I was in Barcelona last week and I realized that I don't need to see sights there, I am happy simply being there. Since I got home, I've been thinking about the cities I feel that way about. There aren't many. Here are mine:
Cordoba (how did I forget it?)
Dublin, maybe (I've only been once, but I sense I would enjoy a return visit to spend time there without rushing around)
There's an ambiance about each of them that suits me. Paris is, well, Paris! I love the architecture in Barcelona, the markets, the sea. Venice is the most romantic city for me (yeah, even more than Paris). The kaleidoscope of cultures, religions, and history are wonderful in Jerusalem - and after so many years, it feels like home (though I'm quite happy living an hour away). Budapest - James E and Crista have described it so well, I won't even try.
If this wasn't a European forum, I would probably add San Francisco, Bangkok, and maybe Hong Kong. I thought I felt that way about New York, but on my last visit (Hi Harold) after 15-20 years, it didn't grab me that way it had in the past (I think it was all the tourists LOL).
What are yours?
edited to include Cordoba - thanks Jules
Also, what is it that draws you to your cities? I love London, because of the museums and the theatres. I didn't include it in my list; much as I enjoy every stay in London, it's because of what's there, not because of what it is, or what I feel there.