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What's the right time to travel?

I'm beginning to plan a 2012 trip to France and thinking about when to go. In the past I've enjoyed traveling either in May, Sep or Oct. I do some internet research to see if there are any major conferences or events going on, religious or school holidays (I'd prefer to avoid them if possible). Anything else you take into consideration when planning the timing of your trips?

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23290 posts

When the time is right. When we were locked into the academic calender because we both we in education, that meant the summer. On that we are retired we tend towards Oct. You go when you can.

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441 posts

I like to go in May but my wife thinks it's already too hot so we may try April in 2012. While it's good to avoid holidays and such, there are also festivals that are good to see so include them in your plans.

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32213 posts

Donna, I prefer the spring or fall "shoulder seasons" (May/June or Sept. Oct.). The weather is usually still reasonably good and it's not as crowded (although it can be busy at those times of year).

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15591 posts

Sometimes when I look at hotels or flights, I see significant price changes during "shoulder seasons." While it doesn't usually affect my planning, it could be taken into account. I planned a 5 day stay in Berlin over a weekend because hotel rates during the week were much higher. When I was in Paris in early June, there were tons of school groups in most of the museums I visited. I was told that toward the end of the school year, there are many more field trips. I've found it hard to get hotel rooms in September in Paris because of the many business events, but they didn't seem to impact my tourist agenda. Last year I happened to be in Paris for Les Journees du Patrimoine (European Heritage Days). Though everywhere was jam-packed, mainly with locals, it was one of the highlights of my many Parisian experiences. I would definitely schedule a trip to return then - 3rd weekend in September.

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2135 posts

Frank, Larry, Ken & Chani - thanks for responding and for the tip on the European Heritage Days. I'll check it out!

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15591 posts

Donna, I did an online search a few days ago for the 2012 dates in Paris without result. It is "usually" the third weekend in September. Different places in Europe observe at different times - London is different from Paris, and also from the rest of England. In Paris, buildings which are generally closed to the public are open to all. I visited the Assemble Nationale, the Senat, and the Hotel de Ville (Paris city hall). All are beautiful palaces. Many other government offices and foreign embassies were open and had special exhibits. I saw Fabrege jewels at the Russian embassy. The museums are free too.

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813 posts

You asked about big holidays. May and October should be fine, school is generally in session, no big European holidays which will draw people to travel in general. The first two weeks of September most Europeans still may be vacationing (German schools go back the third week in Sept), which definitely clogs up the roads and fills hotels.

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693 posts

Well, actually, there are several holidays observed in France in May: Firstly, May Day, May 1; then May 8, commemorating the end of World War II in Europe (the surrender of Germany). Then comes Ascension Day. which falls on May 17 in 2012, followed by Pentecost Sunday and Monday, May 27 and 28. These holidays (except for May 8) are observed in most of Europe. Paris will get pretty crowded with tour buses from all over Europe. However, I think May is a wonderful month to visit France, spring is at its finest and the daylight hours are really long.