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US passport expiring within six months of travel to Italy - issues?

My Dad and I are flying to Italy for two weeks at the end of October. His passport expires in February 2017, so within the six months recommended by the State Department (

Is this likely to be an issue? How strict is the six month requirement? Should we expedite the passport renewal?

We are both US citizens and will be flying from Montreal; not sure if that makes any difference or not.

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30 posts

Thank you!

The decision to take the trip came together a bit last-minute.

We're a little worried about sending the passport out and getting it back in time. Luckily, we do have an expedited processing facility close by though, so that's an option we can utilize.

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7209 posts

Worried or not - that would pale in comparison to showing up at the gate to fly to Europe and then being turned away.

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9110 posts

The requirement is three months validity in the schengen zone. So you should renew as it's a bit close for comfort

From the Italian consulate website:
"...Passport (and copy of relevant pages) or travel document valid three months over the planned stay in Italy. Passports issued more than 10 years before the dates of travel cannot be accepted. Passports must have at least two empty ‘visa’ pages..."

If still in doubt call the consulate direct at (212) 737-9100

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30 posts

Thank you, Michael and ramblin',

I'm advising Dad to check with the consulate to confirm what's best for his situation. I believe he said his passport expires at the end of February 2017; we'd be outside of the three months with our return on 7 November 2016 (just in time for election day!)

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7209 posts

You know, you can check with all the experts you want, government officials, friends, etc - but it all boils down to the person working at the airport - checkin desk, security, gate agent, etc. Whatever they believe, true or not, is what will happen with your Dad's passport situation. I just can't believe anybody would even contemplate risking such a big investment (European Vacation) over shelling out roughly $100 to know for sure you'll be allowed to step onto that plane.

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3943 posts

What Tim said is true. We have friends in London who were flying to Turkey earlier this month (which is a little different animal for passport requirements). They had just under 6 mos (maybe 5 mos and 2-3 weeks) on their passport and they got the needed visas. They checked beforehand with the embassy/consulate who said everything was fine. Arrive at the airport and her husband was denied boarding because of the less than 6 mos on his passport. The funny thing was, hers expired on the same day as his, yet they let her go thru!

So much confusion and headaches on their part. They were going in remembrance of their son who loved Turkey - it was 10 years since his death. So they were out their airfare and taxi fare to Gatwick. They were able to get some passports expedited and were able to go a few days later. But yeah - it can come down to the person at check in! So to be on the safe side...

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178 posts

Why take a chance with a potential problem. As stated in other posts,go for the expedited service and get the passport renewed before you travel. Not all "officials" at entry sites are created equal. They are only human and they can and do make mistakes.

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30 posts

Thank you for the responses and helpful insight!

Dad sent his passport out last week for expedited renewal so it should come back in time for our departure.

We're looking forward to our trip!
