One of the things you used to be able to count on when traveling to Europe (or anywhere) was the weather, at least generally. Of course daily weather can vary significantly, but overall, you could use past weather patterns to figure out what to expect for the month you are traveling.
It seems this is no longer the case. I was in central Europe for the month of April, and for three of the four weeks, I didn't even need a jacket except maybe in the morning. Even more surprising, it rained only briefly and lightly on two days out of 28. I never even used my rain jacket!
What are we supposed to tell people when they ask us what the weather is like in [region] in [month]? I no longer feel comfortable answering this question.
And I'm thinking next time I travel, I'm going to skip packing layers in spring or summer or fall, and if I need a sweater or a jacket or rain gear, I'll go buy it while I'm there.
Has anyone else made adjustments in the advice they give or in the way they pack?