*sigh of relief. Thank you for this... a chance to not weigh in on the current news of the day. For those not introduced to the world of font choice and all the reasons behind it, well... you're about to know more than you ever wanted to know.
And thanks also to Carlos and Jo for their recommendations of Papyrus and Comic Sans. NO. :D
(For those not aware, these fonts are basically a running joke among graphic designers)
"The weight of the research shows that serif fonts are easier to read..." The OP is correct... in print. It's different on a screen. This is due to the pixel densities of screens being unable to properly render a serif with common font sizes. This is currently changing, especially with some of the latest high-pixel-density mobile-device screens, but the majority of desktop screens are still not good enough to warrant using a serif font. At least, that is our current M.O. as it applies to our website and the stats we see regarding device-usage. Other websites may already be there. We actually put a lot of thought into our current font choice, Proxima Nova.
And while Times New Roman is a common font for good reason in many applications, I'm not sure we'd use that particular serif font. ;)