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What does (Invalid) mean when you see it in post?

See (Invalid) in things I read or receive. What does it mean? What is (Invalid)? Thanks for clearing it up. Maybe it was something I had not kept up with!

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780 posts

When someone puts a double dash after words, it goes Invalid. Single dash is fine. Example: London - Where should I go first? or London [INVALID] Where should I go first?

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10344 posts

Marie: This site is having a continuing software problem, that began a few weeks ago, and is causing certain characters to be rendered [INVALID]. A double dash gets you an [INVALID], but a single dash - works.

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19237 posts

Also, certain words, that have meaning in some programming language, like "selekt" (I can't spell it correctly, or it won't display), can't be displayed.

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571 posts

I particularly enjoyed reading a recent posting about Paris when someone followed Les Invalides with a double dash, causing "Invalides [Invalid]".

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4412 posts

Yes, Matt, the Helpline can also perform auto-translation...