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Venice on a Sunday & Monday

We will be traveling through Italy on our honeymoon in a few weeks with a stop in Venice. Unfortunately, we will be in Venice late Saturday night and all day Sunday and Monday. From what I can tell, most of Venice is shut down on Sunday. What would you recommend we do on Sunday so as not to waste 1 of our 2 days in the city? While wandering the streets of Venice and getting lost in the city is something we want to do, not sure how ideal that is on a Sunday when you can't wander into any shops. On Monday, we've booked the Doge's Palace Secrets Itineraries Tour. Thanks for the help!

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15773 posts

I don't remember ever having a problem with sights being closed on Sunday, except the Rialto market.

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33556 posts

I was in Venice last February on a Sunday. Had a wonderful time. Didn't starve. Ate well, in fact. Don't do a lot of shopping anyway, but didn't notice anything much closed except the walk from the Bridge to my lunch spot behind the Mercato Rialto was much easier than it usually is with no fish to get in the way. So where did you see that Venice rolls up the carpets on Saturday night and keeps the place shut all Sunday? Neat name, by the way, Illinois. You're the first person I've met who's been named after a state. Cool.

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818 posts

Venice is made for wandering and getting lost and jumping on a vaporetto. What are you worried about being closed? Actaully - when I was there all we did was wander and poke our heads in some churches and it was wonderful.

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146 posts

Illinois, 3 days will be great there! My recommendations, (for what they are worth,) is a little bar called Cantina do Mori on Sestiere San Polo, number 429. Just has a small, unlit sign about the size of a placemat. Has not been open long. (Opened in 1462, just a few years before that Columbus dude went off sailing.) Great little cicchetti plates and wine. Ask for the local wines if you go. Also, the Cantine del Vino gia Schiava on Campo Anzolo Rafael. Hard to get a seat, so you probably will have to stand to eat. A euro or a euro and a half for great little plates of food. Adds up fast, though. Congrats on getting married. Wear.... your.... money-belts. (Said with emphasis) I knew a person named Utah once...

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18 posts

Hello we were in Venice Mon, Tue, Wed and nothing was closed, dont know about Sunday. we had a fabulous time, you can just wander around and see everything. we took a vaporetto ride along the Grand Canal, It think it was about 7 or 8 euros, it took about an hour and was a great way to see things. we also just walked a lot, dont miss a gondola ride, it sounds cheezy but it was fabulous!! DO NOT MISS IT! we ate at a great restaurant just around the corner from our hotel called Raphaela's and the food was great and reasonable. Also Cafe Florian is a must in my opinion. yes its expensive to sit there and have a glass of Proseco and listen to the orchestra playing but so worth it, hey you are in Venice splurge a bit! it was fantastic. the Doges Palace and that area are very interesting too. buy tickets ahead of time as the lines were super long.
We enjoyed visiting the Rialto market and just wandering around. We did take a short trip to Murano too which was interesting and I did a little shopping there!You can do a day trip to Burano which is supposed to be nice too, they make amazing hand made lace there. We did not get to the academia but others in our tour did and loved it. We stayed at the Saturnia and International Hotel which was very convenient to St. Marks square (just a short less than 10 min walk) and was a great hotel, friendly, helpful staff, we had a great room overlooking the canal and every afternoon the gondoliers would come along and sing, it was so great! We also ate a fantastic (although pricey) meal at the restaurant at hour hotel called Le Caravelle and it was delicious and wonderful. You will love Venice I simply fell in love with it! Happy honeymooning!