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Other than the Rick Steves videos are there any others that you can recommend? We have access to Apple TV, Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime. We are traveling all over Europe so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

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4181 posts

I'm, also a Rudy Maxa fan ,although his food and lodging choices tend toward the the high end . Still , for vicarious travel , he's alot of fun . If you go to YouTube , there are wonderful travelogues recently produced by the BBC . One is " Great British Railway Journeys " which are nine rail trips following a nineteenth century guide book and presented by ex British MP , Michael Portillo . Also just new is " Great Continental Railway Journeys " also with Michael Portillo . five trips in different locations on the continent . The first one is London via Paris to the French Riviera . These are great fun for everyone , and if you've been to any of these places , they will bring a wide smile to your lips , and a nostalgic tear to your eye , Enjoy them!

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5678 posts

Look for Burt Wolfe's as well. He's a bit quirky. You might also want to check for Globe Trekker. Pam

Posted by
9110 posts

There's two more that have started showing up on whatever Halo is. One's about a guy and a gal who are both travel writers. The other's about a couple of younger guys that take a year off to goof around. I don't know the name of either, and they cover the world rather than Europe, but they both beat the usual drivel to pieces.

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566 posts

I like Anthony Bourdain (food related) and Samantha Brown (on the higher end and for beginners)for Europe travel. All time fave is An Idiot Abroad. Not European or necessarily a travel show, but I have added some places to my list because of it. Love Globe Trekker too.

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9331 posts

I enjoy just going to YouTube and typing in the name of the place I am visiting. There are so many videos out there to watch. You will find festivals, scenery, train rides, some with music, some with commentary, and historic videos as well.

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12040 posts

The "Visions of Europe" series. Basically, aerial footage over scenic European landscapes, cities and monuments, set to music.

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60 posts

Thanks everyone! Leslie, we to love Idiot Abroad! This season was a waste though.. Only three episodes and not as good as the previous seasons!

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566 posts

Since you enjoy An Idiot Abroad, check out Jeremy Clarkson Meets the Neighbors. It's pretty funny. Learned lots of things I never heard of, like Ortolan Bunting. Kind of wish I could un-learn that one!

Posted by
559 posts

Christina, If you have cable, you can also check for the channel ' TV'. It's an off-shoot of PBS but they have the RS shows, Burt Wolf, and Rudy Maxa shows on it. Also, AXS tv ( which mostly does music and concerts) also has some RS shows as well as 'Baltic Seas' and 'Alps from Above, especially in the morning on weekemds. Both of these shows vary between airplane views from above and then they zoom in and talk to a person that works in that particular region (such as the coast of Northern Germany). Of course, as you realize, you can catch many shows on Hulu, etc. too! Enjoy!

Posted by
559 posts

Christina, in my previous post, there is a missing word. For some reason it won't let me type the word C r e a t e TV for the PBS TV station I mentioned. So, I've separated the letters here for you. Weird!

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118 posts

if you have a library card, you can see if you can get dvd's. i simply go on my library website, search for (whatever location or specific show titles i am looking for), click "place a hold" and i get a text message when they are ready to pick up at my branch.

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1898 posts

There are also the Samantha Brown videos. She had a show on Travel Channel. You might find them on Hulu.. I like her personality and she does a pretty good job of showing the highlights of regions.

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224 posts

If strictly interested in the how-to's of train travel, then "Euro Travel Secrets By Train" might be of interest. This is a homemade series put together by "Dr Chuck". Check it out on You Tube. The camera work is shaky, the edits can be off the mark, the audio quality is suspect, but the information and the narration is great.

Posted by
60 posts

You guys simply rock! Thank you for all of the suggestions. Hubs and I started watching some of the videos the other night.