Hi all! Group of 3 - well versed travelers age 37, 33, and our mother 62
All in very good shape
I am looking for any tips or recommendations on our upcoming trip to Europe.
I am sure most will say this is too much but we are going to give it our best shot (as it is already booked)
All travel will be on the Eurail with exception of renting a car in the Dolomites to see family.
this was pulled from EXCEL
fly out Friday
arrive Barcelona 10:25am Saturday - Saturday night in barcelona 1-Jun sat
Sunday night in barcelona 2-Jun sun
leave barcelona monday 930am arrive Nice 530pm 3-Jun mon
Tuesday and Tuesday night in Nice 4-Jun tues
leave Nice Wednesday 800 am for Milan 5-Jun wed
leave Milan for Belluno 6-Jun thurs
leave Friday 600 am to venice then to Rome 7-Jun fri
rome Saturday 8-Jun sat
rome Sunday 9-Jun sun
leave Rome 730am for positano arrive around noon 10-Jun mon
Monday night and Tuesday night Positano 11-Jun tues
Wednesday and Wednesday night Positano 12-Jun wed
leave positano for naples Thursday night in Naples 13-Jun thurs
fly out of naples Friday 14-Jun fri
I know this is a lot but most is already all planned and booked
Milan/Dolomites/Belluno was added because we were able to coordinate time with family that we have never seen over there before and could not pass up - with a hopefully quick trip to Lago de Braies/Lake Misurina on our way down to Belluno
This is where we will have the vehicle, which we will pick up in Fortezza/Franzensfes on the 6th and drop off in Venice on the 7th
Other than that all travel will be through Eurail
any tips, tricks or recommendations will be much appreciated!