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Urgent : Visa Issues

Hi People
I am finding myself in a diffiucult situation. My girl friend is working in Norvich, UK and we have plans to meet in Germany on 20th may. She applied for visa appointment but unfortunately got a date of 18th may only. I do not know if she can get the visa that day itself (embassy will be closed on 19th may). The worse part it, nobody picks up the phone in german embassy in london and the appointment booking is an automated system. Could you provide some information on how to get in touch with the people there. If she applies for some other country’s visa in schengen teritroy, can the frankfurt be the first port of entry? If so, then she can try for french or austrial visa and canceling a non-refundable flight ticket from london to frankfurt will not be required.
I will appreciate any help on this.

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23557 posts

Unfortunately I don't think this is the place for the answers you need. These are very technical questions with serious consequences if you rely on a wrong answer. My experience with obtaining a Spanish VISA in the US was weeks. Good luck.

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873 posts

When contacting consulates with questions about visas for my upcoming trip, I was told that they would issue visas only if their country was my "main destination". This is definded as: a) their country was the first point of entry into Schengen, or b) I was planning to spend more time in their country than any of the others.

Your girlfriend will most likely need to demonstrate that she plans to spend more time in whatever country she applies in, if it isn't Germany. Of course, that is not 100% set in stone, but that was the information given by the consulates.

Also, I assume your girlfriend is not a citizen of the EU?

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7 posts

Thanks for your replies.
She is an Indian Citizen...But finally somebody picked up the phone and asked her to call tomorrow morning for an earlier appointment.