I do think it's a useful thread- given how incessantly Viking advertises (they sometimes sponsor Rick's tv show on my local PBS station) I'd expect some folks to be curious to see how reality does or does not match up with the ads.
We're signed up for a family Viking Cruise next summer-my parents would rather spend money on travel while they're still quite mobile instead of having the nursing home get it later, and I'm not going to turn down a free trip to Europe ;) We're adding on days in the Swiss Alps and Amsterdam on our own before and after the trip. Their pre and post cruise excursion packages did seem insanely overpriced for folks like us who are used to DIY-ing trips for a fraction of the cost. Especially when you're talking places where 4-5 star hotel rates are generally pretty modest. I think those add on days are best for either very inexperienced travelers (Viking makes a big deal of how you lose their included transfers for DIY extra days, and there are some who are intimidated at the idea of taking a train to AMS on their own) or the crowd that is simply not price-sensitive.
Parents cheerfully paid the extra $150 per head for 'fight deviation' or whatever Viking calls it so we could pick our own airports, airlines, and flight routes. And parents wanted to pick too. While they're doing a Viking excursion on the front end because an extra full day in Basel just seemed convenient in getting to the ship, they're also heading to Germany afterwards to visit old friends n the Dusseldorf area from Dad's people-to-people exchange days i and flying home from there. (Spousal Unit and I have homeward tickets with a noon departure so we can have a full night's sleep and a relaxed breakfast before heading to AMS)
Parents have a friend who is a travel agent cruise specialist, and she was pretty helpful in talking about the different options you have in booking rather than just accepting Viking's default settings.