. You're crossing a lot of territory to get to your next stop, which will burn valuable time and money.

Posted by
487 posts

Depending on your interests, Oktoberfest in Munich starts on September 19, 2015 and could fit in with the Prague, Vienna, Budapest/Hallstat route. You don't mention how much time you have, but we did a similar two week trip a few years ago and it was a lot of fun. We started planning our Oktoberfest trip about this time of year, so it should not be too late to find accommodations.

Posted by
2 posts

Thanks everyone for your opinions! They were helpful--great to know about Oktoberfest too!!!

Posted by
16884 posts

If you're even considering Oktoberfest in Munich, we just stayed in a nice hotel which is practically across the street from the festival grounds. Rates will likely triple during the event but it's a great location, great staff, good breakfast, and all-in-all a pretty sweet property. There wasn't a thing we didn't like:

Hotel Bavaria: Gollierstraße 9
80339 München

Spring for a room in the back with a small balcony overlooking the terrace.

Posted by
7175 posts

Budapest => Vienna => Prague
But why stop there? Continue on ...
Prague => Dresden => Berlin => Hamburg => Amsterdam => Bruges

Posted by
7196 posts

@djp - spoken like a true Aussie. They normally seem to visit Europe in a 4-6 week time frame rather than the short 2-3 week trips others take to Europe.

EDIT oops, forgot to put in my 2 cents regarding the OP's options, I definitely like option 1 - Prague, Vienna, Budapest.

Posted by
7175 posts

So true. After about a dozen trips to Europe in nearly 30 years I have decided a 5 week visit is the optimum length of time. That's when the longing for your own bed and the desire to tip the contents of your suitcase into a washing machine really kick in. I did 16 days once to London and Barcelona - never again!!

Posted by
7175 posts

Well Sydney - London at 23 hours is a bit of a difference to New York - London at 7 hours. One has to make sure the voyage is worth it, doesn't one ?? lol

Posted by
12315 posts

If you have time, I like the suggestion of adding Dresden and Berlin - but only if you have time. Adding Hamburg and Amsterdam isn't a bad idea, either, but requires more time than most of us have available.

Yes the Aussies travel for long periods of time. If you fly half way around the world to get there, you need to make the trip worthwhile. I feel the same way even though I'm only flying to Europe from the states.

Aussies are also the only ones I've met who regularly buy and sell used cars while traveling.

Posted by
15237 posts


If I were in my 30s, traveling in mid-Sept, and presumably with your time limit, I would easily choose #1...Prague, Vienna, Budapest, mainly because the other places listed basically don't appeal to me, not interested in them. You can take the night train between Prague to Budapest to squeeze in more time.

Posted by
21414 posts

djp_syd ; absolutely and I would do the same if the situation permitted. I envy you. My home to Budapest generally runs anywhere from 17 to 20 hours. London is about 4 hours faster.