It is with a heavy heart that I have to share that the tour organization that I've been working with has pulled the plug on the Deaf/ASL friendly tour of Europe (England, France, Germany, Austria, and Italy).
Which means I'm back at square one - again.
This is after several attempts - twice for study abroad (both the home university and the host university couldn't decide on who to pay for access services - the sign language interpreters), and four Deaf tour operators (the first one only focused on cruises, the second one only did one-country tours, the third one said yes, and then dropped the ball for 2-3 months and did nothing the following 9 months, and the current one, the fourth one, cancelled it upon having too few participants - we only needed 4 more!).
All 23 hearing tour operators (including RS) I asked said they could not provide accessibility in the form of an interpreter (taking a hearing tour would be akin to one of you taking a tour with a group whose language you do not speak). One tour did offer a minimal tour price reduction to make up for the fact that I wouldn't get anything out of the tour guides' knowledge and stories nor fellow travelers that aren't willing to go down the paper-and-pen route.
So, my question is, after seven years and multiple attempts, what would be next step to take?
Wait another year and go with #4 but on few back to back tours (which I can't afford as they are too far apart - even months apart)? Go and do London on my own and chalk up the rest to disappointment? Hope my eyesight holds out long enough to do one maybe two tours? Go with a hearing tour (like RS) and try not to be grump (which most likely will happen due to previous experience, being left out oftentimes)? Go on a cruise that has at least one US port (which means the ADA will come in effect and the ship line would be required to provide interpreters but at the tradeoff of limited time ashore)?
Any other options out there?