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two questions on Paris in March

Good day. I went through 7 pages of the thread, and could not find these two questions being asked, but if they have been, my apologies.

1: What is the “usual” weather like in Paris in mid to late March? Would we be able to walk around and not be chilly, or take that great river cruise?

2: What are the bathrooms like in Paris, ie public places?

Thank you very much!

Posted by
191 posts

The weather Underground has a "Trip Planner" which will show you historical weather patterns for the time you are interested in.

As to your second question, let me say that I am a male Senior Citizen on Flomax often in need of frequent pit stops, and on the occasion of my two visits to Paris and I never had a crisis.

Posted by
873 posts

Here are the averages for Paris in March: max=52F and min=37F. It may also rain as it is the beginning of the wet season. We were there in late April and it was in the 60's and we were most comfortable in a sweater and light jacket. You will most likely be able to walk around and be comfortable, however, bring light gloves, a light waterproof jacket, an umbrella, and a lovely scarf just in case (I always take my traveling hat with me, so bring one if you got it) and you should be in good shape.

As for bathrooms, we found them to be adequate. Did not really stand out as a problem.

Posted by
2349 posts

When we were there at the end of March 2008, we found Spring to be a little more advanced than Cincinnati. Greener, and more things in bloom. But it was still chilly and often rainy. Pick any Spring week in Columbus and you don't know what the weather will be from one day to the next. Same thing in Paris. Don't let it stop you-just prepare for it.

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8293 posts

There are over 400 of the "street toilets" (see photo above) in Paris. There used to be a charge of .50 euro but now they are free. After every use there is an automatic disinfecting washdown. Best to have a pack of Kleenex with you, though.

Posted by
1064 posts

I am sure the weather varies from year to year, but the weather was perfect while we were there for 10 days in mid-March this year. The leaves were just beginning to appear on the trees, but the sunshine and temperatures sure felt like spring. Of course, conditions could be worse in 2010, but I wouldn't expect it to be so bad that you would need a heavy coat in March. A light jacket and umbrella will probably be enough even if you do have a day or two of bad weather.
As for bathrooms, Paris is about like every other major city. There are ample public facilities throughout the city, the museums all have public restrooms, and every restaurant and cafe has restrooms for their customers. Plus, McDonald's "restaurants" are strategically located in several locations about the city. You don't have to buy their food to use their restrooms.

Posted by
2349 posts

I don't think you'd need a heavy coat. I used a lined raincoat in London, and Paris was warmer so I took out the lining. We did need scarves and gloves some of the time.

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8293 posts

Don't depend too much on the McDonald's toilet facilities unless you eat there. Some of them keep the bathroom doors locked and to get the key you must show your purchase receipt.

Posted by
69 posts

I was just in Paris late March of this year. Just about 8 hour stopover between Lyons and Frankfurt for business. I spent the entire day walking the city, wearing just a light jacket over a light wool sweater, and I was fine, so I am sure you will be, as I am unacustomed to cold weather, living in Houston.

The bathrooms are just like bathrooms everywhere else in the developed world.

Posted by
818 posts

my husband and son loved the "fresh air"urinals they found in french parks