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Trial of Wanderlog and Tripit - Inspired by Trip Research Post!

Pam's Trip Research Post was AMAZING and it inspired me to test out Tripit and Wanderlog (Pro versions) both for this big trip I'm planning.

Sharing my experience with the setup and use for the first few steps. I used the desktop/browser version of both, cause that's just how I roll (less mobile action). I'll add at least another post as this one is full up!

Pro trial

Wanderlog: 1 week

Tripit: 30 days

Creating a new Trip (Trip Summary Input):


--requires a trip name

--does not require a destination to be selected

--dates (optional, can do later too)

--invite tripmates (can do later too)


--optional trip name

--requires one destination city only, this is confusing to me

--requires start and end dates

--can add "inner circle" folks you want to have your travel details (set up in mobile app)

Adding travelers


--email from app or copy link and provide to travelers

--if you provide the link, the travelers can't edit. They must sign up to edit.


--Can add manually, as part of initial setup

--Email or provide public link

Importing Reservation Data


--obscure email address for each trip; learned to add it as a contact to Gmail to keep the trips emails easily identifiable.

--hard to find the email address for each trip (but once you found it, it's easier thereafter)

--can't move reservation data between trips (that I've found yet)

--can't forward one email to two different Wanderlog trips (if you're doing your trip planning by segment)


--only one email address to send reservations to

--autocreates a trip based on dates of flight

--assumes new trip info goes into existing, need to create new trip before forwarding reservation emails

--however, if more than one trip in works, it sometimes figures out which correctly

--easy to move plans between trips, once you figure out the two ways to edit the "plan"

Importing flight info – used forward email to app


--confirmation had 4 people, only uploaded 1 name

--difficult to manipulate

--tried to add manually using one uploaded as template, no copy/paste and input screen was directly over the screen that reflected the uploaded one.


--read the confirmation correctly for 4 people

--easy to fix the auto-created trip, but finding where/how was not intuitive

--can manage flights by segment and apply to multiple trips (if segregating)

Posted by
388 posts




--everything is either a list, place or note

--list creation, customization and placement/movement is easy and visibly pleasing

--pre-populated list items is great for checklists (planning, packing etc)

--places - seem to need to be "google-able".

--adding places that are not found through the search is not easy

--Itinerary section - specifically for dates input

--auto calculates travel time between places input to itinerary

--"Optimize" button to reorganize the places in the itinerary section by distance/time and you can choose not to accept their optimization.

--Expense tracker; input/verify $ from reservations OR on selected places

--Use whatever currency you wish for the expense tracker, but has to be the same to be included in total (and doesn't do a exchange calculation)

--Can assign costs by person, equally, etc.


--everything is a “Plan”

--emailed plans can be cumbersome to assign and edit, but definitely doable

--free form plan input form for activities, lodging and transportation

--template plan input form for many types of actions on a trip

Initial Take Aways


--fairly intuitive

--not as customizable (adding Places can be frustrating)

--very flexible for moving plans, trying "days" out

--TONS of functionality


--not as intuitive, but really customizable and a workhorse once you get to know it.

--not as fancy

--requires more data entry (but also, has more data fields!)

--less functionality

--more for organization of established plans, not for the planning process


I'd tried Tripit about 5 years ago (and went with Sygic for my trip to Austria, which I liked ok). I hadn't heard of Wanderlog until Pam's post. I planned for Austria using Google Drive - Docs / Sheets and uploading PDFs.

I'm LOVING Wanderlog for the planning piece. It has already replaced my Google Drive approach.
But I may consider duplicating the finalized plans in TripIt for my husband to use on our trip as the no-nonsense details while I handle the adapting plans on the fly Wanderlog.

Posted by
3190 posts

Thank you melT for your research and comparison.

I don’t think I’m computer literate enough to make either work. For my one trip a year I’ll stick to my basic word docs for planning, email folders for confirmations and web bookmarks in specific folders for information. It’s worked (for me) since I started traveling in retirement.

Posted by
34595 posts

don't add another post - just answer this one and continue your quest

Posted by
15172 posts

Thank you for the kind words! I hope you don't mind but I added a comment and link onto the research organization thread to this post.

Really interesting comparison! I've not jumped either way yet....still just going with Googledocs using a table, but I'm also not doing anything real complicated for my next trip, lol.

Posted by
2931 posts

I love Wanderlog! I anded up paying for the pro version last year. Even though I have been to Iceland many times, this really helped me fine tune our trip last summer and I am using for our Norway trip this summer and our Christmas Market trip in December.

Posted by
8118 posts

One other comparison you might want to add is the map feature from both Wanderlog & TripIt. I like the Wanderlog map better.

Another perk of Wanderlog is being able to enter a city, and the options for restaurants pop up on their map with a nice colorful photo of a special dish and review ratings, etc. I just pulled up the small city of Spoleto, Italy, and now I don’t know how I will be able to choose only a couple of restaurants while I am there! Mouthwatering options! : ). As a person who travels solo on some trips, I want to know that my lodging has some restaurant choices near it before I book that one.

I currently have a paid Trip-It version and have recently been playing with the Wanderlog free version. I’ve loaded several trips on Trip-It since 2018. But my “go to” during my trip is still my two printed Excel pages - one with the complete information at a glance & the second with all of my transportation details since I ride a lot of trains.

I do like that my husband can add details in Trip-It when he runs across something or reserves a golf tee time.

Posted by
332 posts

I've been using TripIt™ for about 5 years, when my sister-in-law introduced me to it. When there was a sale on the pro version she let me know, so I upgraded. I used to use Google docs for my trips, but with so many these days – I just counted and I have 12 (!) upcoming trips in my TripIt account, including Korea, Scotland, Switzerland, Tennessee ... – I would lose my mind w/o TripIt. Also, when my husband says something like, "When is our flight to such and such a place?" he'll now answer himself and follow up with my usual reply: "Check TripIt" ;-)

It has helped us immensely to know when, say, the rental car doesn't line up with our flight's arrival, or the hotel stays overlap by mistake. Or when we've forgotten to book something we need to.

Posted by
2931 posts

Jean--You just made me realize something. For our trip next week to Amsterdam, we have done very little planning. Mostly just winging it as that is all I can do right now. So I wasn't even going to use Wanderlog for it, but you reminded me about the restaurant tip there. So guess what I will be doing today;) It wont' take long since not much is planned, but it will be fun to poke around on it while on the plane this week.

Posted by
388 posts

I've learned more about both apps from this thread, thanks! I'll add replies as I continue to work through this and also have promised another member I'll include the on the ground (i.e. on our trip) reflections about them too!

Posted by
1473 posts

Thanks for the breakdown. I need to find one that will easily work for me (Tripit, Wonderlog, I've had a Tripit account for years, just never used it. Word & Excel has been my go to. March 2026 I will begin my Slow Travel of visiting multiple countries in a 5 - 6 month blocks prior to returning to the U.S. for a few weeks to a month. Will be bouncing from country to country after a 28 - 30 night stay.

Posted by
2931 posts

Jean--Thank goodness I put all our plans on Wanderlog yesterday. I realized I had a couple restaurant reservations messed up. One I had written down, but could not find in emails etc, so emailed them to double check. All was good, but I had a few others written down for wrong days etc. So this got me squared away! I still need to use it for making the most of sense of what to visit on what days, lumping things near each other. And the day trips that we know we are going, but have zero plans, or even train times etc.

Posted by
388 posts


I've left Trip it behind, at least for now and with my crazy brain in the planning stage.

Wanderlog let's you set up Sections and then items under each section, so for my Iceland trip, in trying to figure out how long in each region, I created a section for each region of Iceland and then put the places and notes in each, then I could use the map to see the pins (all the same color in each section) to get a sense of how close and how much in each region.

Now that I've finalize the dates for each region, I've moved those places/notes to the Itinerary dates and those that were left (things we may want to see if we have time etc), I've moved all of those to a Things to See section and deleted the Region Sections.

For Paris, I have added a section of Restaurants and am putting all those I find that look good or were recommended and then they show up on the map around the sights we'll be visiting so I can see what's close by when we're ready to eat!

Incidentally, although we are on one long trip, I separated the trip into Segments (Iceland, Barcelona, Paris and Colmar/Belgium) so I could focus better.

Will keep adding commentary as I work through this.

Posted by
3638 posts

What a great thread! I have not used either app, but would like to find something better than my Word doc printed out. In 2025, we ramp up our travel with a 5-6 week trip to Japan and I need something better than Word. I look forward to others adding to this post.

Posted by
11841 posts

I will give Wanderlog a try but can’t give up TripIt as I have used it so long, all over the world.

Posted by
2931 posts

Even though I know Iceland so well after multiple trips, I still found Wanderlog so helpful for our latest trip last summer! It was really good as far as drive times etc.

Posted by
8118 posts

MelT, thank you for continuing with updates and ideas as you’re using Wanderlog! I’m using TripIt on this trip, but have some ideas of using Wanderlog for restaurants when we want ideas. I may switch over for the May trip, and I like your idea of separate “trips” since I will have three major sections in Italy over the month.

Mikliz97, you’ve certainly had a stressful year. Be kind to yourself and allow this trip to be one that feeds your soul with relaxing beauty and slow dinners.

Posted by
1107 posts

Very interesting thread, thanks melT, but I'm wondering if I want to deal with the frustration of adding another app to my travels! This was an EXCELLENT thread and so well researched, have bookmarked it for the future!
Question about the restaurant feature -

Another perk of Wanderlog is being able to enter a city, and the
options for restaurants pop up on their map with a nice colorful photo
of a special dish and review ratings, etc.

How is this any different from Google maps? I guess Wanderlog adds a photo of fav dishes, but if I click on a restaurant in Google I can look at something similar, or am I missing something?

Posted by
388 posts

Sandancisco - I'm not sure how it's going to be "on the ground", I haven't used it on a trip yet, but what I'm doing is adding all the recommended restaurants in the areas I'm going to be on our trip into the app, so yes, I could google, but this way, I already have pre-screened restaurants I know are recommended and a bit about them. When we're ready to eat, I open the app, see what I input that's near and off we go!

I'll report back - not leaving until June.

Posted by
388 posts

Hi All!

Update on my trials with both Wanderlog and Tripit.

This last weekend I made a spontaneous trip to LA to meet a friend from Japan who was visiting the US (ironically missing the Wanderlog and Tripit demonstrations that I had planned for originally).

I loaded both apps with my flight, hotel and transportation. I didn't plan any specific "sites" in advance as we tagged along with my friend (they did the planning!).

Tripit alerted me, before the airlines that my flight had been delayed. Tripit also alerted me more frequently than the airlines with the updated departure time (ultimately a 3 hour delay). Wanderlog did not. I'm not sure if that's a setting that I had not enabled, but I suspect given the way Wanderlog ingests the flight emails, it's just not their "thing".

But once in LA, I found myself using Wanderlog more often due to its google integration. It was super easy to find and add sites on the fly. And the directions option between the hotel and a site (once I added it), were extremely helpful for walking distances.

Tripit once again alerted (reminded) me to check in to Southwest, which was really helpful, I totally had forgotten to do that.

I had suspected I'd like to use both apps on our big trip this summer - and this short demonstration confirmed that it would be great to have my husband use Tripit for the important details of flights, hotels and booked-in-advance transportation while I manage the sites, transportation/direction between sites, details and changes in the daily itineraries in Wanderlog.

Posted by
4657 posts

I am just catching up with this now, and after attending the Zoom demo on Saturday, this is a helpful reference for their uses. Coming back to explain how you used it on the ground this weekend is also helpful. Thanks.

Posted by
1408 posts

In the past, I used Excel, Word and Dropbox to prepare for a trip and then typed in my itinerary into my phone. During the actual trip, I would amend the calendar each day adding notes to show what I actually did and use it as a form of diary.

I downloaded both Wanderlog and Tripit to test them out. I also found many articles comparing the two apps. I plan on using one of these apps for our upcoming trip to Japan in October.

Both apps can be used for free. If you want the pro features, you have to pay an annual subscription. The price can vary depending on the offers. Expect to pay about $30-60 per year. There's enough functionality in the free versions to make them useful.

I'm already a bit wary that both apps storing all of my inputted itinerary information. I draw the line at forwarding my travel related emails to the app. I'm concerned of a possible security breach and that there may be access to my other personal emails.

I do not care for notifications from either app and have turned them off. Some people have complain that Tripit will inundate you with repetitive notifications. I would prefer to rely on the dedicated airline or hotel apps for notifications. Usually, you get the best discounts by booking direct through the dedicated apps.

IMO, Tripit strikes me as more of a business travel app. The itinerary looks boringly simple. However, within each event, you can input a lot of your customized data, like how much time you plan to spend at the event, the attendees, notes, photos etc. However, all of this requires a lot of time and input on the part of the user.

You can fill in an attraction like "Tokyo Tower" and Tripit will automatically fill in the address location and add it to the map and directions. However, there is no other useful information like website, photo, telephone or days and hours of operation unless you input it yourself. To make changes, you have to click the event and re-type the new date, time, etc.

One nice feature of Tripit is that you can transfer your itinerary into your Google calendar. However, it is not a sync (perhaps that is only available in the paid version). Changes in Google calendar do not sync back to Tripit. Changes in Tripit require you to retransfer the itinerary. You then end up with multiple calendar events. ithin There is also a lot of cluttered info from Tripit in the calendar events. Nice idea, but my calendar is more important to me.

Wanderlog strikes me as more of a vacation travel app. The user interface is more pleasing to the eye and easier and more fun to use.

Once you type in "Tokyo Tower" you can select and add it to your things to do list which can be broken up into different groups or categories. Wanderlog will automatically add a photo, address, telephone number, website link, days and hours of operation and a concise description. The app also has a map, directions and AI Assistant and guides to help planning..

Once you compile a list of attractions, you can easily move or drag and drop the individual attractions into a particular day to prepare a detailed itinerary.

Within each day, you can group the attractions that you want to do and wanderlog can create the best route for you to follow including travel times.

Wanderlog cannot transfer events into the calendar. I have to manually do that.

I have decided to use Wanderlog. It is already preferred by my adult kids who will accompany us on the Japan trip.

I will use Wanderlog to plan and create an itinerary of what I expect to do. Other than my flights and hotels, I will leave my calendar blank before the trip. During the trip, I will fill in the actual things that I do in the calendar. That way I will preserve a permanent record or diary of my final itinerary and notes for the trip.

Eventually, I will delete the trip from the app and hopefully Wanderlog will not keep a record of my personal information.

Posted by
9088 posts

Trip-It has saved me from grief with its timely notifications of cancelled or changed flights. For example, I was flying from Seattle to Slovenia for a tour. I was notified at 2 am the day of flight that a strike was causing the leg from Frankfurt on to be cancelled. The airline app still had the flight going strong! I called the airline right away and because I had been notified so early, I was able to get rerouted for an arrival near my original arrival time. My departure time had to be moved up by 4 hours! I was at the airport checking in for my new rerouted flight when the airline app finally notified me that my other flight had been cancelled......... I arrived on time and ready for my tour.

It also does a great job with gate changes, etc. I do pay for the pro version and find it worth every penny. I love being able to go back and see where I stayed 3 years ago or look up info from past trips. I love being to access and organize multiple trips at once. I just checked and I have 8 (gulp) trips that I am currently in the midst of planning. Having them all in one spot is great. I also upload scanned copies of documents as well.

Posted by
5653 posts

Tripit strikes me as more of a business travel app

Excellent observation. I used TripIt while I was working as part of our "Concur" suite of expense management program. It was highly efficient at helping me to track my more-than-weekly business trips, with flights, hotels and car rentals.

Your comment caused me to dig further and find this ownership:

"SAP Concur is an American SaaS company providing travel and expense management services to businesses."
Note: SAP Concur owns TripIt.

After many years of using TripIt, I had forgotten about it after 2020 and have just picked it up again. I'm using it in conjunction with OneNote, where I enter all my, well, notes about my travels.

I haven't quite settled on how I will use the two together, but the features I am immediately finding the most helpful are:

The calendar view in Google (the free version does synch, it's just not immediate, usually a matter of hours) which I can click on or off at will.

Not having to manually enter any calendar information (nor does my Dad, who picks me up at airports and my Mom who "needs" to know where I am during my solo travels.)

Leaving the details of reservations to TripIt: reservation numbers, etc.

Letting TripIt manage itinerary changes, such as flight updates (I'll comment further on this in a separate post)

Posted by
5653 posts

*One nice feature of Tripit is that you can transfer your itinerary into your Google calendar. However, it is not a sync (perhaps that is only available in the paid version).

There are multiple ways that you can use TripIt with your calendar.

One method is a one time feed that writes into your calendar. That version does not synch with any future changes in TripIt.

Another method is a link to a read-only version of a calendar that only has the info from TripIt. This would be great for someone who just wants to view your itinerary.

A third method is an ongoing (but not real-time, not immediate) synch feature with the email address that you provide to TripIt. You set this up in your calendar, using the link that Tripit provides. Each time the synch refreshes (usually every few hours) the latest information from TripIt is displayed. It's just not immediate. If you want to see "the latest" you can do that in TripIt. For some, this may be confusing and may seem like it's "not working." But when you look again "after a while" everything will have been updated to the calendar. (I think this is more a function of the way calendars process feeds, than a function of TripIt. But that's me guessing.)

Example: when I changed a dining reservation from 5:30 to 6pm in OpenTable, the email went to the address I had given to Tripit. Soon thereafter (but not immediately) the time change was reflected in my TripIt calendar feed.

Each of these methods is available in the free version that I use.

"Changes in Google calendar do not sync back to Tripit.*
Correct, TripIt provides a one-way feed to calendars, whichever method you use.

Posted by
1408 posts

CWSocial, thanks for explanation about calendar sync in tripit.

Here is an example of one sample Tripit event as it appears in my calendar after syncing:

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (3 hrs)

Tokyo Tower; 4-chōme-2-8
Shibakōen, Minato City, Tokyo 105
0011, Japan

View and/or edit details in TripIt

12:00 PM JST
[Activity] Activity
4-chōme-2-8 Shibakōen, Minato City,
Tokyo 105-0011 (SMS), Japan
12:00pm to 3:00pm

TripIt - organize your travel a***

That is a lot of clutter and repetition. And there is an unwanted promotional link to tripit in every synced Tripit event.

If I were to use this, I would delete most of the clutter and then replace it with my own personal notes and comments during my trip and drag and drop the timed calendar event on the fly (if I run late or early). Then I would have a permanent diary or journal of my trip. If I were to do another sync transfer, Tripit would create a multiple events mess in my calendar or possibly delete my amended calendar events.

One work around would be for me to make my personal notes within Tripit and sync it one-way into my calendar, but I would still have to deal with the clutter in every single event when I sync. Plus, I am opposed to sharing my private and personal comments in the tripit app. It took me a long time to trust Google calendar (no choice). I try to limit the sharing of private information with other apps and sites as much as possible.

Posted by
5653 posts

I do see the TripIt links when I click on any of the feed events on my calendar.

I don't see the type of duplication that you're displaying. That looks like multiple events to me, as they each have different times - one is a single time, the other is a 3 hour window. Is it possible they are duplicates in TripIt?

I agree that if you wanted a permanent record of your trip, with no further synchs, an export from TripIt could be the way to go.

Posted by
1408 posts

CW, it is just a single event. When Tripit transfers the event to my calendar app, it automatically fills in the title, date, time and location fields. And it also repeats most of this information along with the links in the Notes field.

I've been using my Calengoo calendar app (which syncs with Google calendar) for almost 14 years. Calengoo is a very powerful and reliable app. I'm not going to change it now.

Anyways, If I'm going to switch from my old way, I'm only going to use one trip planning app. Wanderlog is so much more fun to use.

Posted by
8118 posts

My TripIt details for my upcoming trip are fresh in my mind since I have been working on aspects of the trip almost everyday. Sometimes it’s just anticipating it! ; ). Anyway, I saw this is a comment:

”You can fill in an attraction like "Tokyo Tower" and Tripit will automatically fill in the address location and add it to the map and directions. However, there is no other useful information like website, photo, telephone or days and hours of operation unless you input it yourself.”

I never bother filling in websites, etc. on my listings. I only care about the address at this point in my planning and whether I made or paid for a reservation. I just rechecked because I remember seeing them, and yes, I have many websites for both activities and restaurants that TripIt auto-populated. There are some obscure B&B’s with no website - something I would expect.

I certainly agree with you “Carol now retired”! That was my favorite feature of TripIt I highlighted in the demonstration, and it has saved us frustration by not driving to the airport at the expected time because a flight is delayed several hours. I have both the Delta app and the paid TripIt app. I receive the notice from TripIt much sooner than Delta everytime!

Posted by
1408 posts

My old way was to search for the attraction website, address etc. I would have to manually copy the link and other information into my spreadsheet or calendar. Having this useful information instantly available when you click an attraction in Wanderlog is very convenient.

The little photo and brief description may not sound like much. However, as I am compiling my list of temples to visit in Japan, the Japanese names are starting to blur in my mind and it helps to see the photo and description.

The days and hours of operation for an attraction seem like overkill. However, when I drag and drop it, wanderlog will warn me if the attraction is closed on that particular day.

I'm still playing with the app. When I drag and drop five attractions into one day in the itinerary, wanderlog will provide me with the estimated time to travel between each one according to the order that I arranged them. It really helps me to figure out whether I can reasonably fit all that stuff in even before I start estimating how much time I need to spend in each attraction. If you pay for the subscription, I think that wanderlog will re-arrange the order of the attractions so that the route is optimized. Nifty, but I'm not convinced that I will pay for this, yet.

Wanderlog has an AI Assistant, travel guides and information, including suggested itineraries from others. This makes it very easy to research hotels, attractions, restaurants, etc and add them to your list. It is a nice complement to other tools like Google, TripAdvisor, and Expedia.

I don't work for Wanderlog. I have not paid for the pro version of the app and I probably never will. Right now, I just find the app a lot of fun to use. On the other hand, when I use Tripit, the experience is about as fun as filling in my old spreadsheet, only I have to do a bit more clicking to find the correct field to fill in the data.

Posted by
388 posts

One thing Ive taken note of about Wanderlog is the need to actually use the website of the sight , when you are planning, for the days and hours of operation.

It seems like a no brainer, but I’ve gotten tripped up more than once when one of the sights I put in the daily itinerary indicates it is closed. I was planning in winter for a trip to Iceland in the summer!

So the feature is nice, but not reliable in the planning stage. NOW, when Im actually there this summer, I expect the hours to be extremely useful for restaurants etc! We’ll see!

Posted by
1408 posts

I continue to discover new features in Wanderlog as I test and use it for our Japan trip.

I had mentioned that when I added a thing to my list of things to do or itinerary, Wanderlog generated a photo and brief description associated with that thing.

It turns out when I click the picture and swipe, I can view multiple photos of the thing.

And when I scroll down, there are dedicated buttons for TripAdvisor, Google, Google Maps and directions. And if available, wanderlog will also often include the website for that thing. It is so convenient to just tap the button which instantly takes you to the applicable web page for that thing/place/attraction/restaurant/location, etc without having to repeatedly re-type the name to do different types of searches on the different sites.

There are five of us going to Japan and we are all sharing the same wanderlog trip. We have set up four sections for Tokyo, Kyoto, Kinosaki and Osaka.

Each of us can easily add things and type in our notes about the thing. Everything is shared. It is very easy to rearrange the order of the things by drag and drop; I focus on priority and vicinity.

I can then select multiple things and move, copy or delete them into or within a particular day in the itinerary.

Based on the order that I arranged, wanderlog will then draw the route and calculate the travel time between each thing and the total travel time. The paid version will also optimize the route by rearranging the order of your things. I usually limit the number of things that I do in a day, so it is easy enough for me to arrange the route that suits me without the need for the paid version.

Cons/wish list:

  1. I have not yet figured out a way to search my itinerary. For example, I unable to search for Mount Fuji in my list or itinerary. I just have to scroll and look for it manually. Perhaps a search function is in the pro version.

  2. When you first start using the app, there are lots of tips pop-ups every time you try something new which is really annoying. There is already a help link if you need assistance. The app is so intuitive to use that I find the tips are unnecessary and get in the way. There's no way to turn off these tips. However, once you have completed a new task and as you become more proficient, all the tips will eventually stop.

  3. I'm being a bit picky, but it would be nice to be able to rearrange the days in the itinerary. EDIT: Never mind, I figured it out.

  4. It would be nice to have the option to export Wanderlog into a calendar, spreadsheet, Word or pdf.

  5. Wonderlog has an expense splitting function. However, it is very basic and does not seem to handle changes in currency very well. I will continue to use Splid (also free).

Posted by
388 posts

Funpig, I like your wish list for Wanderlog!

I have another few:

While I absolutely love the map to the right, especially for planning based on vicinity (did you know you can pick which lists you want to show?), sometimes i want to hide it so I can see the lists sections wider.

And also the location details from google pop up so large it obscures the map!

Posted by
5653 posts

Yes to both of your Wanderlog wish lists! I've decided to try it for my November trip to Spain.

I wish that Google Map panel could go away.

I'm also wishing that I could see a summary version of my activities by day. Just a bullet list without all the details. As a hack, I'm adding my top sight for that day into the subheading, but that's clunky.

ETA: the "compact view" sort of gives me what a want .... I guess I just wish it was even more compact.

Posted by
5653 posts

It would be nice to have the option to export Wanderlog into a calendar, spreadsheet, Word or pdf.

funpig, I thought I remembered seeing this. In the upper right of the activity panel (very near to the panel with the map) are three dots. One option if you click on that menu is to "Print this trip." You can print to a pdf file, assuming you have one installed on your laptop.

Within that same menu is a "Collapse all sections" and "Expand all sections" menu item. Your printed/pdf version will match that setting.

Posted by
5653 posts

There's no way to turn off these tips.

Aha, I found it!

The next time you are seeing a tip, click on the "settings" (gear icon) in the upper right within the tip window and click on "Don't show any tips."

Posted by
388 posts

Regarding top versus secondary sights - I first tried adding them to the day as places with a note about it being tentative. But they still figured into the timing and optimization. Which was ok, for the first pass so I could see the slow day and the high energy day. But it started to feel like a maximizer exercise.

So then I figured out to create a New List (Secondary Priority) that houses all the secondary sights that I'd like to prioritize (and moved the those from the Places to Visit list), and only have the top sights in my daily itinerary. I have added a note before my first top sight of the day with some general notes and the additional sights that were in the vicinity should we have extra time and energy.

Then, when I'm doing the final day checks, I use the Map Layers to select the Itinerary day I'm reviewing and the Secondary Priority sights, and even the Places to Visit lists. Just make sure the colors and symbol of the icons are unique so you can tell which are your priority. I even added in all the recommended restraurants so I can turn that layer on. And, also I've added train stations/bus stops too. I might have overdone it (maximizer at heart).

I imagine (we'll see!) that this work will make the actual day of travel super easy, I just make sure I manage the Map Layers accordingly.

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1408 posts

CWSocial, thanks. The print to PDF function is only found in the web browser version of Wanderlog. After I generated the PDF, I used Adobe Acrobat and was able to convert the PDF to both an Word document and an xl spreadsheet. Not too shabby. It would still be nice to be able to export directly into Calendar. I'm being particularly picky considering I haven't even paid for the pro version yet.

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8 posts

Have really appreciated all this input. I've used TripIt several times, free version only. As you say, it is kind of a "no frills workhorse", but it has done the job. After seeing the kudos to Wanderlog, I am trying it as a parallel's what I'm seeing:

  • Hotel forwarding--OMG, it has a hard time with these, especially the confirmation that is in German. I am trying it again, and I see the computer just keep buffering. Why is it having such a hard time?!? HOPE it can finally take it onboard; if not, my only option seems to be adding it as a "Place" and adding notes include all my reservation info. But the two I forwarded earlier drew a "We couldn't parse this email" response & required manual entry. While the budgeting spot is nice, I do NOT see much info auto-visible, like check in/out times, room type, etc. I'll have to manually add those to the "Notes" section. Hmmm.....really not seeing the "intuitive" side of the app yet.
  • *PLACES* seem to be the spots I plan to visit during the day, correct? But tell me this: If I want to use these routed stops as my "walk" for the day, I don't think these include all the history & info about each site automatically. If this is the case, then GPS My City seems like a better choice for that. It will route my walk/attractions AND give me a few paragraphs of summary history/info--so it could be a truly self-guided walk, and it looks like nearby restaurants, etc., pop up on the maps, too. I also like Visit A City, but it is more limited on the attractions/sites it has to pick from. (I can manually add new ones, but then have no included descriptions/info for that site.)
  • And how do you add the Trip Insurance? Just in a list or note? No standard category for anything except Lodging & Transportation-types. .....See? I am just on the basic setup and frustrated TripIt may be partner-less this trip!..

My Takeaways:
- This may not be the app for me, based on the challenges of simply getting the major Lodging components entered. The flights seemed to go in well, but the rest really has been surprisingly complicated. Certainly more than it should be! I mean, it's supposed to SIMPLIFY my planning!!
- For those who've actually used Wanderlog to preplan your daily itinerary/places (if I understand that right), do you ONLY use it for mapping the locations? I really like having helpful information (vs the 2-liner quick description that pops up) right with the sights. Is this the app for that type of usage??


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8 posts

Just adding an update: My Salzburg hotel, whose correspondence is all in German, just got its forwarded email bumped back to me 3 times by the postmaster. Outlook apparently doesn't like the email address, and between that and the German text, it is refusing to try to forward it again. Sheesh!

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1408 posts

Julz, use whatever works for you.

I chose not to use the email forwarding function in both Tripit and Wanderlog. I just manually type in the hotel name.

As I typed in Wanderlog, the app would give me a drop-down list of suggested matching hotels. I just click the applicable one and the app would automatically populate the correct name, address and telephone information, etc. Then I fill in the dates and add the confirmation number if I choose. On the other hand, in Tripit, I would need to manually type in the full name, address and telephone number, date, etc. There is no auto-fill.

I'm not sure what problem you're having with Places in Wanderlog. Perhaps if you give me one example of a place that you want to visit and I will do a search on my Wanderlog to tell you what information I can see for your particular place.

For example, if I type in "Fortress Hohensalzburg", the app automatically provides me with multiple choices of photos for that particular place, a google rating of 4.7*, a brief description, address, telephone number, the official website, hours of operations and quick link buttons for Google, Google Maps, Directions, TripAdvisor specific to the Fortress to get detailed information. It is easy to copy or move the place to a specific date or time in the itinerary. The Wanderlog app allows me to add my personal notes for that attraction. I can even put down who paid how much for the attraction and the app can split the cost between the co-travelers.

You can add as many different customized lists as you want. So If you want, you can create one for travel insurance, rental cars, friends you want to visit, notes, links to website, etc.

I'm not trying to convince you to use Wanderlog. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Do what makes you happy.

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8 posts

funpig, and other posters, I figured out a few things:
- I took the Rick Steves walking tour of Munich and entered it into Wanderlog, each spot being a new "Place". However, in order to make the general ROUTE match up, I had to add, say, "Kaufingerstrasse" as one of the places. It was not on their list--but a pin showed up on the map. If I liked it, there was a red tab to "add to trip". Worked like a charm--so I can add things that aren't on their predetermined list! Gave me extra "Places", but kept the route where I wanted it to be. As someone noted, I'll have a record of what we saw on our walk...and I'll be able to add impressions, etc, in the Notes section under each Place name.
- On the hotels, when Wanderlog couldn't parse the info, I added the hotel, then basically copied and pasted my email content into the NOTES section of the entries. Makes for a looooong listing for each, but I have complete info. At top of notes, I put the Conf# and the check in/check out times. It will work fine for a backup info spot.
- I plan to use gpsmycity to organize a few other walks. I explained poorly, but in that app....say I want to visit Marienplatz. The APP plots it on a walk, and as I come up to each pin, it gives me 2-4 paragraphs of history/info about the place. It has a creepy computer-generated voice that could READ it to me, but I prefer to read it myself. That way I don't have to have additional notes, etc., for each site--it's part of the app itself, and I really like that function. But see my second listing below--is there a way to add some additional "maybe also see" sights to my Wanderlog, to show up around the must-see sights I've chosen??

Current befuddlements:
- Still can't figure out how to add my Travel Insurance in a logical spot. If you "attach" anything, it forces you to go PRO. May just have to put that in TripIt, tho I'll keep playing with this stuff.
- Now, I THOUGHT I read that someone put additional sites/prechosen restaurants, etc., into a list of some sort, and the pins for those would show up around the selected Places.....I'd like to put my also-ran choices on such a list, so if we have extra energy or time, we can scoot over to another nearby place, without going elsewhere for info. Can someone re-explain that to me??
So it's coming along. Thanks so much for all the helpful info on Wanderlog, everyone.
JulzAbroad :o)

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1408 posts


  1. I am only going to use Wanderlog for research and planning itinerary, including notes before the trip. For keeping a journal or detailed notes of what I actually do each day during the trip I will continue to use my Calengoo app which syncs with Google calendar. I've been using the latter calendar apps for about 14 years and I trust that this information will always be preserved in the future. On the other hand, I cannot trust that Wanderlog will be around or that they will preserve my information without eventually making me pay for the long-term storage of multiple trips.

  2. I have a workaround where I do not attach any pdfs in Wanderlog and I avoid having to pay for the pro version. Regarding insurance, I can store any insurance documents in a subfolder in my Dropbox . I can create a new section in Wanderlog and call it "Insurance". In the notes part of this Insurance section, I can insert or share a link from my Dropbox subfolder or the individual insurance documents. That way I can access these documents by clicking the link without needing to pay for the pro Wanderlog version. You could do this with as many sections and folders/documents as you want.

Good luck.

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1962 posts

For documents, I create a "Travel" folder in OneDrive. (I'm an Android user.) I have an icon pointing to that folder on my phone's home screen. Any documents I think I may need, I make available offline. I put my travel insurance info, boarding passes, eTickets, copy of my passport, proof of vaccination, anything I think I might need a backup of. I delete as I go so it doesn't get too cluttered and so I can use the same folder for each new trip.

I imagine you could use the same strategy with Dropbox.

I use Wanderlog mainly for keeping track of my itinerary while planning and while traveling. I do have the paid version, so I can upload documents to Wanderlog too, but I find it simpler to keep all my documents in an easily accessible folder.

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388 posts

JulzAbroad;o) - thank you for all your posts sharing what you've learned and asking questions!

I can address two of your questions.

The first is the travel insurance - I have Pro, and so I don't know the limitations of what you're dealing with trying to add it as an attachment. But in Pro I can upload any attachment and also, link it to a place (or multiple places if you link from the place rather than the attachment). That's where I will upload my travel insurance (haven't done it yet). My version has some specific attachment sections: flights, transit, and hotels and lodging. But there's also a "General Attachments" section. I actually think the system creates these as you upload the attachments as I don't have the transit attachment section on another trip without any transit, but DO have a rental car section!

You also asked about my approach for adding all the secondary sites (and also did this for all restraurant recommendations), so when we are in an area, I can select the secondary site layer in the map and it will show me what I input that is nearby. Again, not sure if it's only functionality with Pro, but I use the + sign to add "New List", then I title the list such as "Barcelona - Secondary Sites" or "Barcelona - Restaurants" and then I add Places under that list. To clarify, I'm not talking about adding a list under an existing list (like you can do for checklists). I'm talking about the higher level New List.

I have a lot of lists to organize the places. You can reorder the lists too which is nice!

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388 posts

PS - I've also learned to change the icon for places - there are 16 different colors and 11 different icons. So, for example, in my daily itinerary, I have all the icons showing as one color, so if I have all the itinerary day layers selected in the map, I can tell by color places are each day. I have all my restaurants with a red knife/fork icon.

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388 posts

On the Tripit front - I originally created a trip for each destination, but then realized (especially since I'm testing Wanderlog at the same time and used that same strategy) I would like to see ALL my travel docs in one place so I wondered if I could merge the seperate Tripit destination trips together and YES. YOU. CAN. And it's SUPER easy.

However, the downside, I realized is that I would really like to see the total cost/budget for the whole trip too. Tripit, unless I missed it, does not have the cost/budget functionality like Wanderlog, which is helpful.

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388 posts

UPDATE: I'm two weeks out from departure and I'm updating Tripit for all the details and uploading the documents to each "plan".

It seems like it would be a great enhancement for the email you forward to Tripit to by default become the first attachment. Some emails for reservations (particularly for tickets I've noticed) will include two attachments, one a receipt/confirmation and one the tickets. When I forward those emails to Tripit, I'd love to see all three documents automatically associated with the plan item.

For now it's laborious, but great that you can upload multiple documents to the plan item so I can have all my documentation. UPDATE: Tripit limits attachments to 25 per trip.

I've noticed in Wanderlog, the email you forwarded becomes an attachment, but you can't access any of the attachments within the email, nor can you attach more than one attachment for that particular item.

(updated a few hours later)

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388 posts

UPDATE - Still loading attachments to both apps.

I learned I can add more than one attachment to Wanderlog, it's just not intuitive.

Funny observation

I was wanting to send my Dad a copy of our itinerary, but I couldn't decide which app itinerary to use. For the base info of planes, trains, automobiles and lodging, I'd send the one from TripIt. But I know my Dad would be interested in looking up all the sights we'd be visiting and I did not enter all those in Trip it.

So I decided on sending the Wanderlog, but it's a difficult choice on which version of Wanderlog. You can choose the View Only mode and collapse the sections like To Dos and Places to Visit, but it does not show the lodging confirmations and transportation details, which I want my Dad to have. But printing the normal view includes the Budget which I'm a little sensitive to showing (he is very frugal) and all the details, which might be a little too much.