A story in today's Washington Post listed the most commonly forgotten items: toothbrushes, shoes, toothpaste, toiletries, eyewear, shampoo, socks, hair appliances and chargers. Medications, a more serious matter, were also on the list. People have left tablets, phones, and all kinds of things in the overhead bins. One guy lost his passport in the bathroom and was lucky it was still there when he went back. Talk about one's heart racing.
Some of those items might seem trivial and easily replaceable; merely an annoyance like a toothbrush. Having said that I like to brush my teeth and rinse prior to an early a.m. landing at Heathrow because I dislike that nasty feeling in my mouth, and it just makes me feel a bit more refreshed and ... better.
My sister-in-law lost her passport at a gas station in Rothenburg. When she went back a gas station attendant returned it to her. Someone found it near one of the pumps. Typical Germans. I miss living there.
Prior to travel I make a list of everything we need and triple-check hotel info and other confirmation dates/info/times. This is followed by checking for my wallet, phone, and passport every 15 minutes during the trip itself.
So what do you do to ensure you have not forgotten something?