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Using Passport number online to buy air tickets

I notice that some of the online sites for buying tickets to fly around Europe require you to put your passport # in- isn't this kind of like using your ss #? I feel uncomfortable!


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6898 posts

If they are https: sites, it should be OK. The "S" on the end of HTTP stands for "Secure". After all, all of us are putting our credit card numbers on tons of sites and our SSN on some as well.

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805 posts

The airline is supposed to collect your passport # before departure because of new security regulations (checking your name against the nofly list for one).

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23546 posts

Actually a passport number is far more secure than a SS number. A passport number has no meaning. It is actually an encoded number that would have to be decode before it could be linked to your record. Unlike your SS number which does have a lot of meaning and ties directly to your record. No risk to use your passport number.

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805 posts

I agree. Your passport number is not typically used as a single-verification tool for ID theft in the same way that SSNs are.