I am traveling from Switzerland to Los Angeles and I have a layover in London Heathrow.
My flight arrives in terminal 5 and departs again from termine 5.
I am from Kosovo but I live in Switzerland and have a permit residency here. I also have a visa from the USA valid until 2029.
On the gouvernement website it tells me that I need a visa if I am passing through passport control and border controls (costums) but if I don’t need to pass those again on my arrival, I don’t need one because I have exemptions (arriving by air and departing by air the same day and not leaving the airport, à residency permit from Switzerland and a valid visa for the USA). But if in the terminal I need to pass through border control and passport control, I will need to ask for a visa.
So does someone know if in terminal 5 there is a border control and a passport control (not the passport check that the airline does before boarding) ?