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what do you do?

I have this situation that is getting so irritating; I just want someone's feedback on this... I have a friend that is becoming very annoying and i don't know how to react. basically she will take all the travel tips from me (she has little travel experience) and after few days she talks about it as if she was the one who invented the tips i gave her. she does not even acknowledged or thank me for the guide i provided for her. moreover, what ever i have plan to do in travel...she makes sure that she will get it done before i do it and i feel like she is in a kind of ugly "i've done this and i know this game". What DO you do with these kind of people? she comes for advise but she never even say thank you...WILL I be wrong if i just not share my wisdom with her anymore? ahahaha... i just hate when people do that!

Posted by
2188 posts

There is recognition among corporate consultants, that CEOs think the most effective consultants are the ones who help them to formulate brilliant ideas on their own. Consultants gather the right data, illustrate the right problems/solutions, then ask the right questions that lead to the right answers. CEO then thinks of himself/herself as totally brilliant and hires the consultant again. Translation: the CEOs actually are reiterating the brilliant ideas of the consultants as though they were their own. But, that keeps the consultants in business. Problem is you are not a paid consultant. Your friend thinks you make her brilliant, as she keeps coming back for more. But, she is so bought into your brilliance, she then also takes great ownership of the ideas (which in sales is the greatest, loyal customer). She probably does the same thing with other people on the same topic and other topics. Take it as a compliment (or ignore it). Can you turn it into a joke, asking for royalties for the idea/info, or at least a verbal footnote, etc.? But, that would probably not change the behavior in the least. There are thankers and there are takers in the world.....hard to change basic styles. At least she is not wanting to travel WITH you....count your blessings. If the friend has other redeeming qualities, just accept this funny characteristic. If the friendship is one way and the person drives you totally nuts in other ways, then evaluate options. I wonder how many people read Rick Steves' advice and then give it as their own (without realizing it)?

Posted by
32417 posts

simon, I agree, the situation you've described is very annoying. Although it's a bit "nasty", one of the tactics I might use in a situation like that would be to continually feed her wrong information. Your friend will wander about spouting off ridiculous travel tips, and once she's been ridiculed a couple of times by those who know better, she may get the hint that she shouldn't ask you for travel information. You can sit back and quietly "enjoy". Another response to questions from her is simply to say "I don't know the answer to that - ask the question on the HelpLine". I'm sure there are other ways to deal with the problem, but I'd have to ponder the matter for awhile. Good luck!

Posted by
12040 posts

This might be a better question for "Dear Prudence" on The folks here are better at deciphering the rail networks and recommending hotels.

Posted by
10805 posts

Simon, I would no longer give this 'friend' travel tips. You have no obligation to do so. Also, if you no longer tell this person what your travel plans or goals are, they can't beat you to the punch. Frankly, if it were me I would reassess the 'friendship' and decide if this is really a friend or just someone you happen to know.

Posted by
1840 posts

Life is too short. Get a new friend. You don't need the grief.

Posted by
993 posts

I used to have a friend like that. Emphasis on "used to".

Posted by
9436 posts

I agree with others, she is not a "friend". I'd drop her in a NY minute. If you work with her, and have to be around her, I'd just do as Ken said and say "I don't know". But don't send her here as Ken suggested! ;)

Posted by
10 posts

Thank you for your inputs!!! I guess it is true what they say... travel is where you'll know who your true friends are...she does not qualify for a true friend, sadly :/

Posted by
23727 posts

Actually sounds like some of the posters on this site who have been known to take others' experiences and report it as their experience. Cannot do much about it. Either ignore her or feed her very little information and be smug in that you do know more than she does. Not worth worrying about.

Posted by
9331 posts

Send your friend to the Fodors Forum. They will set her right, and with no minced words.

Posted by
175 posts

Hi Simon, If your friend is REALLY a friend, then just enjoy her. Travel tips are simply that - travel tips - not much in the great scheme of things.

Posted by
10805 posts

Maybe this friend is annoying for other reasons too. Only Simon knows if this is someone he chooses to continue to be friends with. Frankly, I think someone being annoying is not someone I would choose to spend my time with. I would rather spend my time with people I enjoy being with. Some friends are forever and some aren't. That is just life.

Posted by
284 posts

I like the feeding bad information idea, but I would focus on advice that wouldn't ruin someone's vacation (or something that someone would check out). For example, "Oh yes, you need a visa to visit Europe now. It's still free, but you have to visit the European Union embassy..." or "Oh yes, in Amsterdam there is a special subway for bicycles that crosses the city. The "B" in "GVB" is for bicycle."

Posted by
3050 posts

Well, in my mind, that kind of friend is less annoying than someone who pesters you for advice and disgregards it entirely, or someone who tries to get you to do all your trip planning for them, they complain because you're not psychic about what they specifically want to do, or have very unrealistic expectations of how their trip should be. But yeah, the solution is easy: stop talking about travel with this person. I think saying "don't be friends" with them is a little hasty if you otherwise enjoy their company, but you can just ignore their requests for travel advice if this irritates you.

Posted by
24 posts

No, Ken, nooooo. Please don't give bad advice. Admittedly, it was my first reaction too, but then those people go on the Helpline and pass the same bad advice as gospel and then they come to Europe and land on our doorstep with bizarre "tips", like shouting louder in English when you're not being understood, or staying exclusively at convents so you don't have to pay for hotels. Then they think we're lying to them when we tell them to do something else. Before we moved here, we got rafts of bad advice from people who had received it from a spurious source. We're going on two years here and still deconflicting the ridiculous things that were passed on as "help". If this friend takes your tips and thinks they're her own, let her and hope that she passes on your good advice, but also give her up as a friend. The good advice remains, but the friend is gone. Win win.

Posted by
10 posts

Thank you guys... and i must say that some of you are really funny :) !!