I’m suppose to bring back (European) Beanie Babies as a souvenir for a young girl who collects them. How likely I am to find any ?
Where ? Airport / Train Gift shops ? Hallmark Stores ?
I know they have Hallmarks in London. We are also going to Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Venice, Lucerne, etc.
I don't want to spend a lot of time looking for BB, but I would like to get her a souvenier that she would like.
Ask someone at your hotel to point you in the right direction.
I know that there are Asia/Pacific, Canadian, & UK exclusives. I don't want to spend a lot of time looking as this is a souvenier for a young lady.
So if someone can give me an idea what type stores they've seeon them in, it would be appreciated.
If you're in London go to Hamley's one of the biggest toy stores in the world. They stock - EVERYTHING !