Somewheremaybe not on this board at allI've recently seen a msg saying I should download some NON-Apple user manual for my new iphone5. Can anyone point me to the link, please? The official one from Apple isIMOwoefully inadequate! Thx. Tom
The Missing Manual, or something close.
The Missing Manual books are really good, although you need to buy them.
Tom, I have also seen that recent message & couldn't remember where. Anyway I ordered iPhone the missing manual by David Pogue from Amazon for $15 & can attest to it being a great, easy & understandable read. I am new to iPhone as I have just purchased the iPhone 5 & I needed some help using it. This manual imo will teach you everything you want to know about your phone.
thx one and all! sounds like the manual I'm missing is the one I need! Pun intended...
I wrote that. It is iPhone: the Missing Manual by David Pouge I download the Kindle app on to my iPhone. I then downloaded the e-book version on to my phone. Then I have a manual I can use off line. Since it is loaded on to the phone I always have it with me for reference. The Kindle app version is only $10.00.