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VAT refunds - Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

I'll be leaving in a week for Ireland and will be spending some time in Northern Ireland as well as the Republic. I read Rick's information about VAT refunds, and I know how to get a refund for purchases made in the Republic; but I'm unclear about how to get a VAT refund on purchases made within Northern Ireland since we will simply be driving between NI and the Republic, not flying out of any NI airport. Has anyone had experience with this and how did you handle getting the refund?

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5 posts

Thanks for the response, but what I'm wondering is: Can I apply for the refund on Northern Ireland purchases in the Dublin Airport (at the same time I deal with VAT for Republic purchases) even though NI is part of the UK? I will be flying through Heathrow on the way back, but won't have enough time during my layover to deal with Northern Ireland VAT issues there.

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497 posts

You do all VAT refunds at the airport to use to exit the EU - you can't get a refund when you travel from one EU country to another. So you'll do both your UK and RoI refunds at whatever airport you use to exit the EU - which, from your posts, sounds like Heathrow.

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497 posts

It's pretty much the same procedure. Find a shop that is part of the scheme, spend the minimum and make sure you get the paperwork.

You can only file for a refund when you leave the EU so all your paperwork needs to be handled at whatever airport you fly back to the US (or out of the EU in general) from.

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9369 posts

Julie, the point is you are proving that you are taking the goods OUT of the EU. When you leave Dublin you are still going to be in the EU until you leave Heathrow. So the paperwork must be turned in there.

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23548 posts

Julie, a little clarity please. Are you thinking that you can get the VAT refund for your general expenses? If that is your thinking, you can not.

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668 posts

If Heathrow is your last stop in the EU, then that is where you must make the claim, regardless of whether you spent the money in Northern Ireland or Eire. The formalities are painless. You will find a booth (which might not even be manned) just after you clear security and you put your receipts in an envelope and give it to the officer on duty, or put it in a "letterbox". You will need to keep the N.I. and Eire claims separately and put them in different envelopes. If I remember correctly, you get the envelope(s) with the VAT receipt at the store you make the purchase.

Most recently, we did this in Manchester last year (for purchases in Eire, England and Scotland - the latter two were in one claim)and it only took a few minutes.