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Update your profile or put in some info

I like to remind the regular forum members to update your profile or put some info in there! I often look at regular posters profile and am shocked at how many have no info at all. Seriously, over 10,000 posts, but no profile info? Hey, we don’t want your address and phone number, but a bit about yourself and your travels is most welcome. I think the regulars know we are a friendly bunch!

Posted by
34333 posts

even if you want to claim to be a Dagestanian spleenwort.

Posted by
124 posts

I'm in agreement. A little information about the poster lets me know if I can trust the information, or at least makes them seem human. Good request Diveloonie!

Posted by
922 posts

Beyond what I choose to share is none of your business and I couldn't care less what is in someone else's profile. I don't look at "your" profile, I only consider giving weight to what one writes in a post.

Posted by
381 posts

Sorry, but no. I prefer to be anonymous. I'm rather well known in my profession and don't want my travels to connect to my professional identity. It's uncanny how seemingly insignificant items of information can lead to someone being able to identify you. I could give you an example of something I posted here once that enabled someone to deduce something about me that I did not want to be known. But then someone else would grab that and play detective with it...

If people want to discount my contributions because I don't have a profile, fine with me!

Posted by
4657 posts

I have some details in my profile but not sure it says much to others....just shows I'm a geek of sorts. I certainly appreciate the desire for anonymity particularly when I learned posters here.....and regular ones....spend time playing detective on the internet trying to sus out details on other Marcia learned. Rude, intrusive and not travel related.
As said, we should be taken on the merit of our advise. If we choose to share something, it should stop there and be respected.
If you want to know more about a person...ask them directly.

Posted by
3522 posts

Well, it is very difficult sometimes when a question is asked but there is no surrounding info so answers are given and then the OP comes back and says none of those answers apply because I live somewhere else.

Either put info into your profile or provide more info when asking your questions.

And I'm not asking for your entire history, just maybe what country you live in would be helpful.

And I really don't care if someone determines who I am in real life. So what, anyone who wants to find out things about me will already have methods of doing so. I chose to not be paranoid about it. My door is always open to anyone who wants to visit.

Posted by
4657 posts

@Mark, I don't see it as paranoia. Some of us want a little privacy. There is so much intrusion in our lives that we try to control what little we can. Of course, if we really wanted privacy we would be on no social media at all....I get that.
I couldn't remember why I had anything on my profile, and then I remembered I actually wanted to use it to make a statement. So, go ahead and read it, folks.

Posted by
124 posts

The problem with anonymity is, I feel, for some, it gives and excuse to be rude and inconsiderate. When people can find you, it pays to be nice. I, like Mark chose not to be paranoid. People can find me no matter how hard I try to hide, in this day and age.

Happy Travels Ya'll!

Posted by
7180 posts

Sorry, but I don't think it's a matter of privacy at all. It's a matter of paranoia - it's rampant in today's world because of the internet. Personally I prefer not to be paranoid, it makes life so much simpler. I like to assume that those who are so paranoid about someone finding them are actually in the witness protection program, or maybe they are employed by the 'company' and so like to keep a low profile. I have an active imagination and I can have a lot of fun imagining why you won't give out a little bit of info - nothing personal that would help people find you (real name, address, birth date, SS#, etc).

If you want privacy, don't use your real name, then no matter what you put in your profile it won't help anybody find out who you are. It helps if you put even a minimum of info in your profile - your city and country of residence or just the airport you fly out of, so people know how to answer when you ask about flying to Europe; your passport country for visa questions; putting your gender in your profile helps when answering questions regarding concerns about safety in places. And knowing how extensively you've traveled helps too, and for me it's not a matter of trusting your answers, it just helps to know whether all of your travel has been to Italy or if you've been to lots of different places.

Maybe some of us are just too curious for our own good. :)

Posted by
2518 posts

I think the OP is asking for a little background information. I think her suggestion is an innocent one, it is interesting to know a little about where you have traveled and trips you would like to take.

I agree it is unfortunate that someone tracked down a regular forum participant.

However, I, for one think this forum is a place to have fun and learn about travel and even, make some friends. On the other hand, I suppose it’s a good practice to disguise your name.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Posted by
3613 posts

Well it seems as if our forum members are split about 50/50 on this. It just seems strange to me if you are worried about your privacy, you should not be on any social media at all. I don’t use my real name......if someone wants to try to find out who I am, well, good luck!
Mostly, I also wanted to make sure forum members knew there was a place to add info if they wanted to.

Posted by
11513 posts

I really like it when people at least put their country down .

Perhaps this forum isn’t the most international - but some forums do have more participation by people from various countries and I find it annoying when they ask something in “ dollars “ not thinking there are several different currencies that have “ dollars “ .

Also it helps to know what country someone is from when they ask questions about hotels - expectations vary - same with several issues .

And finally - if it’s someones first trip out of the hicks as opposed to someone who’s spent the last 30 years visiting various countries - different answers would be given .

Posted by
11513 posts

I also think there is a bit of paranoia involved -

Not one of you know anything about me but what I tell you .

I live in a city with 100s of thousands of people , my screen name and location won’t do you any good .

Posted by
1408 posts

The only information I want is a country. I have often seen long messages to help an OP with traveling from USA to Europe or calling USA from Europe or some other information and then later the OP say "I'm from ...". This is a US site and the assumption is that posters are from USA unless otherwise stated.

It's perhaps a bit ironic that the OP is one of only two poster on this thread without country information, but I assume they are both from USA.

Posted by
8889 posts

Yes, minimum which country you are from.
So many transport questions need to know where you are from.

  • How long do I need between landing at XXX airport and catching a train? - depends where you are flying from.
  • Do I need a visa? / How long can I stay in country XX? - depends what country you are a citizen off.
  • Do I need an IDP? - depends on which country issued your licence.

Some people put for example "Smallville", which nobody outside the country has ever heard of. Is that Smallville USA or Smallville Australia. Abbreviations are as bad. I don't know your country's state/county/whatever abbreviation system (especially if I don't know which country it is) so "Smallville XY" is of no help, unless it is the standard country abbreviation.

Yes diveloonie - you are guilty.

"This is a US site and the assumption is that posters are from USA unless otherwise stated." - Some make that assumption, I deliberately do not. If they don't say I give a generic answer.

Recent question: "How do I get from Boston to Edinburgh" - answer: easy by train, First train Boston - Grantham, then Grantham - Edinburgh.
If they didn't mean the original Boston (the one in Lincolnshire), but some other place which copied the name, they need to say so.

Posted by
467 posts

A: "..... well, good luck!"

B: took about 2 seconds! :-)

Made me laugh 😂

Posted by
9078 posts

I dont have much there, because I think it gives people ammunition to start ad hominem arguments. I think I've seen that happen a few times here, where someone has questioned a participant's reply or credibility based on something they read on their profile. I've definitely seen it on other non-travel forums where bashing participants is a sport.

But country would be good, for the reasons mentioned above.

Posted by
4712 posts

A little information about the poster lets me know if I can trust the

Maybe this deserves its own Forum question but does anyone take an opinion on this Forum as 100% gospel, or does anyone expect their opinion to be taken as gospel? Don't get me wrong, I've received some tremendous info from the posters, but I take the info/advice and research it further to make sure it fits my wants and requirements. I would expect that anyone who values my opinion to still do their own research.

Posted by
8293 posts

“I often look at regular posters profile and am shocked at how many have no info at all.”

Really? Well, you shock easily. I don’t often look at profiles but if I do and see a big long list of countries visited, my eyes glaze over. Better to be shocked than bored.

Posted by
1637 posts

"I don’t often look at profiles but if I do and see a big long list of countries visited, my eyes glaze over. Better to be shocked than bored."

Hahaha! You are much kinder than me. My reaction to a laundry list of countries is pompous......

Which leads me to ask this. What's the point of a profile? The user name is not the only thing that can be made up. Yes, pertinent info when asking questions leads to better answers. But do you always look up someone's profile before providing an answer?

Posted by
1662 posts

I've received some tremendous info from the posters, but I take the info/advice and research it further to make sure it fits my wants and requirements. I would expect that anyone who values my opinion to still do their own research.

I agree with Allan's sentiments.

lol, I could drone on and on about my wonderful experiences in Rome the last couple of times with this suggestion or that suggestion, etc. Still, it does not guarantee (nor should it) the traveler will have the same personal experiences or emotions.

As Allan (and probably some others think that way too), we post as a guideline to the OP seeking suggestions or advice.

As stated above by Norma, I agree it seems a bit overkill to write "shocked."

I don't get why it is a big deal either way -- putting your real first name or other deets or using a screen name (maybe it is for FUN?) I believe there are much bigger things to get shocked about or worry about in "today's World."

If a poster asks for help in travel but does not state where they are flying from or what dates they are traveling, then just move on, I guess. It is a volunteer forum -- as a reminder...

Posted by
1662 posts

But do you always look up someone's profile before providing an answer?

I don't. lol. I never really did.

Posted by
5702 posts

The only time I look at someone's profile is to see if an OP is a newbie or not. I neither want nor need to know their life history. This isnt Facebook. Their country, which IMO should be a required field under their username, is all I need to know. It doesn't take long to get a feel for the knowledge base of the regular posters. It's the content of their posts that matters, not the content of their profile (which may or may not be a work of fiction). My profile is bare. My posts can be judged on their own merits.

Posted by
4657 posts

For the direction of how to respond, I look at profile for country. If a question seems naive, I'll look at their posting history for number of posts and if they have been posting in a country for a bit (sort of 'how much of their own research have they done?'). I find their posting history of more relevance in the long run.

Posted by
3613 posts

Laughing because I did forget I had a blog link, but obviously I’m not paranoid.
I think someone said I was guilty of no country listed, but I guess I just assumed that everyone knew the last frontier is a reference to Alaska. It’s in our license plates too. And of course if you don’t want to put info in your profile, it’s not required, but if I was a newbie to this forum and you are giving me advise, I’d like to know that you are an experienced traveller to that region. And Norma I guess I do shock easily, still get shocked when I hear the latest mass shooting, but I think I will keep that quality!
I know some posters here have met in person and got to know each other from this blog......don’t get how that happens if people don’t share information!
Anyways, love this forum..... I was so desperate to talk travel when I stumbled on here. My people!

Posted by
5702 posts

I just assumed that everyone knew the last frontier is a reference to

You know what they say about people who assume. I thought it meant you were a Star Trek fan (although that's the final frontier).

Posted by
1662 posts

I know some posters here have met in person and got to know each other from this blog......don’t get how that happens if people don’t share information!

It could be that posters build up a trust. And, people can become friends in private messages and take it from there. I am sure there are peeps who meet up in person, chat or whatever but it is not broadcast on the public forum. Why should they?

but if I was a newbie to this forum and you are giving me advise, I’d like to know that you are an experienced traveller to that region.

I don't agree with the above completely. A person traveling a few times to a country or someone who has traveled there 50 times -- it will be different experiences, emotions, absorption of the country.

Sometimes a newer traveler can bring forth fresh ideas and excitement. You don't have to be that experienced to share your travels or taken seriously.

Everyone will take away different things from a new person or a more traveled person. It is also how it is worded. I like a person who gives details -- telling a story if you will -- giving the reader the impression "they are there right now" or holding their interest enough to want to perhaps explore that particular city or country.

Posted by
1662 posts

I like to assume that those who are so paranoid about someone finding them are actually in the witness protection program, or maybe they are employed by the 'company' and so like to keep a low profile

Also Nancy, it could be the person does not want an ex to see them on the forum. Some people are extra private and choose carefully what they post to not be too identifiable.

Many reasons why people have the freedom to not post too much personal stuff on the forum while still being able to enjoy or participate on the forum. Makes sense to me.

Posted by
3373 posts

OK, this post just had the opposite result. I reduced my profile. I do not want to be considered "pompous"! Any expertise I might have will need to be assumed...which we know where that gets us, but whatever. LOL

Posted by
4657 posts

Not being from US 'last frontier,' might as well have been 'lost frontier'. At least one member is allowed to have a vague location as he doesn't really have a fixed address.

Posted by
381 posts

Don't forget that anyone who is - even indirectly - personally identifiable here is putting their home security at risk if they are specific about when they are going to be away.

I never post anything publicly under my full name about when and where I'm going because that's too risky. Think of all the people whose houses get burglarized when they're attending a family funeral, because the time and date of the funeral are public knowledge. It's the same with vacation plans.

This is not paranoia, it is smart prudence.

Posted by
1637 posts

I'm sorry @Wray. I have no idea whether it was your profile which caused ME to react pompously. I suspect not since you felt compelled to edit your profile. I need to keep repeating: "Judge not lest ye be judged".

Posted by
34333 posts

now you see, as we discussed on a different thread several months ago, pseudonyms are only pronouced as people see them because they have never heard them said by the owner - remember Uncle Gus?

Regarding "diveloonie" I never associated the name with Alaska. To me a Loonie reminds me of a Canadian $2 coin so I always associated your name with Canada. Or the bird.

I remember you mentioning diving once so I knew that somewhere deep in the brain, but even though I know the spelling is wrong I see it as a Diva on the stage. So I see you as a Canadian actress.

About the Final Frontier - I haven't seen any license plates from the US except on hot rods at the drag strip for decades, and not an Alaska one since before the Ice Age finished. I had no memory of the phrase, so it worked well for with Canada.

Posted by
3613 posts

Now we have to worry about being presumed pompous because some among us are well traveled?? Good grief! It’s a travel forum!!!
Ok, I made a change to my profile!!
Oh and Nigel, my username is a reference to my other passion, scuba diving.

Posted by
8889 posts

Still doesn't say which country you are from. Are foreigners supposed to know all the subdivisions of your country (many posters don't appear to know the subdivisions of the countries they are visiting)?

At least I know a Dagestanian spleenwort comes from Dagestan ☺

Posted by
124 posts

Wow, there seems to be a whole lot of paranoia just for a travel discussion. You see, travel is my passion, not my online persona, it is who I am and as such, I don't need to give a fake name and make things up. This is my real name this is my real life. While being in the witness protection program might be an adequate excuss I don't understand hiding behind a false avatar of one's selves. This forum is not a separate world or fantasy land is it? We are talking about real places, real experiences, and real people, right?

And yes, I check folks profiles to see what experience they have and honestly, if they don't take their profile seriously then I don't take their advice seriously. That doesn't mean I don't laugh at Dagestanian spleenwort, it just means this poster lost me. You see it's like this, if you are telling me all about Germany but I see on your profile you have only been to Norway, or list nothing at all, well credibility is lost. I don't see listing your experience as being a braggart, I think it adds context. Speak up and be confident. You are an important and interesting person - tell us about yourself.

Additionally, I just think that once you enter the public realm, of which this forum is, privacy is an illusion. I can run around my house with the blinds shut in my unmentionables but not down the street.

Now, this is a world full of others and each is right to have their own opinion, clearly most do not agree with me and that is ok. I still think the original request for information on your profile is helpful to others and isn't that what we're trying to do here. I jonned ths forum not just for the information but for the social interaction. Searching for people who have similar interest is human nature. I think that that part of the human aspect of the post is lost without knowing something about the person. Okay off my soapbox, next!

Posted by
4986 posts

Well, I certainly understand if people prefer to remain closer to anonymous (remembering the story about the stalker). But I have to admit I enjoy a little knowledge about fellow posters, if they feel like sharing it - if they say something in particular that raises curiosity. But I generally don’t go look. However I often see forum replies indicating that some regular posters DO go check out at least “previous posts”. Usually this seems like it enables them to give a better answer - or put a question into perspective.

This made me go back to see what I had written on my profile. :) It also made me google Travelmom and all the hits I came up with are not me. Lol!

Posted by
15798 posts

some posters here have met in person . . . don’t get how that happens if people don’t share information!

I've met about a dozen forum members, none of them through their profile info. Most of them were through exchanges on forum threads which is where most of us share most of the information about ourselves, the rest (and many others) were through the tripadvisor forums. I'm meeting my newest RS forum friend in about 2 weeks on Crete. I started a thread and she recommended a hotel. Somehow we discovered through subsequent posts that were were going to be in that hotel at the same time for 4 nights.

I sometimes look at a poster's profile when they haven't provided enough info in their questions, not to see if they gave any info, but to see if there are any other posts that would add more info. Since I don't bother to read the profiles, I've never bothered to add my own.

Posted by
3961 posts

To Chani's point I also have gleaned information through exchanges on forum threads. The forum is one of my tools for information. I also use recommendations from friends, relatives, RS classes & guidebooks. I have found my "go-to" forum contributors who have provided a wealth of information to meet my travel needs. I am grateful to all my forum friends who have gone above and beyond to share their travel advice. I haven't felt the need to read profiles or provide a profile.

Posted by
34333 posts

but emma, wouldn't you love to have a cat so you could give her a ride on the hoverboard? Or perhaps dogs are smarter and better at surfing

Posted by
5678 posts

I check a profile for information if I think it will provide context about a question. If someone from Seattle is asking about the weather in Scotland, I might frame it differently from someone who lives in San Diego. And if someone asks about public transportation and is from Iowa I would frame my answer somewhat differently than if they live in Chicago or NYC. I also agree that as an OP the profiles of those answering your question can give you context for the response. Clearly, if someone has been posting for years you can judge by the different answers you've seen, but it still can help. I just checked my profile and I say that I travel a lot to the UK and primarily Scotland I don't say much about the other countries I've visited, but I hope that it will give people context around my posts and replies.


Posted by
43 posts

I didn't realize so many went to profiles to glean information. So I went and put some in.

Posted by
2030 posts

Recently I clicked on a user name to find out where he/she was from, I felt it knowing what part of the world he was from would add to my understanding of his post. I don't often do this, but sometimes it is interesting. I don't have to know everything about a person, but a little info is helpful.
I think if folks are sensitive about being tracked they should probably not be on social media.

Posted by
331 posts

Huntle, your story is interesting! (You made me curious ... :-) )

I'm looking forward to putting faces and stories together with usernames, when I can finally attend one of the get-togethers.

Posted by
1043 posts

You inspired me to update my profile.


Posted by
15798 posts

BG1 - if the poster puts their location on the profile, you see it on the thread, in parenthesis after their name.

Posted by
2030 posts

Chianti, yes I see the poster's location if he/she includes it on their signature -- but many don't (like the person who posted above me on this thread) or have a made up location....

Posted by
4712 posts

I've changed my profile to include my country because I've realized that for some questions the country you are from is important. For example, questions about currency exchange, credit cards etc. Until I discovered this forum I had no idea how different the Canadian and American banking systems and its credit/debit cards are. I have asked a couple of 'money' questions in the past and clearly indicate that I am asking for a Canadians point of view but I still get answers that make me think the person answering must not be Canadian. This can get frustrating if I don't know if I'm getting a Canadian point of view.

Posted by
12315 posts

Two things I've learned about my own profile:

I forgot to mention I'm a (closeted) geek.

I use my real first name here. I used to post on a different travel sight. I eventually changed to a pseudonym because it was so political and mean. I felt if people had a Gestapo, they'd be knocking at my door. I don't believe I'm ever rude, certainly not intentionally. Saying Madrid is my least favorite European city, however, was like saying I don't like someone's mother's cooking. After a while, I stopped posting - even using a pseudonym.

I may be an enigma. My life is an open book, I'll tell you anything - I'm not offended by personal questions. At the same time I value my privacy. I'd rather be completely out of the spotlight than in it.

Regarding paranoia, remember, just 'cause your paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. ;-)

Posted by
1688 posts

Gundersen was my paternal grandmother's maiden name. She was a Norweigian beauty of great renown, married to the most handsome man in all of Finland. They were both murdered by Uncle Joe's enthusiastic liberators. Of course, I could be making it all up, the same with anything I write on this forum.