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Useful "Tweak" for New Q & A or Tips Forum??

Glad to hear of the refinement of this useful travel forum/website. One suggestion, from this longtime contributor of Greece info to the "To the East" Graffiti wall. Up till now, when a question is posted, one can see all the various answers that have been posted ... sometimes as many as ten. However, If I want to add my bit, I sign in, give my password and Presto! the original post appears, with a box for me to type in. HOWEVER --- it does not show the previous 10 answers, for reference. THerefore, I must open another browser window and go BACK to the thread, in order to see these as I respond. This is a clunky, not-useful glitch. Can it be tweaked? All the other forums seem to permit seeing the whole thread while responding ... it can't be that hard to program! Please try!

Posted by
527 posts

Agree with your post. You can do that in would be a great improvement here.

Posted by
33457 posts

Janet, that's a good point. If you want the Webmaster to see it, you would do well to copy the comment into the Webmaster's thread, Travel Forum Feedback above.

Posted by
10544 posts

It would be great to have that feature!

Posted by
3388 posts

Thanks --- I did put this suggestion in the "Forum Feedback" thread. For those interested, you have to "drill down" to get this. First, you click on that "General Europe" thread. When it comes up -- right at the top above the thread list, there's an Icon labeled "Forum Feedback."