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Vacation options

If you had two weeks to spend in Europe around Thanksgiving and your two choices are Berlin or Paris; is there an obvious choice?
Paris seem obvious but I wonder if you could more for your Euro in Berlin...
We like to travel and we like to stay around the place we land to get a "feel" for what it is like - any feedback?

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3428 posts

We used to go to London the week after Thanksgiving-- did that for more than 20 years. I miss it. We also included parts of Scotland and Austria on some of those trips. It is a great time of year to travel. I can't speak to Berlin or Paris. Never been to Berlin, and I didn't like Paris (I know, I'm weird). Having see German Christmas Markets, I'd put my money on Berlin. But if you are open to other ideas-- let me know.

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410 posts

I guess I would choose Berlin - largely as it feels more like a winter city to me, if that makes sense. I love both cities but would prefer to go to Paris in warmer weather and spend more time outside.

Re costs, I would say Berlin is cheaper - your accommodation would almost certainly be cheaper - if an apartment, not sure about a hotel. Or you will get far bigger and better accomm for the same money - Paris apartments can be tiny, which is OK if you are spending a lot of time outdoors, but in winter not so great.

Just my thoughts - either would be wonderful! You could of course spend a week in each, but I am guessing you have already ruled that out.

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10548 posts

I love Paris and would go there any time, but I agree that it is best (for me anyway) in warmer weather. I enjoy the sidewalk cafes, etc. and cold weather does not mix with outdoor living very well. Germany has the Christmas markets, which I think would be fun. If you will be in one place for two weeks I suggest an apartment. Or go to two places for one week each.

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104 posts

I think what's obvious depends on what your interests are. If you really want to go to Paris to see something, an off-season time would be useful since you won't have to combat crowds as you would in summer. And colder weather is a great excuse to spend the day in a museum, if that's your interest. Otherwise, I would read up on both places and make your choice based on what interests you, or divide your weeks between the two, as has been suggested.