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What to do after attending class in Lyon, France (in about 5 days)?

I am attending a class in Lyon, France next April. My husband will accompany me. We have both been to Lyon a couple times, and to the South of France. He wants to go to Switzerland. I have already gone, so think he can go while I am attending my class. I was thinking of what to do after the class. We would have about five days. Was considering Basel, Cologne, Ghent, Bruges, Luxembourg, Amsterdam. (I know we can't do all of these.) Any suggestions on what would be the most interesting/beautiful to see? OR, Something else that I haven't considered?

I am figuring we will fly home from Paris, but could also fly home from London.

Also we tend to like smaller towns/cities rather than large cities. But will go to a large city if worth seeing.

We will probably travel by train, but could consider car. Thank You!

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873 posts

What about Burgundy? You could travel by train but to see the smaller places it will be easier to have a car. Wander around and see delightful small towns. Great food and wine. You could fly out of Paris.

Have you been to Paris? That's an obvious good choice but not a small town.

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1923 posts

I think Burgundy is a great choice! One of my favorite places in the world! The other options you suggested all seem way too big to me to fit into the category of smaller towns/cities. Cologne has 1 million people in it! But, for us, we like small villages of 200-1,000 people, or even up to 40 K, but smaller is better. You will find adorable medieval villages all over the place in Burgundy. You could also head to the Loire Valley (beautiful chateaus) before heading to Paris. Better to have a car for these regions.

Really can't go wrong anywhere you choose! Good Luck

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2 posts

Thanks for the suggestions. We have been to the Loire Valley and to Paris. But Burgundy may be a possibility. The small villages sound lovely.

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7175 posts

Go with your thoughts.
Lyon >> Luxembourg (1) >> Ghent/Bruges (2) >> Amsterdam (2)
Hopefully you can arrange to fly out of Amsterdam.
With an extra day you could include a diversion down the Mosel to Koblenz with an overnight in Cologne.