I'm considering an 18-19 day solo trip to central Europe, and looking to visit 4 cities/areas during that time.
Dates: They aren't firm because I have a somewhat flexible job. Coming from Los Angeles. Looking at May 27-June 12 or 13, or June 17-July 4/5. Basically 2 full calendar weeks plus the Friday and Saturday before and the Sunday and Monday after. From LA, there are some flights that depart in the evening, so if I ended up with one of those I could get an extra day in there, which is why it could end up being 19 days.
Prior Experience: I took a 4 week trip to England and Scotland about 15 years ago, 2 weeks in Japan last year, and week-long trips in Mexico and the Carribean. I'm not very experienced, but I'm an excellent planner and am an intuitive traveler.
Me: I'm in my late 30s, female. I tend to enjoy cities more when I'm solo-- FOOD, museums (esp art), music, sitting in a local cafe and watching people, walking around--just getting the feel/vibe of a place, I enjoy clubs but am not looking for a party scene. I consider myself to be less of a tourist and more of an experiencer. But I also love hiking, but I backpack and hike alone often, so the countryside I'd be interested in seeing would be hiking-oriented.
Locations: Munich, Vienna (with a day or two for hiking in the Alps), Budapest, Prague, Krakow. But also considering Paris.
Explanation: With Krakow and Paris as outliers, the remaining cities seem to form a good travel cluster. Initially, my thought was: Munich, Vienna, Krakow, Prague. From what I've read, I think Munich would be better on a trip like this vs. Berlin, because I think Berlin would be better with more days to really get into it. As a Sound of Music fan, Austria has been on my travel list since I was 5 years old, and it would scratch the hiking itch. I have to admit Prague is on this list because it's right there. I'm Polish, and would love to visit Krakow. I know it's a bit out of the way, but if I waited to pair it with what it's more convenient to, I may be waiting a while. I'd prefer to have different experiences in each city rather than, say, 2 cities that are more similar (think Portland and Seattle).
Budapest was added to the list as I read more, and became more interested it as a contrast, but then some laces indicated that it's similar to Vienna, so I actually started to question Vienna. Then, I'll admit, by reading more I also became a little less interested in Prague. It sounds so touristy and busy. But then, some people might say less than flattering things about LA (where I live), which can be a crappy place to be a "tourist" in but is an awesome place to visit with the right guidance and is an even more awesome place to live. So there's that.
How did Paris get added? I've never been, and if I was going to consider Krakow as one far location, I thought I should consider Paris too. I don't know if it's unwise to include either city in this trip.
Here are some itinerary ideas I'm marinating on. Note that in a few places, the "travel day" will be a half day in a city too. I'm letting it take a day of space to make sure I'm not rushing.
- Main itinerary:
Budapest-3 full days
Travel day
Vienna-2 full days
Austria (Melk?, day hike)--2 days including travel
Munich-4 full days (incl. day trip to Nuremberg)
Travel day
Prague-3 full days
- Alternates:
Krakow--4 days (incl day trip to Auschwitz)
Overnight train
Budapest or Prague--3 days
Vienna or Prague--3 days
Munich--3 days
+1 day for a hike somewhere, whether in the mountains in Poland or in Austria
Paris--4 days
Hike in Switzerland--2 days incl travel
Munich--3 days
Vienna--2 days
Budapest or Prague--3 days
Any comments or opinions are appreciated.