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Wearing insoles whilst flying? Good idea?

Hey guys I am going traveling soon and need your opinions. I want to know if its is okay to wear orthotic insoles whilst flying I ask because without my insoles my feet hurt quite a bit (they always have even if im just sat around not putting them under any stress) however I can imagine that by putting insoles on whilst flying it could cause problem with my feet maybe as orthotic insoles work through compression... even though flight socks work through compression I am guessing that the compression they circulate blood differently and a pair of insoles may stop this if worn as well.... At the moment I wear a pair from Nuovahealth as you can see the insoles are more for sport and say nothing about flying... so do I need to buy some sort of special insert whilst flying? Or will just a pair of flight socks suffice?

I don't want to go to the gp just to ask a question like this.. though I guess when dvt is involved it is kind of important to get things right.

Anyway help would be terrific! Thanks.

Posted by
10344 posts

When you ask about deep vein thrombosis, you're asking a question that we're not qualified to answer.
It's really not good to start taking medical advice from strangers who are layman.
We'd like to help, by encouraging you to discuss this with medical professionals.
Do you actually have a diagnosed condition of deep vein thrombosis?

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16895 posts

Are you saying that you would not be comfortable if you took off your shoes with insoles during the flight? Many people do remove shoes. However, my feet tend to swell on the long flight, making it hard to get shoes back on if they are not adjustable (with laces or Velcro).

Posted by
4 posts

I haven't been diagnosed with anything however Im a little worried as my feet do swell and go blue.. and with things like dvt anyone can get it. and If I do take my insoles out my feet really do start hurting. Maybe I should just take my shoes off and see how that goes though Im not the kind of person who takes shoes off in public hehe...... smell out the whole airplane.

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10344 posts

Just don't take your socks off.
Think of 400 people in a small compartment for 12 hours and many of them with their socks off! (not good)

Posted by
23650 posts

..... my feet do swell and go blue......

That really needs an assessment. You might make a small argument that some swelling is normal? acceptable? BUT going blue is much more troubling. I think it is a good idea to see you gp. Blue might suggest poor circulation. Some compression of the lower legs is always good so am not sure if I understand you comments about insoles and compression. Even if you don't problems, compression socks can be helpful.

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32386 posts


I've been wearing orthotic insoles during flights for many years, and so far haven't had any problems at all. On the larger question of "flight socks" and DVT, as Kent mentioned none of us here are qualified to answer that. Your family physician would be the best one to provide an opinion on that, as he/she knows your history and specifics of your condition.

In order to minimize the possibility of DVT, I always take "the usual" precautions - drink lots of water, try and get up and move around periodically, etc.

Posted by
1840 posts

I'm another person who wears orthotics all the time. Train, plane, all the same. No big deal.