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walk or transportation? Prague

Our hotel is a walking distance of Wenceslas Square. How far is Old Town? Do we need to take public transportation or walk. If walk- how long is walk?.I read (old comments) that is too dangerous to be around this square.And also, we will be in Prague 3days. Is it wise to buy 3days pass? Thank ou

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534 posts

St. Wenceslas square is very very close to the Old town square. St. W is a rather long stretch of road....but on the one end of it, you are only about 3 or 4 blocks from the Old Town Square. From the other end - you are probably 7-8 blocks away. You are however a pretty far walk from the Cathedral and castle on the other side of Prague.
If you plan to go there - I recommend the subway. In my little experience there - I did not feel unsafe physically, but that I had to be very mindful of my purse/bag/luggage. We never had any problems, but needed to be more vigilant there.

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571 posts

Wenceslas "Square" is about as far from being a square as anything I've ever seen, so distances vary, but I didn't find anywhere in center of Prague to be difficult to reach by foot. My hotel was at the furthest (south east, near the National Museum) end of Wenceslas Square from Old Town, and I still walked it daily in a leisurely 15-20 minute stroll. I was there at very low season (first week of January) so perhaps crowds will impede you somewhat if you are traveling at peak period. There are hills and old cobblestone streets, so be sure to have a good pair of walking shoes with you. From time to time, my Czech friend had us travel further afield using streetcars which were very cheap and tickets were available at newsstands near the stops. I did travel solo at night as a 30-something male. In most situations I did not feel unsafe. I do recall a short underground pedestrian tunnel (about 20' or so) through which I had to pass to get from the area of the National Museum to the square. There was sometimes a beggar or street musician or a drinking party (often foreigners) loitering or passing through. At no point did it stop me from going, but I did feel the need to keep my wits about me and keep my eyes open (and money belt secured). No worse than walking in some parts of NYC or Washington, really. In most situations, felt perfectly at ease and I experienced no hassles or crimes.

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2842 posts

Walk. It's just as quick. It's under 3/8 mile from the top of Wencelas Square to Old Town Square, and under a mile from the Museum. The nearest Metro stop is 3/8 mile away from Old Town Square, as is the tram -which is not the trams that you can get at either end of Wenceslas Square. The comments you have read about it being dangerous are ludicrous, unless you are going to be walking around drunk at 3AM. it is no more dangerous - and probably much less dangerous -than walking around LA or SF (to pick on your California reference point). Any heavily touristed area anywhere in the world will have its share of pickpockets and scammers, common sense and a money belt will solve both issues. Note - we walked all over Prague last July with no issues whatsoever. The only time we resorted to tram or Metro for other than to and from the airport was on a really hot day to get back to the Mucha after having walked from north and east of Old Town Square down and through Vysehrad. And it didn't save us much time, nor much cooling off. This is an unbelievable walking city.

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811 posts

public transit is pretty safe don't worry. if you're around the castle or old town area you don't to take the metro, unless you're going to the train station or bus station, or the new town area. just buy as you go, don't need the 3 day pass.

Posted by
81 posts

We walked all over Prague in December with a 7 yr old child. It was very cold and snowy (the sidewalks were slippery!) and even my daughter had no problems for the three days we were there. Everything is within walking distance.

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4637 posts

If you have to use taxi (it happened to us, downpour started and we had no umbrella) call for AAA, they are honest and speak English. If you pay with dollars or Euro it would cost you more. Pay with local currency which is czech crown (koruna). Then drive around downtown is something like 200 crowns plus minus. For twenty you probably won't get inside taxi.

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1358 posts

I'll agree with Amy, most places are close enough to walk to, unless you're going to the castle. And that's a quick tram ride. So I wouldn't buy any passes, just get a ticket if you need one. My husband did get pickpocketed on the subway when we were there 10 years ago. He wasn't wearing a money belt then, he sure wears one now. These folks were real professionals, they worked in a group, so he knew it was taken but didn't know who had it. Do yourselves a favor and wear a moneybelt.

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307 posts

When I stayed in Prague in Sept 2009 ( 4 nights), my hotel was also within walking distance of Wencelas Square. I walked everywhere while there( Wenceslas Square , Old Town, Jewish Quarter, Prague castle, etc, etc ) and had no problems at all. I would think that those comments( that you read regarding Wenceslas Square should be disregarded. I did not find any part of Prague to be unsafe, especially Wenceslas Square. Prague is a beautiful city and one that I would highly recommend for a 3-4 day visit.

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307 posts

I echo the comments above regarding moneybelts. I had all my extra cash and travel documents, credit cards, etc safely tucked away in my money belt ( which I position in the small of my back as opposed to in front on my belly). Safe, secure, and ready for a worry free day of exploring...

Posted by
358 posts

Prague is a very safe town and the time we spent there did not use any public transportation. Prague is one of the easiest towns to walk and generally in europe feel much safer than being in the larger USA cities. The only persons i watch out for are the pickpockets especially in Paris metro's and the gypsies.

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19237 posts

Check the "Tourist Scam Alert". There used to be posting there about cab drivers switching bills (you give him a 20 and he palms it and shows you a 5, then says, "Where is the rest". This isn't a safety concern and is done in other places as well. Always show the bill directly to the driver and say "Twenty", emphatically.

Posted by
36 posts

Thank you, everyone. Driving to REI store to buy money belt!

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284 posts

European cities are safer than those in the US. The crime in Europe tends to be more petty theft and not the violent type in the US. Take the same precautions you would for any big city in CA and you should be fine. Edwin

Posted by
36 posts

Thank you, Terry. As soon you in Prague, I read that in beginning of April, the weather is kind cold. We will be in Prague April 8-12. What kind of clothes we need to have? Is r is a chance of snow? Please,advise. Thank you

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16 posts

We've been living in Prague since last fall and are fully amazed at the ease of getting around on the trams and subway. You always get to your destination much faster than you'd planned for so you're always early! Naturally when you use the trams and subway, walking is a big part of it. We have never felt threatened --- except by the snow and icy sidewalks! It started snowing on 11 Nov and didn't let up until about mid-Jan. Transporting oneself is much easier here than back in our home in Oregon. I have not driven our car once since I got here! So be sure to have some boots/shoes made for walking!

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4637 posts

We don't know what the weather will be like. Could be warm or quite cold, rainy or sunshiny. Snow is not likely but cannot be completely ruled out. Once I remember snow on May 1st.