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What cities are best for Spain & Southern France 20 day trip?

Baby boomer couple want to eat our way through tapas bars and sidewalk cafes and see some sights, but enjoy just enjoying the cultures. Priorities are Barcelona and Provence, Riviera (3days each). Spain's cities are really spread out so do we include Valencia, Sevilla, Salamanca, Madrid (2 days each) or are we streching too far? Thinking of starting in Paris to visit a friend for 3 days and fly home from Madrid. Any advice on rail passes or flying within longer hauls?

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4132 posts

So, then, you've got eight days (after Paris, Barcelona, Provence, Riviera) to play with? Or seven, if the last one is the day to fly home?

In either case, I think you've got a bit much in Spain, unless you spend all of that remaining time there. A shame to miss French Catalonia though (Perpignan and pretty Collioure).

I do not know how to advise you on transportation. Rail is clearly feasible for your itinerary, but you should price air, and you might want a car at some of your destinations. If you are flexible you could also look at air fares from Paris to Madrid, to go Paris-Madrid-Spain (ending in Barcelona)-France (flying home from Nice).

If I were you I would be very tempted to detour into the Dordogne and Lot valleys. But that would require ditching some of your other destinations and renting a car for that part of the trip.

Have a great time!

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3262 posts

You'd have to work out the transportation connections but you could look at making your way to San Sebastian (near southern France) and Bilbao (Guggenheim Museum) if you like art and then Madrid. It's closer to your other destinations. The tapas in San Sebastian are amazing!

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24 posts

Thanks for the idea. We were planning on going through Perpignan, but now maybe stay for a couple of days and work the area. I am now thinking of scratching some of the major Spain cities, but open to flying into one that could be worthwhile for 2 days. Tell me more about your favorite spots in and around Perpignan. Would you rent a car for a day or two to get into some of the better sites to see and enjoy the smaller villages? Thoughts on how many days is enough?

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421 posts

Assuming you have 8 days like the previous poster says....
how about:
3 nights Nice (you could do Eze and Monocco)
4 nights Arles (you could do day trips to Avingon, and other areas)
1 night Montpellier (take the train to Barcelona)

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3551 posts

Paris-Provence-French Riveria fly to Spain. Sevilla-Madrid and surrounding ie. Toledo. To me these are the top priorities on your wish list. This is based on my extensive travels thru France and Spain. If you incorporate all the areas you mention you will be spending a great deal of time in transit. ck www. for your intereurope flight options.