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Update for Passport Renewal (made an appointment)

I have posted at least one discussion about passport renewal and received many helpful and good responses.

I was hoping to do on line renewal but am aware that many persons have been having trouble with uploading a picture.

Well, on my way to Trader Joes, I passed my library and I know they offer some kind of passport services so I went in.

I got the form for those who are not going to use the mail. I made an appointment to go to the office with my documents for April. I believe they take my picture and then I do not know what else but they help me get my passport renewed.

I will try to do it online first after April 1st but if I can not, I have an appointment with my library

As soon as I get my new passport, I will book a cruise for October. I am still leaning towards Japan but if the cruise and the air are too expensive, I will go somewhere in Europe. Japan will then be 2026.

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333 posts

Frankly, I don’t know why anyone would want to wait for several weeks to renew a passport in person when you can just mail it in and probably have the new one before your in person appointment. I’ve applied for passports in person, because that’s what you have to do for a child, and it’s a total hassle. I did it at a post office. It was more expensive because they charge an extra fee, didn’t save any time (they don’t do any actual processing, all they do is accept the application and mail it themselves to State Department), and we had to make a special unnecessary trip to our safe deposit box because the arrogant clerk wouldn’t apply the State Department’s rules about whether a birth certificate had to have a raised seal on it or not, even though I showed her that actual rule in writing. It was a great relief when our son turned 16 and we could renew his passport easily by mail, like ours. Nor was there any benefit about the photo. We had to bring the photo so they could staple it to the application, same as we do ourselves for mailing. Sure, maybe this library will take the photo of you, and charge you for it, but just about any drug store will do the same.

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7499 posts

Each to his own. Mailed my wife’s and mine off the end of January, standard handling, and had the new ones in less than four weeks.

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9210 posts

The problem is not uploading the photo. It's taking a photo that meets the standards - light-colored background, no shadows smiles or glasses, etc. We did ours at home with our iPhone cameras and a tripod to hold it steady and we managed the process successfully. The system is designed to help make it simple.

We used a piece of white mat board for the background, as we could not find a bare wall that was light enough.

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2457 posts

Hello Slate and jaimeelsabio

Thank you for your responses but for myself, assistance and convenience are important.

The best option for me would be if I could renew online but if not going to a place where someone can assist me is the next best thing.

The library is going to charge me a $35 fee which I am glad to pay for the assistance.

Obviously I am not homebound. If I were, I would not be able to go on a. cruise once a year but sometimes getting to places can prove challenging due to weather, transportation (I do not drive and public transportation is mediocre ), health issues and budget (I can not afford taxis or Uber / Lyft)

Stan, I have about 5 pictures on my dashboard. A friend took the last one with an iPhone and had someone else edit it. This someone else had to help her. Unfortunately while I was not mouth was open and truthfully I look like a frog trying to catch a fly. Still maybe it will be accepted. We will know in less than three weeks.

And Stan, you have reminded us that we need to put in the new passport number if we have global entry. I do and I did go to global entry and find where I have to edit my new passport number but when the time comes, I might need another reminder on how to find global entry.

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2648 posts

I renewed my passport online in January. My husband took my picture in our kitchen, with our off white wall in the background. No edits (they tell you not to edit it). No problem with the photo. Just read the instructions. They have examples of what is acceptable or not: facial expressions, glasses, etc.

I received my new passport in 4 weeks.

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2457 posts

hello travel4fun

were you able to upload your picture the first time?

I have a friend who works in technology. He is tech super savvy, even codes, and it took him 6 times before his picture was accepted.

Another friend had to help a sister upload a picture. The sister is either an accountant or attorney and the sister was unable to upload her picture. Furthermore my friend ws unable to do it either and finally the sister had to go somewhere else to get help.

I know that you can not smile but the last picture that I took, my mouth was open. I did not realize it until I was sent the picture, However, I also have about four other pictures on my desktop.