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Vacation excitement-waiting is the hardest!

As someone who hasn't had a European vacation since 2019 and has had to postpone this trip twice(thanks Covid), I'm both excited and waiting for the next shoe to drop. Five more months to go but I made most of my refundable long distance train and hotel room reservations now as I see they are filling up(Salzburg especially). And I have FFP2 masks at the ready.

Having had to reschedule twice though I'm always thinking that something will muck this one up. Anyone else feel that way? Now if I could only get more time off from work-two weeks is not enough! LOL.

I think waiting is the hardest part. I've already watched every German show on Netflix and practicing my quite horrible German.

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439 posts

LOL waiting is the hardest part, much like being pregnant, time seems to stand still. And yes two weeks is not enough!! J

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1076 posts

Thankfully, I finally got to England this year. What made it even harder for me was I hadn't seen my family in almost three years, so I went twice, making up for lost covid years! Now, I am already planning two European vacations for 2023 (June and September). Sometimes it seems so far out when making your first trip plans, but it really comes around quickly. I think the planning, anticipation, buying new outfits, and packing weeks ahead are all part of the fun.

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1469 posts

Maybe start practicing your decent German. :)

Hope everything runs smoothly for you.

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8373 posts

The winter in general is difficult as there's just no place we desire to go in North America. And cabin fever is real.

We are bargain travelers, and it used to be that the flights were cheaper if the trip started thjust e last day of March--end of winter rates. Thankfully the European weather usually is just changing over to Spring by then.

And the pandemic really put the quash in international travel. We visited Berlin/Dresden a year ago and in June returned to London Athens and a cruise ending in Venice area. We're taking this year off since the wife had surgery to improve her mobility.

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2069 posts

Warum, Paul? Ich möchte Deutsch üben:)

Mostly, it's because it's the one country that I know a little of the language-took two semesters worth and it's also where my ancestors came from-really that whole Austria-Hungarian region. And of course, I've always been interested in WW2 as my great uncles all fought in Europe and would like to see the history from the other side.

More importantly, beer/wine and of course bringing back lots of RitterSport chocolate bars.

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563 posts

Liebe Heather,
willkommen zurück in Deutschland und viel Spaß in München :-) Ich bin sicher, es wird dir sehr gefallen. Du wirst sehen, die Zeit bis zu deiner Abreise wird schnell vergehen. Und falls du noch Fragen hast, kannst du mich gerne auch direkt fragen.
Liebe Grüße aus München

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3120 posts

Und wo in Chi-town sind Sie von, bitte? Meine stadt wahr Arlington Heights. Alle familie von meine Mutter wahr von Hungary aber wahr Donau-Schwaben, so Deutsch wahr die Muttersprach von alle Tante und Onkele. Wann Ich wahr ein Kind, wir haben in Frankfurt gewohnt, so Deutschland ist sehr vertraut fur mich.

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457 posts

Ein dunkle bier bitte ... wo ist die toilette ... those are the only 2 phrases I need to know, the rest I'll figure out.