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Verification on Travel Class Action Lawsuit

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]
Subject: [The Practical Nomad Newsletter] Money for travellers

I received information from this this site about a class action lawsuit involving using VISA and Mastercard while traveling. This applies to me, but I wonder if it is a real thing or a phis. Do the experts have any confirmation about this lawsuit?
Thanks for keeping us all safe from phising expeditions- let's travel instead!

Money for travellers from class action lawsuit
(this is not spam!)

Posted by
582 posts

I also received that information.
I think it's real.

Posted by
805 posts

It is very much real. If it applied to you, you should have also gotten a letter a few months ago from the class action administrator with instructions on filing a claim.

Posted by
769 posts

check back in Nov/Dec 08 archives - it was about excessive currency fees. Basically you should get $25 rebate (or if you think you spent 1000s more - you could qualify for more).

Posted by
61 posts

I think it is real. My husband and I both got the letters in the mail, and we have since received the typical class action claim information to submit. Haven't received anything back yet.