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Weather in London & Paris - Late March & Early April

My wife and I are leaving for London on the 24th of this month. We'll be there until the 30th, and then on to Paris for a week or so. I know that this winter has been colder than normal, but wonder what the weather is usually like in the last week of March and first week of April. Anyone here have any info the share?

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67 posts

Yes, I will be in Paris the same dates and am also curious. From everything I have looked at, it is saying highs in the 50's lows in the 30's. But that is average, so who knows.

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33 posts

Jim, I was in London and Paris during the same time last year. Anyway, I took a fleece jacket and long sleeved shirts and was comfortable even when the weather was damp.

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191 posts

We were in London and Paris at the same time you will be there, a year ago. We both had fleece vests, scarves, gloves and waterproof jackets. wore them all in London. Paris was much more pleasant. A bit of sunshine goes a long way. I will say that neither of us is very tolerant of cold temps. Bring layers is the best advice I can offer, and you should be fine.