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web sites for house/pet sitting opportunities in UK

I would like to know if you could suggest some reputable companies/web sites to search out house/pet sitting
opportunities in the UK. I live in Oregon and have a small "house watch/caretaking" business and presently have
no animals living with me, so I am taking this short animal-free time to travel. I felt this would be a great way to get
to know the people, their culture and participate in the communities. Since I would be taking on the responsibilities of pets and homes, I would be more comfortable in English speaking countries. Any additional tips would be welcome!
Thank you in advance for your help.

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3391 posts

I don't know specifically about organizations that facilitate house/pet sitting but something similar you may consider is home exchange. You are, in essence, house sitting someone's house while they house sit yours. We have done this many times throughout the world and had wonderful experiences! Check out, which is the site we have always used, to see all of the places you can go. They have over 50,000 listings and there is bound to be someone who wants to come to Oregon.
Good luck!

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16894 posts

While home exchange is pretty common, other caretaking opportunities in the UK are likely to be considered "work," which is not allowed for a US citizen entering as a tourist.

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8293 posts

I am wondering what answer you will give when the Immigration officer asks you the reason for your visit and the length of your stay. If he/she considers it work you may have a problem. If either of your parents was born in the UK there may be a way to do what you want to do. Contact the British Embassy or Consulate.