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Uggs boots for walking/touring, go or no go?

Hello, I am thinking if I should invest in a pair of comfortable walking shoes designed for walking such as those suggested in the Graffiti section: clarks walk trek, keens, merrells, etc or could I just wear my pair of regular suede Ugg boots, spray some water resistant protectant and it would be comfortable walking all day and won't stain it even on rainy days (i will be touring Paris/Rome late Nov/early Dec)? I have worn them shopping in the winter for a few hours but never walking all day.. thank u!!

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23743 posts

Try wearing for all day and see what happens. For the most part water protectant sprays are a waste of money since the performance is very low. The sprays are good for one day and three drops of rain. It is really wet the spray will not do much good.

Posted by
2524 posts

Frank is right, wear Uggs for a whole day and see how it works. If you decide to get new boots, break them in before you go.

Posted by
60 posts

@frank- Uggs are extremely comfortable for a few hours duration but dont know all day.. they have them for men's too! =) but yes, im suspecting the water resistant spray wont hold against pouring rains, maybe drizzles or maybe not even..and unfortunately it seems like half of my trip will be raining..thanks for the reminder!

@gail- thank u for the tip about breaking them in first! i was going to just wear them for the first time there if i do buy one..i only have approx 2 weeks left, i am so unprepared!

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10816 posts

I would do two things if I were in your shoes, so to speak. First, I would go to Nordstom's and try on a variety of walking shoes. Why Nordstom's? They have an excellent return policy. What feels comfortable to me may not feel comfortable to you, so use recommended brands as a suggestion only. I would choose a couple of pairs, then take them home. Try walking around the house. Then take the most comfortable pair and take some long walks in them. Wear them all day. If they don't work out, try something different. You're running out of time, so do this ASAP. Return what you don't like. Second, do the same with your Uggs. If your Uggs work, take them. If not, don't. You should take two pair of shoes either way, in case one pair gets wet or just to give your feet a break. The best time to try on shoes is at the end of the day when your feet may be a little swollen.

Posted by
60 posts

@andrea- yes u nailed it for me, my feet tends to swell up at the end of the day!! thank u for pointing it out as common! i was also thinking of 2 pairs, my Uggs and another pair of sneakers (but both are not very waterproof so Im considering getting a pair of waterproof boots) another concern comes to mind though, in case I do go splurge at dinner one of those nights, would there be a dress code such as dressy shoes only?? =T so should i bring another pair of shoes/heels just in case although i highly doubt i'd be wearing heels at all..maybe invest in a comfortable, yet stylish boot? And one problem, Nordstroms is not very close to me =( could i find any good ones at Macy's, Bloomingdale's, or JcPenny since those malls are easier access for me..thank u for the advice and tips again! =)

Posted by
10816 posts

I only mentioned Nordstom's because of their return policy. You can bring shoes back, even if you have worn them for months. At the stores you mention, once you wear shoes outside they are yours! Personally I wouldn't wear heels, or bring them on the off chance you would wear them. Boots are totally appropriate.

Posted by
12040 posts

If the reason for waterproofing is to keep your feet dry, then don't bother. You are unlikely to encounter the type of weather conditions that would soak through the boots. But I plead ignorant if there's another reason to waterproof (I have no idea if lady's leather boots get damaged by light exposure to water).

Posted by
182 posts

I love Uggs for the winter. I am outside a lot during the winter just exploring London and the stone pavements (sidewalks) are cold. Uggs keep my feet warm. The air temperatures won't be bad but you will be surrounded by stone buildings, etc. Stone is cold and my feet would get so cold. Uggs took care of that!

Posted by
951 posts

I wore Uggs for my first trip to Germany. Big mistake. Plantar Fasciitis isn't fun on vacation. And I have had PF ever since I wore Uggs on my trip. Everybodies feet are different. But the guy at the shoe store warned me that they wouldn't be good for this kind of trip. I then jokingly said "why would you sell UGGs at a store called " the walking store" and bought them anyways. I also water proofed them. Water still sneaks in the seems. Although my feet were cozy, they did not do well for long term walking. I do not advise.

Posted by
1825 posts

When it rains in Los Angeles the whole town smells like wet Uggs. When traveling light you won't have multiple shoes, the Uggs will take time to dry out if it rains. You won't have a lot of shoes to switch out and carrying and packing the Uggs won't be fun.

Posted by
60 posts

@andrea- yea i hear only good things about nordstroms, but too bad its too far from where i am and i dont drive =( yes, im thinking about walking, comfortable and stylish boots..but which brand? ah decisions, decisions again..thank u for keeping track of my questions, u've helped me alot! =)
@tom-thanks for the info, but are there no downpours/heavy rain in paris/rome at this time? should i be worrying? i hope water doesn't seep through Uggs..ah, thats another question. yes, if i wore my regular suede Uggs i'm afraid they might get ruined..i checked the weather and it seems to be raining 3 out of 6 days i am there..
@nancy- i love my Uggs too for cold feet bc my hands and feet are always cold =) but im worrying about the waterproofing and longterm use, so walking around all day seemed to be fine for u..thank u!
@kelly-Uggs hurt your feet?? they dont usually hurt mine when i wear them for a few hours but i dont know about longterm. which kind of Uggs did u get? is it because they're too flat? when i wear flat shoes too long the back of my feet hurts, and when i wear heels too long the front part hurts..its so hard! thanks for ur advice!
@richard-yes you are right, light traveling means no multiple shoes esp for such a short trip, but im just too excited and want to prepare really well since its my 1st ever trip to Europe =) thank u! and good point about if the Uggs get wet it might take forever to dry because of the suede and fur..

Posted by
34631 posts

I'm so confused....

In your recent post, Stella, you say it won't rin in Paris or Rome when you are there, then a couple of lines later you say it is expected to rain for 3 of your 6 days!?!?!?

There is some seriously heavy weather headed to France in a couple of days, and we certainly have not had a dry autumn.

If you have suede (or fake suede - Uggs) I would think twice or even 3 times before bringing them at this time of year. But who knows? Maybe you'll be lucky.

Just remember - November and December means winter or late Autumn weather.

Posted by
10816 posts

Whatever you decide about your Uggs or other boots, I really do recommend you bring a second pair of shoes. If your only pair of shoes get soaking wet or hurt your feet, you are screwed. I can pack for a 4 week trip using carry on only and bring 2 pair of shoes. Just wear your bulkiest shoes on the plane.

Posted by
339 posts

Five years ago I was in Paris for a week in November and it rained a lot. Big storms. Big puddles everywhere. It did not stop us from walking everywhere with umbrellas and raincoats. I wore waterproof Keens shoes. I brought 2 pairs and they kept my feet dry and I would alternate them. That worked well. My husband had Eccos--same results. I have Uggs but they take forever to dry and are not waterproof. They also hold water so that it feels like you are squishing along. Did not have that problem with the Keens. Keens don't work for everybody's feet but I am sure there are other similar shoes out there that are comfortable. Those shoes are still my favorite travel shoes. Still have them.

Posted by
60 posts

@nigel- hahah sorry maybe you got confused by so many of my posts but i was asking if there are no heavy downpours/heavy rains in this late nov/dec?? not certain, i wanted to know. but through my weather research for those days it shows rain for 3 out of 6 days (1 in Paris, 2 in Rome). but still i dont know how bad it is..if Uggs would suffice. However, everyone seems to be leaning towards Uggs being a bad idea for water resistance, but ambiguous for comfort (depends on the person's feet). *sigh sadly, i tested and wore my regular Uggs today all day outside from 12-6 and it was starting to be a tad bit umcomfortable towards the end of the day..thanks for the heads up about the rain! =)
@andrea-4 weeks with 1 carry-on is genius! ok, 1 carry-on for me it is. =) and yea i think im leaving the Uggs behind and go with something more waterproof =( thank u!
@claire- *ack squishy Uggs does not sound good! thank u for sharing! i will look into Keens as well..time is running out for me ahh

Posted by
348 posts

I can't imagine wearing anything for a duration without good support. Uggs have no support. However, I love my Uggs when paired with a support insert. Sometimes they can be too warm. However, if the climate is cold, they really keep my feet warm and comfortable. I find if my feet are warm and comfortable, the rest of my body is too.

Posted by
60 posts

@kat-Uggs with support insert are comfortable all day? Yes, the prob with Uggs is theyre so comfortable, once u wear them u dont want to wear anything else. haha but too bad its not that waterproof and my trip seems to be rainy most days..*sigh thanks!

Posted by
1901 posts

Hi Stella,
If you walk around a city all day, wearing Uggs, you will probably end up with really sore feet. They don't offer enough support for walking several miles on pavement. If you google "Uggs health risks" you will find loads of articles about this. I have included the link for one below. Our first trip to London, I walked all day in shoes with little support - could barely walk the next day. You won't notice how much your feet hurt until the end of the day!

Posted by
60 posts

thank you for the Uggs longterm side effects info =) i am quite stunned to find out they are bad for out feet in the long run..perhaps i should venture out and invest in better shoes for the feet..

Posted by
4183 posts

If you are really concerned about the dryness issue, you might take a look at all these Gore Tex options: There are several brands and styles in those 300+ listings and something might be worth trying. Research online what you are thinking of getting for the all day walking factor. I don't care how much you walk in NYC, you will literally be on your feet all day everyday, especially considering your packed schedule. And, don't forget the cobblestones. The streets and sidewalks aren't exactly flat or smooth in either Paris or Rome. You need support, comfort and safety. The last thing you need is to turn an ankle or fall because your shoes lack those three qualities.

Posted by
951 posts

The sales person at "the walking store" stated that uggs do not have arch support. At that time, I wasn't concerned about arch support as i could wear pretty much any shoe without insult......until I wore the Uggs in Europe. On the plane there were fine....after a full day of walking, they were the opposite of fine. After that trip, I sold mine on ebay. I have had sensitive feet ever since, being able to wear only a few types of shoes that have good arch support.

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12040 posts

I had no idea what an Ugg is, so I conducted a Google image search. Looks completely impractical for travel. And although I usually poo-poo the water risk for getting your footwear soaked, now that I've seen the soft leather they use... yes, that would get water-logged easily, even in the relatively light rains that Paris usually experiences.

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3943 posts

Having worked at a shoe store for 12 years, we sold Emu's...which were cheaper(but not much) type of Ugg boots...I think Ugg's may have a little more structure then the Emu did, but to see the women/girls walking around in them and their feet were falling off the soles because of no arch support or heel structure - it made me wince thinking of what they were doing to their feet/back.

I, personally, love my Blundstone boots - nice pull on leather boot (used to be made in Australia, now Vietnam...boohoo). They go on every holiday (unless I was going somewhere really hot - they are great Spring/Fall/Winter boots), I've never had a leakage problem (and have been in some rainy spots), they look great with jeans or khakis or chinos or whatever (mine are black) off and on at the airport thru security (no laces to mess with)...but they do have a breaking in period so would only recommend to someone if they had a few weeks to wear them around first. I still remember when we first started selling them at the shoe store - I was wondering what the fuss was about as I thought they felt like a rain boot...well, after having so many people profess their love for them, I broke down and got a pair (after we had sold them for a few years) going back - on my 2nd pair in about 7-8 years - they wear like em and recommend them for most...

Posted by
60 posts

thank you all for the valuable advice, suggestions, experience, and tips! I have bought a pair of comfortable shoes today and hopefully it will be good for the trip. I tried wearing the Uggs yesterday all day and my feet were miserable. thank u all again and be well =)

Posted by
2081 posts

Stella JMG,

If you have footware you like to wear and you want to take, wear them all day or half-day on concrete or cobblestone. If you can handle them for a full day or so youre good to go (GTG). You an always bring another pair to change. Its what i do so my feet dont get tired - at least its how i feel it.

if you do get another pair of new shoes, make sure you break them in!

happy trails.

Posted by
60 posts

everyone who said the Uggs were not good for all-day 6+ hrs walking was absolutely 100% correct! tried and tested, my feet not only were in pain, but also my ankles and entire leg knees down. I have a bit of rheumatoid issues so definitely not good in the long run. =T thank u for keeping up with my posts! =)

thank u everyone again for the kind wishes! i sure will have a good time! and yes, i will leave a report when i come back and comment on my 1st adventure =)

Posted by
977 posts

As someone who comes from the home of the Uggs, great for around the house, but definitely not enough support or suitable to walk miles on cobblestones.

Posted by
15 posts

It very comfortable to wear uggs boot and walk all days.

I wear it to japan in winter for 3 weeks and I didn't feel any discomfort at all.

It so cosy and soft.

The only prob is if it rain heavily the boots will have a stain that wont go off even when the boots is dry up.

And if walk in the rain the whole day, the water will seep through and it look quite long to dry up uggs boots.

Posted by
60 posts

unfortunately as many people have mentioned earlier, 'regular' flat Uggs have no arch support so at the end they do hurt. I was walking around in them for 6+ hours shopping all day on flat cement to test it out and my entire legs knee down to the ankles were in pain. I went into the Ugg store at the end of the trip to ask a sales rep (who was also wearing Uggs walking/standing/selling all day to promote) if they were hurting him also, and he said "i dont tell customers this but i cant wait to take these damn things off bc they have no support and will hurt unless you have duck feet lol we sell in soles if you need". I politely declined and then he proceeded to sell me diff Uggs with better arch support made for walking/waterproof. =) i didn't buy them (they were $270!) and the shell was very hard although more arch support. A few days later, i tried on and bought a pair of waterproof mid-calf timberlands made for walking/hiking! cheaper and sooo comfortable! i highly recommend these!! cant wait til next week! once again, thank u everyone for sharing and your help! i will post about my experience once i get back =)

Posted by
9336 posts

I have seen so many people wearing Uggs when it snows and their feet looked drenched. This is not a boot for rain or snow, especially in a city where the snow turns to slush quickly. You would soon have wet, frozen feet.

Posted by
1 posts

I have been to Europe twice in the last two years. On my first trip, I bought a pair of Merrell walking/hiking shoes that were especially designed for the way a woman is built. Love them! They made traversing the hills and dales of Ireland easy and kept my feet warm and dry. Upon my recent trip last week, these came along as well as a pair of Alegria Belles. I wanted something that I could wear casually or also dress up should the need arise. I found that alternating between these shoes worked well. sometimes spending the day in the Merrells sighseeing and then changing into the Alergrias at night for dinner out. My feet often felt refreshed changing shoes, so that was nice. Take care of your feet and they will take you all the places you want to go!

Posted by
1010 posts

Ugg boots do not offer any support. We were just in New Zealand and Australia (October to November). I found it a real surprise about Uggs. Do you know that no one wears them outside of their house? Yes, the Uggs are made in Australia, yet the population only wears them inside their homes. My orthopedist told me not to ever wear them. My neighbor actually had problems, a few years ago, as she wore them everyday for awhile. I agree with the Nordstrom's suggestion. also offers Munro, Mephisto. which are great walking shoes. I bought a brand called La Canadienne from, about 7 years ago. They are made in Canada. also carries them. They are suede, waterproof, very comfortable and supportive.

Posted by
5678 posts

The subject of Ugg Boots came up in my NYC Manhattan office this past week. The general consensus was that were useless in winter and hot in summer. So, not something to where for any reason other a love of the style. In my view that means not when you're touring. :)


Posted by
63 posts

Last words on the topic? The elephant in the room is that Uggs are just pretty ugly. Don't travel with them for all the reasons discussed and for good fashion sense. The suede gets nasty with dirt and wear. They stink. They 're frumpy. There, I said it. I feel better. Just burn the Uggs, or wear them around the house and yard.

Posted by
1878 posts

This seems like the equivalent of wearing bedroom slippers or flip-flops on a Europe trip. Plenty comfortable in your living room, no arch support so not so good for serious walking of any sort. Of course, we saw people wearing flip-flops hiking the Napali coast, and they seemed to be making better time than we were, so what do I know?

Posted by
989 posts

Crystral - That might be your personal opinion, but I happen to love mine. I had foot surgery six weeks ago and they are the only thing I can wear that cushions the top of my foot. Thank goodness they are considered fashionable and do look good with jeans and leggings. Based on the number of compliments I get from strangers in the workplace, it's not just me.