I decided walk across Europe. 8 countries, circa 5000 km and about 6 months of hiking. I will start my journey in August. My trial will lead acorss Warsaw - Görlitz - Prag - Regensburg - Ausburg - Lindau - Sankt-Gallen - Luzern - Genève - Le Puy - Cahors - Pampeluna - Burgos - León - Santiago - Porto - Lisboa - Cádiz - Gibraltar. Simple map of my journey and short info about me here
I would like to meet some new people and make a new friends. So, if you’ll want to meet me on my trial, be my guide in your’s towns or villages, give me shelter for a night, I would be very grateful.
It will be my thrid long distance march (above 2000km/1250 mi) across Europe.
Yours sincerely