Hey guys I am going traveling soon and need your opinions. I want to know if its is okay to wear orthotic insoles whilst flying I ask because without my insoles my feet hurt quite a bit (they always have even if im just sat around not putting them under any stress) however I can imagine that by putting insoles on whilst flying it could cause problem with my feet maybe as orthotic insoles work through compression... even though flight socks work through compression I am guessing that the compression they circulate blood differently and a pair of insoles may stop this if worn as well.... At the moment I wear a pair from Nuovahealth as you can see the insoles are more for sport and say nothing about flying... so do I need to buy some sort of special insert whilst flying? Or will just a pair of flight socks suffice?
I don't want to go to the gp just to ask a question like this.. though I guess when dvt is involved it is kind of important to get things right.
Anyway help would be terrific! Thanks.