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What do you do two months before your trip?

I’m at the 49-day countdown (thanks, TripIt!) and thinking about things I like to do during this month in preparation for my next trip. It’s that stage where the itinerary is solid, most activity reservations are made, and it’s too early to think about the checklist of items that start happening the last two weeks before a trip.

Give me your ideas! Yes, I’m getting excited!

So far I have:

  • Seriously eat healthy. I am wanting to feel my best when traveling.
  • More walking.
  • Try on the clothes & shoes that are options to make sure they fit and are still in good condition.
  • Review my packing list for any changes for this trip.
  • Check my backpack and personal item for any damage and air them out in the fresh air.
  • Peruse the forum for new items I didn’t know I might need to buy. ; )
  • Review the most current reviews of my lodgings since my reservation on - I changed two B&B’s in 2023!
  • Begin my box of supplies on the guest bed for the trip.
  • Check my prescriptions to make sure I will have refills in time.
  • Prepare mental supplies. For me that’s having a couple of songs picked out especially for a trip to think about in churches and also some piano music memorized when there’s a piano available to play in a train station, museum (with permission) or B&B.
  • Deciding on sketching supplies for quiet outdoor times in Puglia when places are closed.
Posted by
631 posts

Add my trip to STEP.
Check on airport lounges for connections and departures (through credit card).
Update ( if necessary) any new credit card info in my google travel doc in case lost or stolen.

Posted by
6662 posts

Let's see, as of today we are 64 days out from our next trip. Mostly, I'm beginning to panic about things that are pretty much out of my control, and therefore not worth thinking, much less panicking, about.

However, we are upping our exercising: more walking for Stan, stairs and leg strengthening for me. I'm also reviewing my trip spreadsheet, making sure hotels and transportation are covered. Transportation within Europe has been the biggest challenge, and I don't have all the holes plugged yet.

We're also watching some Great Courses series that cover the areas in which we'll be spending the most time, Britain and Italy. We're also going through all our guidebooks, deciding which go with us, which need updated, and which we'll leave behind or donate.

Other books and movies: we're rereading and rewatching some old favorites, and trying a few that are new to us. Stan just reminded me that since we're going to Venice, we need to pull out "Pane e tulipane" again. What a lovely film that is!

Shoes! I'm replacing one of the pairs that I plan to take, so they need to be broken in.

Oh, and I've been looking for a "personal item" for the plane; the two I've used over the last 15 years have finally worn out. I was about to have one made, but Stan found a messenger bag somewhere that is pretty darned close to what I wanted, so I need to audition it.

And of course, the closer we get to T-day, the more things will pop into my increasingly feverish brain, demanding attention.

Posted by
10519 posts

Peruse the forum for new items I didn’t know I might need to buy


You mean, PM Mardee for enabling ideas???!!!

More seriously. I really love this ! What a way to be thoughtful about this !

Prepare mental supplies. For me that’s having a couple of songs picked out especially for a trip to think about in churches and also some piano music memorized when there’s a piano available to play in a train station, museum (with permission) or B&B.

Posted by
4162 posts

We are a little further out than 60 days from our trips to France and then a month later to Ireland. We are enjoying a couple of series in French using subtitles but delighted when we catch some words we understand. We just finished Astrid which we really enjoyed. The same goes for our trip to Ireland, LOL, but we are trying to understand everything without subtitles just to get used to the accents and slang. For fun we are watching Derry Girls since we’ll be staying north of Dublin and will finally get to go to Northern Ireland for the first time. Kind of light but fun for filling the time waiting for this summer and then fall trip.

Posted by
219 posts

Talk about a timely thread! I’ll be leaving for Scotland two months from today.

I’m planning my travel wardrobe in earnest and gearing up to do some practice packing this weekend. I’m joining you, Jean, in resolving to eat healthy. Also planning to walk more and climb stairs to prepare myself for the hilly streets.

I just checked my old emails to see how far in advance I made restaurant reservations last year. Looks like I booked everything about two weeks ahead. I guess I’ll do the same this time, though I’m getting antsy and want to get everything arranged ASAP.

Posted by
8708 posts

Peruse the forum for new items I didn’t know I might need to buy


You mean, PM Mardee for enabling ideas???!!!

That made me laugh, Kim! I'm 3 days away from leaving and I stopped at Costco today, and of course found a pair of pants that I had to buy! I tried them on and added them to the mix (but I did remove one other pair of pants to keep it at 3 prs).

Posted by
556 posts

Yes, timely post! Great lists, everyone.

I think we are 57 days out. It's beginning to feel real.

This week I put sunrise/sunsets on a calendar, along with average temps for the days in our locations.
I am trying to get more steps in to build up my stamina, bring down my blood sugar, and fit into my clothes better (lost cause).

This weekend we need to:
*decide which entry times we'll reserve (so far there's still space)
cancel a few nights which are double booked
*do a last flip/scanning through the library guide books before returning.
sort through all our new Costco merino tops to decide colors to take (husband easy: blue and black)

Next week (or this weekend) I will:
*begin making piles on the guest bed
review what I've put into wanderlog and get a better handle (my first time using it)
*create my first spreadsheet master packing checklist
create countdown checklist
**create tasklist for hometasks to complete

(I just have multiple handwritten lists which I need to consolidate)

I'm in awe of all you experienced planners.

Posted by
8139 posts

Renee, STEP is always a good idea! I have that on my two week countdown, but I could easily do it earlier.

Your reply was a good reminder for me to add a second cc to my ApplePay options. Thanks!

Posted by
8139 posts

Jane, watching old movies set in the travel country is a great idea! Two things I love - rewatching movies and scenes that get me excited to be there in person!

Mona, I’ve been diligent with Duolingo, and Roberto also suggested watching movies in Italian. Hearing it is very helpful!

Posted by
8139 posts

Kim & Mardee, laughing with you! I almost typed Mardee’s name in my list when I was creating it…or should I add Pam’s name? Show & tell at our local meeting is a powerful marketing pull - LOL!

Mardee, do you own stock in Costco? 😂

Posted by
8139 posts

Kim, it seems like people enjoy and respond to the classical piano music more than other genres when I’m traveling although I play a little variety. It was fun to play a historic piano last June for the ladies working there while we were in England at a manor home. A little surreal to play music from the period of the home and look around the room thinking this could have been exactly what was happening back in time.

Posted by
8139 posts

TexasTravelMom, there’s a second one already in process in TripIt and flights purchased! 😉

What are you planning? 😊

Posted by
8139 posts

” when I go on the trip they seem fresher, and not just the same thing I wore last week. Given they're all I've got for 4-5 weeks, starting fresh is not insignificant.”

History Traveler, that’s a great idea! I usually bring four outfits, plus a thin layering micro-thin top, so it would feel good to not think I wore them recently.

Posted by
8139 posts

NancyG, I’ve never made dinner reservations before being in each city, but maybe I should add that to the list! Some on-line booking sites won’t take a solo traveler reservation. I usually follow my nose & eyes or go with my B&B’s suggestions that have always been great.

Posted by
8139 posts

Eatsrootsandleaves, sounds exciting, especially adding photography to such a beautiful area! I hope you will share a summary when you return!

Posted by
10519 posts

How about -

Trying on underwear specifically purchased for trip so I find out that it makes me crazy AT HOME and don't pack it and take it with me, thus necessitating the need to discover on the trip that they are horrible and having to throw them away, and being left with only a couple of pair of good old underwear.

Posted by
8139 posts

Kim, that would be the worst! Binding, twisting underwear when you’re traveling and usually walking much more than at home - ugh! A person in our local RS group who meets monthly once said she bought the “travel underwear”, and found out it felt like being wrapped in plastic wrap! Yes, a trip is not the place to find out how new clothes feel or function.

Posted by
8139 posts

CanAmCherie, where are you going on your trip?

It sounds like you are planning well with Wanderlog, using planning materials, checking weather averages, creating a packing list, etc.

Fortunately our Washington/Idaho weather is beginning to truly feel like Spring to help increase the walking. Our dog was so happy to have multiple walks yesterday!

Posted by
4657 posts

I often travel in the winter to hot climates for long periods of time, so I actually shop for that climate at the summer sales. Wear the clothes a bit to check for alterations and hand laundering /hang dry success and then come October, hang in the closet in the room where I pack...this keeps the wardrobe fresh.
For the same reasons, 2 months before a trip I am checking vaccines for the country, but also flu, pneumonia, covid annual shots. I am also shopping and prepping early for Christmas.
I often shop overseas early for Christmas items if traveling before Christmas. As I actually don't like shopping, I research a country's unique or specialized items and may even short list some stores before I leave so on the ground my shopping time is efficient...or at least I have a list on my phone of what to look out for.

Posted by
347 posts

Probably not quite at the two month mark, but in the decreasing time leading up to departure, I generally:

  • Check and double check basics like flights (time and accuracy to my notes) and hotel info - plot on a calendar making sure they all overlap properly;
  • Make sure museum reservations are secured and on that calendar (eg is Anne Frank museum 6 week reservation window);
  • "Important papers, docs, and stuff" box set out on desk - in this goes things like our passports, our Euros (bills and coins), print outs of tickets, travel adapters, etc.. Just a box where I can start placing stuff as I remember I want it for the trip;
  • Luggage at the ready in the bedroom - we usually just have one checked bag, and I will lay that open in the bedroom out of the way, so I can toss stuff in over the couple weeks leading up to vacation. Things like swim trunks or the travel neck rest or any other thing that might make the final packing list;
  • Toiletry collection - ie do we need some new band-aids or allergy meds? Is my wife's shampoo ready for the travel size bottles? Is the toothbrush charger needed? Are my razors charged and do they need their cords?
  • Walking tours downloaded to our phones and/or printed out. Biking routes using GPS saved to the Garmin or an app? Other electronic bits (Kindle, AirPods, GoPro etc) and accessories in a single place and in a big Ziplock.
  • Often some vitamin C daily for several weeks;
  • Clothing needs considered, and usually hung separately in closet so it can be winnowed down by combining and eliminating pieces;
  • Carry on bag selection - ie do I need my daypack? Just a plane bag? Both? Then that gets set by the luggage or the box on the desk;
  • Snacks/bars for the flight, first day arrival, and a few extra for "whenever". Nalgene bottles for water on the go. Probably a bunch more as we're usually still ironing out stuff until the last minute, but we've traveled enough, we generally are pretty good about having stuff where we need it to be in those last few days before departure.
Posted by
8139 posts

That’s a great list, Tom R. Thank you!

”Check and double check basics like flights (time and accuracy to my notes) and hotel info - plot on a calendar making sure they all overlap properly;”

The TripIt app is a great help for checking these. Since I forward the reservations into the app, I am not typing any dates by mistake and can see if all days have lodging. Also, I reserve almost all of my lodging through, and it shows a timeline of what dates are not covered within a sequence.

Posted by
5663 posts

Holy smokes, this thread made me realize these last 2 days were 2 months out from England.

So I have...

Price checked my Southwest flights to Denver. Saved $20 on one...used that to pay for Early Bird Check In!

Restocked Costco sleep gels .... I've been waiting for later expiration dates.

Checked Cathedral events...found a maybe interesting choral event.

Finalized November trip hotels. Checked TripIt. Yep, the magic is working!

I hung a little tension rod under my stairs to hang lightweight clothes to dry in winter. I plan to use it for staging travel clothes. (After I get the suitcase out of the closet behind it!) I have company visiting next week, so I get to start hanging tops after that, which will make it real.

Posted by
8139 posts

CWsocial, preparing for the TripIt demo last week made me realize I was suddenly at that 2-month countdown. So, it’s on my mind now & I’ve been preparing a few more things this week. Glad TripIt is helping you!

Posted by
9415 posts

Walk more to stretch out back and leg muscles and build endurance. Also work on my posture.

Create a TripIt itinerary.

Try on clothing and shoes to make certain they still fit.

Print out accommodation reservation confirmations.
Old school. Have intel on iPhone but always have a paper trail.

Use a small booklet that I carry in my coat pocket that has flight and accommodation intel, emergency contact(s), and medication list. Booklets found at 99cent store or at stationary store. I’ll spend a few hours creating a collage on the back and front. Then print information out. Use scissors to cut the intel and scotch tape into booklet. It’s a favorite past time and after each trip I have “ log” of restaurants, cafes, shops and accommodations because during the trip I’ve taken and secured business cards in the booklet.

Alas in the digital age such business cards are often difficult to secure. I still ask though.

Double check flight intel via airline’s website. Double check weather projections.

Begin a daily regime of heating water and dissolving Citrus flavored Airborne to drink each morning.

Check my medications making certain I have enough for the duration of my trip. If not visit my pharmacy.

Double check my mini ipad and iphone chargers and chords to be certain all still work. Same with travel adapter(s)

Make certain neighbor will feed cat and retrieve mail.

Check that wheels and zippers on carry on work properly.

Withdraw a $150 from my bank. $’s be used to pay the taxi drivers if I don’t have a friend take me to hell on Earth, otherwise known as LAX. Also to purchase a bottle of H2O after I’m through security. For me hydration is a key to a comfortable flight.

Change out batteries on mini flashlight.

Review packing list to add or delete items depending on where I’m traveling.

Upload load books to my mini iPad.

Buy a cheap crossword booklet at the 99 cent store.

Make sure I have a couple of pairs of disposable ear plugs, kleenex packets, a small tin of Altoids and a few packets of chewing gum.

Review Time Out website and if going to London look at Whats On Stage.


Posted by
5074 posts

Finishing up Norway today. And I am cheating and letting CW carry the load for the England portion of my next 8 week trip. I will have to manage the Ireland, Wales, and Italy part.

Posted by
15195 posts

At 6 weeks out I start checking my airline reservation and seat assignment every Sunday because I read long ago on Trip Advisor that Delta updates on Saturdays...don't know if that's true but I go for Sunday AM, lol.

Oh my, laughed at Kim's post on undies. And yes, I'm the one that purchased Ex Officio unders and then felt like I was wrapped in Saran Wrap. I've gone to basic Fruit of the Loom wick away unders and they sink wash and dry beautifully!

And Mardee! Do you have time to run a test to see how quickly your new Costco pants dry? Details?

I also have my suitcase open on a card table at your point in pre-travel. I'll do a refill on liquids as well as refilling OTC meds and non-liquid toiletries and MARK them off on my packing list or leave a sticky note on the outside of the packing cube/ziplock as to what else needs to go in.

Probably would have sorted out which purse to take and load my on-board small purse with my passport and left-over Euro or GBP.

Wheee to everyone who is traveling soon!!

Posted by
9097 posts

I think double checking every reservation I have made is a good idea at this point.
I don't think that I am the only person juggling multiple trip plans at once. I can be thinking about one trip, and forget to go back and check on the upcoming trip as well.

I am not sure if it was mentioned above, but I set a deadline for online ordering. I don't want packages showing up during my trip so I mark the calendar to remind myself. Every once in awhile I slip up or the order arrives much later than expected. Then my neighbor calls me to tell me I have a package and my daughter ends up going to fetch it. I try to avoid that happening!

Posted by
556 posts

Jean, we head to England on May 4. Looks like our time will overlap a little with CW.

We will be in London for two nights, Yorkshire for 6, Richmond/Kew 3 nights, and London 6 (one at airport; a day trip to Canterbury).

More great reminders. I need to check candlelight concerts now May should be listed.

Posted by
8708 posts

Mardee, do you own stock in Costco? 😂

Jean, no, but I should!!! 🤣

Pam, I wanted to wash and dry them first before I did any tests, just to get the sizing off, but as soon as it comes out of the dryer, I will do a wash/hand dry run. Good idea! And here are the pants, if anyone is interested: mine are Balsam Green but they were only $5 in the store (I think they're $10 more online).'-pull-on-comfort-pant.product.4000045299.html

Posted by
344 posts

Great thread and helpful ideas!
We're less than 60 days away from a month in the UK, including Scotland, London and Southern England! At this point I am:
- going through my itinerary, taking a look at each town-to-town connection and finalizing how to do it (tickets now, tickets then, bus, car service, etc)
- preparing a stripped down itinerary for our sons so they can contact us in case of emergency
- verifying flights and hotel reservations again (and again)
- reviewing my calendar for recurring commitments that I need to cancel
- planning for an easy care vacation haircut

Posted by
907 posts

Some on-line booking sites won’t take a solo traveler reservation

Oh, my traveling companion, got sick and couldn’t make dinner.

Seriously if they pull this, I book for two and that’s exactly what I say when I get there. I’ve never been turned down. The people at the front don’t care and if the owners are upset well too bad.

If I ever do get turned down, I will be sure to post a review about how discriminatory they are but so far I haven’t had to do that. I’m sorry my money is as good as anyone else’s. There are times I know I’ve spent more on a dinner than the party of two at the table next to me I generally have a glass of wine, etc. The American couple next to me had one main dish and drank water but they were more profitable? I somehow doubt it.😂

Posted by
245 posts

Leaving today for a month in Australia and New Zealand. Gave up ensuring everything was okay after multiple checks. Just ensured I had my passport and COVID card, credit cards, meds, and cell phone. I can buy whatever I forgot. Life is good.


Posted by
739 posts

Oh my. I’m reading this and starting to hyperventilate! I’m 6 days from leaving for 11 weeks and all I can do is think of how much yard work I still have to do so my husband isn’t overwhelmed when he returns 4 weeks prior to me.

Normally, a bit more organized, but this reminds me I still have a number of reservations to make and photos to take of documents and all. And no, I haven’t practice packed yet.


Posted by
825 posts

Oh my. I’m reading this and starting to hyperventilate! I’m 6 days from leaving for 11 weeks and all I can do is think of how much yard work I still have to do so my husband isn’t overwhelmed when he returns 4 weeks prior to me.

SJS - I've had a good head start this year. We've had long stretches of record highs this year in metro Detroit (mid 70's in Feb/March) which enabled me to get my equipment out from winter storage to mulch the leaves that fell after November. We've got a northern pin oak and an English oak that save half their leaves for dropping in the early spring. I've got everything completely ready before we travel for 4 weeks in May.

Posted by
129 posts

We are less than a month for our trip when we will be hill walking.

I spray our shoes, socks, trousers, basically what we'll be wearing outside, with Sawyer's for fabric to keep tics away. This needs to be done in a well ventilated area, our garage, and the items allowed to dry well before packing.

We did not have tics on our previous trip and this product did not melt our clothes.

ExOfficio makes 'BugsAway' products that I've tried but had an allergic reaction to. For some reason, happily, I'm not allergic to the Sawyer do it yourself fabric spray.

Posted by
8708 posts

Diane, thank you for the reminder about Sawyer's! I need to get some when I get back from my trip. After battling Lyme disease last year, I hope I never get another tick on me again. And unfortunately, they're so prevalent up here on the North Shore.

Posted by
46 posts

I am 50 days out! Great topic. I have also watched the "walk in" series on YouTube, can preview many cities. I have done some pre pack planning and am checking average temperatures.

Posted by
50 posts

I start watching YouTube videos that are only a week old to determine what everyone is wearing to help me pack.

Posted by
2947 posts

I double check to see if there is anything I need to purchase. I also double check a d see if there are any reservations left to be made. If I know I am not going to use something before the trip, I will put it on the bed next to the suitcase for when I do pack. We use our sons old room as the travel room, and everything gets laid out in there.

Posted by
130 posts
  • Obsessively check the expiration date on my passport and then check it again
  • Make parking reservations at the airport if needed
  • As I fold laundry, set aside underwear, socks, exercise clothes, etc. that are past their prime, so they can be worn one last time on the trip and then tossed.
Posted by
1764 posts

I go somewhere every month, if not every couple weeks. This weekend Freiburg, next Frankfurt for the spring fest. Next month it's 2 weeks showing some family Bavaria and Alsace, July is Poland, August is Andorra, Sept is Paris to see friends, etc. Yes, I'm seeing Europe, but I did the same type of schedule in the USA. Weekends are for travel.

Posted by
516 posts

Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet, Spreadsheet!

Gotta check the countdown in row b, column 5: 50 days? Time to get crackin' on the "To-Bring" tab!

Ooo, the Euro went down by a penny! I'll have fun watching my dynamic currency calculator recalculate the cost of my trip and see how much money I'm saving.

Let's look at Google maps for a bit and make sure we planned the absolute most efficient routes and use of our time. Must check all the routes, down to the street views. Gotta known where we're going!

Wait ... aw man, the Euro went back up! Darn!

How'bout we test the camera again? Oh, and make sure we have all our music and podcasts for the plane trip.

Is the tablet loaded with games? Are Google Docs and Sheets available off-line?

Yay! The Euro went down again!

Hmm, maybe some different music. I don't know that Norwegian Death Metal and turbulence are a good match...

-- Mike Beebe

Posted by
4418 posts

I just finished writing out birthday and graduation cards to mail tomorrow. Don’t want to forget family’s special day, especially my 4 year old granddaughter.

Posted by
403 posts

Request foreign money from bank if needing any.
Start/review house-sitter/pet-sitter documents.
Long-term chores (nothing like coming home to a clean closet!).
Review itinerary spreadsheet AGAIN! (complex doc with hotels, transportation, links to everything).
Nag husband to replenish wardrobe.
Bribe friends for airport rides.
Start planning next vacation.
Make sure haircut is scheduled.
Check charging cables for phones, airpods, airflys.
Rip apart guide book for needed sections.
Obsessively check travel forum, lol!

Posted by
1114 posts

Woah, some of you are VERY organized, thanks for all the ideas! 2 months out I check that I'm getting all the medical, hair & nails appointments made for at least a week ahead of trip. Especially annual medical appointments can sneak up on me. Hey does anyone else spend all the time shopping thinking, 'Will this work for travel?' I have to really debate a purchase that WON'T work on a trip...

Restocked Costco sleep gels .... Sorry, wondered if this is melatonin or something else & does it help?

Diane - Sawyer's for fabric -GREAT, I need some for the Bay Area.

Posted by
669 posts

Depends on the trip. Probably not much unless this trip will require clothing or gear I don't have.

We sometimes book relatively late. For example, our recent Tunisia trip in early April was booked in mid-/late February. We only had 6 weeks in advance!