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Walking Directions - Google maps?

I was wondering what people's preferred method of navigation is. I know once in the city I will be using maps, and I feel pretty comfortable with doing that, but before I leave I'd like to print out walking directions to and from hotels to the train station or airport.

Has anyone used google maps or mapquest? Are they pretty reliable? I know they can't be used exclusively without a local map, but I thought printing some directions out might be helpful.

Any advice or wisdom for me?

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2297 posts

I use google maps regularly in Europe, most recently in Germany and Italy. Worked like a charm for us, even in a city like Berlin that has changed a lot over the past years.

Posted by
9110 posts

I look at google quite a bit for their walking directions -- mostly out of curiosity rather than what you propose. In the areas I know well enough to "argue" with them, they miss short-cuts, route you through busy intersections, etc -- but they do get you there. I have not looked at mapquest in years.

I wouldn't bother with what you're talking about. Seems like a lot of trouble when glancing at a map and following your nose would work just as well. More stuff to keep track of too.

Posted by
19117 posts

I always use Google maps. Sometimes I use the map that the town has on their website, because it usually has local attractions better marked, but more and more, they are using Google maps. I just download them to my netbook.

Posted by
225 posts

Lee, do you download specific directions or just the maps in general..

Posted by
92 posts

I recall looking for walking directions on google maps for London, but I dug around a bit more and found a walking directions website, and I remember there was something about avoiding busy streets, or areas likely to have more air pollution, or something like that. I don't remember the exact website, but it could have been this one:

Posted by
19117 posts

Jesse, I just do a screen capture of the map itself. Usually, if it's Google maps, I have already had it map out the route to my destination.

I'm a visual sort of person, so a picture is worth more to me than a route description.

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2297 posts looks great. But I can't find anything on the website for cities outside the UK. Am I missing something?

Posted by
9110 posts

To clarify a bit: Ordnance Survey (without an 'i') maps, even at a scale of 1:1250, have both a relative and absolute accuracy of 0.5 meters, not one meter as stated. OS products are available with a scale as large as 1:200 with much greater accuracy.

Even if a map is accurate to one meter, it is generally inconsequential. Crude example: A map of France that fits pretty much on a piece of typing paper is at at scale of 1:4,000,000, more or less. Draw a 1/16 inch wide pencil line on it, and that line is 4/10 of a mile wide. Expand the map to four pieces of paper and the line's still 2/10 of mile wide (about 325 meters). Make the map the size of your living room floor and the line is still probably seventy-five feet wide.

Boring, but one-meter accuracy is of no importance.