My husband and I were talking recently about how we've gotten better at planning trips and making the most of them over the years. I know I've developed some planning skills over time that have helped (nothing big or especially wow-worthy, but little things I didn't think of initially) and am curious to hear what tips or tricks or rules of thumb others have that help make for smoother, hassle-free, enjoyable travel. Looking forward to reading what others do to help with their planning to maximize the fun/enjoyment once on vacation.
Here are a couple of mine:
In big cities, I mark the attractions I want to visit on a map. That way, I can group things geographically when planning out my itinerary. Saves zig-zagging around the city.
As a rule of thumb, I won't stay anywhere for less than 3 nights. (We used to want to go everywhere and spent too much time in transit and not enough time seeing/enjoying the actual places)
I don't count travel/transit days as vacation days in a location anymore. No matter what, when you switch from one location to another, you have packing time, travel time, checking in/out time, etc. and it sucks up more of a day than you might initially realize. Now that the internet's so much more robust, it's also a lot easier to calculate drive/train times and I mark that in our itinerary. For example:
Day 1: Arrive (not counted as a day in the city - this is deal with jet lag and get settled day)
Day 2: city 1
Day 3: city 1
Day 4 city 1
Day 5: travel to city 2 (2.5 hours by train) - I don't count this as a day in city 2. Whatever time we get to spend there is considered bonus time.
Like I said, nothing mind-blowing and others probably thought of these things right away, but these are little things I didn't think of on our first trip or two but have been really helpful in our most recent trips.