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What's your "Dream Trip" and Why?

In Kent's post about the declining # of posts it came up that some of us want to add some fun and philosophy to the boards. I'll try to start.

If you could take a 2 to 4 week trip without worrying about costs, where would you go, what would you do and WHY? Try not to make posts TOO long- just dream aloud so to speak and give us a brief explanation.

Feel free to post multiple dream trips-- I know I will have several.

Maybe this will help us (and newbies) learn more about each other and our own personal travel modes and mindsets.

Posted by
14809 posts

Hi Toni,

I am an Europe apologist, unrepentant and incorrigible. AND, Europe is not only among my top 5, but it's # 1 as well!

"4 week trip without worrying about costs"--you mean money is no problem...Fantastic and a lot more flexiblity. I can stay at hostels as well as in a 5 star hotel, if need be.

But 4 weeks won't do it... I need 4 full months from May to October, which means I'll need the visa too, but there are ways of getting around that.

My first choice/top priority destinations would be: England, Scotland, France, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Finland, Lithuania, Austria, Czech Republic. If there is any time remaining, then northern Italy.

I would need at least 2 Eurail passes, if not a third one, take the ferries to get to my destinations, whether it takes 6hrs or 21hrs, and maybe use the discount airlines for open jaw flights, depending.

The next dream trip would focus on Japan and China, taking two consecutive tours.

Posted by
3262 posts

Thanks Toni! It's nice to have a trip to dream about on a really rainy day in the South!

One of my dreams is for my husband and I to rent an apartment in Paris for at least one month--maybe two!

Posted by
1317 posts

I love! Laura's post. With the exception of Borneo, I think she has been spying on my brain.

If I could go anywhere, I'd go to Italy. Sure it's typical, sure I've just been twice in 2 years, but it's captured my soul. I'd fly into Milan and work my way east, turn south after Venice and go down the Adriatic coast to the boot/Calabria. Hop across to Sicily for awhile, and then back up to Naples/Amalfi/Sorrento. Pass through Rome, say 'hi' to Florence, and unwind in Cinque Terre before returning home. I'd need more than 4 weeks for sure!

Other places of interest: India, Australia, France, Belize, Vermont, and Prague.

Posted by
9109 posts

For me it would be the world's most isolated island: Tristan da Cunha. Located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean it only has 275 residents and too small for an airport. The only way to reach the Island is by private yacht, or via a couple of supply ships a year from Cape Town. Some cruise ships that happen to pass by do sometimes stop let passengers ashore for a quick visit. There isn't much to do or see on the island, just the fact it's so remote and "disconnected" to the rest of the world makes it appealing.
Around 1990 PBS had an hour long travel documentary about it, and I have been fascinated by the place ever since. The Island has their own website and I love checking it everyday keeping up with the local gossip:

Posted by
811 posts

I'd say an African safari ranks right up there for my husband and I because last time I checked, we don't have any wild elephants running around the streets of Chicago.

I'd also like to add an Antarctic cruise and spending a couple of months bumming around Australia and New Zealand (including Kangaroo Island, the "Galapagos of Australia").

Posted by
1122 posts

I love this question!

M dream trip would include a bicycling tour of New Zealand's wine country. If the trip was four weeks, then I would include Australia too. There is something so magical about experiencing a place on a bike. The sounds and smells are different and you are able to connect with locals in a way that isn't possible when driving.

Okay, now it's time to start planning this vacation. :)

Posted by
9153 posts
  1. Egypt - a dream since I was a child and wanted to be an archeologist

  2. Australia & New Zealand - something about being in such a different kind of place, and with such natural beauty and odd animals attracts me. Plus the people are so darn nice.

  3. Tibet - would love to go see Lhasa, where the Dalai Llama used to live, along with the breath-taking scenery

  4. Someplace where I can see the Northern Lights

  5. Polynesia or Hawaii - the islands have always fascinated me. Especially after reading James Micheners "Hawaii"

There are tons of other places, cities, etc. that I would like to see, but these places are my top 5.

Posted by
9369 posts

Definitely Australia and New Zealand! But if I had to pick just one, it would be New Zealand.

Posted by
356 posts

1) India. My father came from there and I would love to see where he grew up and went to school. I also just think the culture is fascinating and some of the areas are so beautiful.

2) Japan. I just think Tokyo looks fabulous and again the culture fascinates me. And I would just have to go to the Hello Kitty theme park!

3) Italy. A friend grew up in Italy and I would just like a few weeks to soak up the lifestyle.

4) Borneo. I adore orangutans and I would like to go on one of the trips to the rescue centres. I am not sure how I would cope with trekking through the jungle and encountering giant insects though.

5) Errr, can I also go everywhere else in the world?

Posted by
1568 posts

I've already taken my dream trip. My daughter and I went to Europe for 8 weeks - 8 countries in 2005. It was far more than I ever dreamed of.

We went to Holland, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg and Czech Republic.

I collected information and asked questions here and on The Thorn Tree. The trip went without any problems thanks to all the help from these boards.

I also went to Israel for 2 weeks in 2007.

Were planning to go to Portugal, Spain and Italy in 2010 and now postponed to 2011.

Posted by
1591 posts

A couple of dream trips

1) Following in the footsteps of Paul Theroux, I would love to do the overland trip from London to India though I realize the current situation in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan is not conducive to doing this anytime soon.

2) Traveling the Karakoram Highway from Gilgit into China

3)Traveling the Pamir Highway from Tajikistan into Kyrgyzstan and over the infamous Torugut Pass into W. China

4) Doing the old Silk road from Turkey through Central Asia and ending in Xian.

Posted by
207 posts

My top 5 of the places I haven't already been.

  1. Egypt - always dreamed of going there.
  2. Machy Picchu in Peru
  3. Ireland
  4. Spain
  5. The Caribbean
Posted by
888 posts

What a great question!

  1. Botswana and Victoria Falls (always wanted to go to Africa and reading the Number One Ladies Detective Agency books helped me narrow it down to this specific country; it's a good safari country as well)
  2. Australia (I think it would be fun to be upside down)
  3. Iran (my family is from there, but have not been able to go back and visit since we moved when I was 12)
  4. Machu Picchu
  5. Rome, Florence, Venice trip (can't believe I haven't been yet; hopefully, all will go for my planned spring trip there)
  6. Northern Sweden for the northern lights
Posted by
416 posts
  1. Olduvai Gorge to walk in Lucy's footsteps (not to mention Richard Leakey's). When I was in the 4th grade I did a paper on becoming a paleontologist after reading about Lucy in Scientific American. Had to have a dictionary at hand to read the article, but it whetted my appetite for Science.

  2. Thailand (love Thai food, would like to experience it there and maybe take cooking classes)

  3. Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Poland

  4. Slovakia in 2010 for the International Dobermann Club Weltmeisterschaft. This showcases my first breed, the Doberman Pinscher.

  5. Either Chateau Landon, France in Spring 2010 or The Netherlands in 2011 for the Continental Pointers Spring European Cup. My second breed, the Vizsla, belongs to this group.

Posted by
1266 posts

Toni - Thanks for the question. My dream trip would be a golf trip to Scotland in memory of my father. He got me hooked 40 years ago.

Posted by
590 posts

1.Middle East
2.Rwanda/Uganda to see the gorillas
5.Take the Trans-Mongolian train from Moscow to Beijing.

Posted by
441 posts
  1. Ireland again! To be exact, Kilarny National Forest 2. Jordan 3. Africa 4. Provance 5. Trans Siberian train
Posted by
400 posts

The top of my list would definately be an African Safari, followed by China (the culture is just so totally different) which would include a bike ride along the Great Wall and finally island hopping in Greece. I don't think this could all be done in a month though. Can I have 2?

Posted by
4555 posts

Following the route of the Silk Road from Europe through the Middle and Near East, Central Asia (cities like Bokhara and Samarkand), then across the Pamirs to the high plains of Mongolia and into Beijing.

Posted by
284 posts

Why? Cover major cultural sites that I have not visited yet.

How long? 4 to 5 weeks

Where? The following in order or reverse order:

1) Wat temple complex and surroundings (Cambodia)

2) Purna Kumbh Mela in Prayag (15 days - one week on both
sides of the festival of Makar Sankranti) (India)

3) Taj Mahal (India)

4) Hermitage and nearby Museums and Palaces (Russia)


Posted by
2758 posts

If time and money were not an issue, I would probably go to Australia and New Zealand. I have been dreaming about New Zealand ever since I saw the Lord of the Rings triology.

Another dream would be Israel, Egypt, Turkey and Jordan.

And I still haven't been to Italy, even though my travel dreams started with a National Geographic article on Pompey.

In reality, though, every European trip feels like a dream trip to me, even though I am always limited in time and money.

Posted by
694 posts

Cruise from California to New Zealand (Hawaii, Bora Bora, Tahiti, Fiji) then spend 1-2 months visiting, New Zealand and Australia, and fly back home. Why, because i don't think i will be able to go to all these wonderful places separately, not enough time and money!

Posted by
162 posts

1) Beijing to Mumbai, this would take me six months.

2) Quito to Rio, this would take six months.

3) Paris to Dakar, but a little more leisurely than the famous race.

Being a school teacher, my summer trips have already been 9 weeks, so to make it a dream, I need to increase the length of time. I'll probably never get to India in the summer because of the monsoons, and I won't get to West Africa because it is too hot in the summer. So these are dreams.

Posted by
2092 posts

My dream trips at this time are just to return to the places I've lived. So far I've only been able to return to Lausanne but one of these years, I'd love to go back to Nairobi--although I doubt that a month would be enough for me! Maybe that could be combined with a return to Egypt--haven't lived there, just visited twice. Bangkok, Agana, Kobe, Lagos, Monrovia, Djakarta would be fun to return to and maybe visit areas nearby as well.
Thanks, Toni for a great topic!

Posted by
3428 posts

Chris- as a recently retired educator, I understand about the time constraints. Maybe someday you will be able to be flexible. But enjoy what you can do now.

Everyone- I am enjoying the responses. Now for some of my dream trips (there are many);

Italy- hubby has refused to even consider it in the past. Now he is saying maybe because USAIR is adding a direct flight to Rome from Charlotte.

Ditto for South America. USAIR adding Charlotte/Rio flight might get us there sometime in the future.

Hong Kong, Bejing, and other stops in China- need 8-12 weeks for this one.

Return to Austrialia and go on to New Zeland.

Time to return to the UK and just wander around- less structure and more leasure.

Russia and the old USSR states.

Prague, Budapest, Lubjianna, - explore this broad area.

AHHHH the dreams go on and on and on....

Keep sharing it's fun to ejoy your dreams as well as my own....

Posted by
1624 posts

I would like to have a true adventure, maybe an African Safari or India. My husband thinks I'm a bit boring but I think deep inside there is an adventurer waiting to come out. I'd like it to include something that's physically challenging as well.

A few years ago we rented a villa for a week and I would love to take an extended trip where we go from week-long rental to week-long rental (to really get a feel for a country). Maybe when I'm up to five weeks of vacation...

By the way, Chris from BC, can BC teachers take the four over five option? That's popular in Ontario.

Posted by
1358 posts

If money were no object, then, heck, I'm going to all the expensive places! Scandinavia and Switzerland, here I come!

Posted by
934 posts

Ive been to many places in Europe but would like to go to the Holy land.

Posted by
65 posts

When I think of dream trips I think of the highly unlikely and of lifelong wishes. With that said I'd do a similar trip to Nancy's(Texas) with two exceptions. One, I'd follow Lucy's footsteps in Awash Valley of Ethiopia. And two, I'd be following Donald Johansons footsteps.

Posted by
1806 posts

I'd rather rough it a little more to stretch a 2-4 week trip into something much longer and spend the time in Russia or China. 4 weeks in either would just not be enough. Would like to spend at least 2 weeks sailing on a Chinese Junk, so need lots more time for exploring the land once I'm off the water.

Posted by
108 posts

To be 19 again, recently graduated from high school, a 3 month Eurail pass in my hand, backpack on my back, $2000 to my name, and having the time of my life.

Well..OK...this time I wouldn't mind having a little more money ;)

Posted by
149 posts

Seeing as money is no object, I'd hire someone with a sailboat to sail around the Mediterranean,with ports of call in every country. I'd be able to cross several things off my bucket list: cycling through the lavender fields of Provence, hiking the Cinque Terre, Italian opera, a godola ride in Venice, Shopping the Turkish and Moroccan bazaars, stepping into Bible times in the Holy Land, lazing on a Greek Isle, cruising up the Nile, riding a camel throught the desert... hmm, can I do all that in 2 weeks? ;)

Posted by
27 posts

venice and make a true Ventian mask

Africa and dance one time with tribes people

India- wash my feet in the Ganges river and pay tribute to Ghandhi memorial site

Australia, to climb Ayers rock in a frock

Posted by
1717 posts

Hi Toni. I will talk about travel to Europe or Britain, because these web pages are for talking about travel to Europe or Britain. I desire to fly across the Atlantic Ocean (to England) in the day time. American Airlines has a flight departing from Chicago in the morning, it arrives at London Heathrow airport in the evening. British airways has flights departing from New York City JFK in the morniong, and from Dulles (Washington D.C. area) in the morning. All of my travel across the Atlantic Ocean from the U.S.A. was at night, arriving at my destination in the morning. I did not sleep enough in the airplane, and I felt miserable in the entire trip.

Posted by
9110 posts

Krak Chevalier. It's the last stinking castle on my list and I don't think I'll ever figure out a way to get there (and get back with my hide intact).

Posted by
1591 posts

Ed - we were at Krak de Chevaliers last year (summer 2008) and it was easy getting there. You should have no problems. Go for it.

Posted by
97 posts

This is a great question. I love traveling and have traveling nearly everyplace I want to here in the states, and Canada. This spring will be our first europe vacation. So here are my top 5 - I am hoping my hubby gets bit by the travel bug and our trips become a bit more frequent...

1) Italy for 2-3 months, enough time to visit Venice, Florence, Cinque Terre, Rome and Sicily

2) Ireland - for at least 2 weeks

3) Australia for at least a month

4) The Greek Islands for 2-3 weeks

5) Hawaii for 2 weeks.

Posted by
54 posts

Top 5 "Dream" trips for me--
1) Galapagos Islands
2) Madagascar (I love Lemurs)
3) Easter Island
4) A summer in Switzerland
5) Egypt

Posted by
485 posts

I'm a music teacher. My dream trip would be to travel to all the famous composers' birthplaces, visit their museums, and buy a small souvenir to display in my music room.

So far, I've gone to Bonn (Beethoven's birth house) and Salzburg (Mozart's birth house). At each place I purchased a print, music, and other small items. One year I brought back 40 Beethoven pencils for my students, which they loved.

Still on my list to go to: Vienna (Strauss), Warsaw (Chopin), Eisenach (Bach), and Hamburg (Brahms).

It would be great to go on a "Composer's Tour".

Posted by
2030 posts
  1. Tour France, then spend the last 5 or so days in Venice.
    Reason: I love Paris, but would like to see more of the country, and I want to visit Venice again.

  2. Cruise the Nile

  3. Tour England and Ireland

  4. Roam through Tuscan hill towns

Posted by
38 posts

Hi Toni,

This is a great question. My dream trip would be spent along the Italian and French riviera. My husband, son and I often dream of winning the lottery and moving to Nice or Cannes (we go every 2 years for 6 weeks).


Posted by
97 posts

WOW ! I've loved reading about everyone's dream trips. I wonder why there isn't a "trip report" sort of forum here, where folks that have taken some amazing trips could write about them?

Posted by
9153 posts

The Graffiti Wall is about specific tips, not a Trip Report page. I think a seperate Trip Report page would be a grand idea too. I enjoy reading them over on Trip Advisor and on Fodors and wish more people would write them here, especially if they have asked a lot of questions, where lots of people have contributed info. I am always curious how the trips turned out. The biggest problem on the Helpline is the limited amount of space you can use on one post, which would make it hard to post a Trip Report about your 6 weeks in Europe.

Posted by
3428 posts

Jo- I agree. I've wished for a report section for several years. It would have to be larger and a bit more flexible than these boards. But it would be helpful. I think "newbies" would love to read them prior to starting their own trips and maybe even before posting questions.

Posted by
10559 posts

A trip report section would be fantastic! How can we make it happen?

Posted by
3428 posts

Maybe is individuals contacted the webmaster???? It took a bit of time, but he finally added the much needed "stickies" to all the Helpline boards after such requests. Go for it!

Posted by
444 posts

I love questions like this. I'm always dreaming about wonderful trips, but this week's "Dream Trip" would be going to Italy or France and attending a cooking school for a week. I would love to travel through the markets, see where the food is grown/made, share stories with the other students, and take cooking classes from an inspiring instructor. I think it would be a blast !!